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The WikiTeq Calendar

A Maintenance Schedule for MediaWiki

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Welcome to MediaWiki Maintenance

Dive into the essentials of keeping your MediaWiki installation robust, secure, and efficient.

Scope of Presentation

We'll explore the importance of maintenance, tackle common challenges, and guide you through a comprehensive maintenance schedule.

What to Expect

Gain insights into maintenance tasks, their cadence, and the strategic approach to a well-maintained MediaWiki environment.

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Importance of Maintenance


Ensuring System Health

Regular maintenance is pivotal for the ongoing health, security, and performance of MediaWiki installations.

Risk Mitigation

Neglecting maintenance can expose systems to security vulnerabilities, data loss, and degraded performance.

Maintenance as a Necessity

Proactive maintenance is not optional; it's a critical investment in the stability and reliability of your MediaWiki environment.

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Debating the Necessity


Myth vs. Reality

Tackling common misconceptions that maintenance is optional or only reactive.

Prevention Through Maintenance

Examples where regular maintenance averted potential issues, enhancing performance and security.

Consequences of Neglect

Illustrating the real-world impact of neglected maintenance, including system failures and security breaches.

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Challenges in Maintenance

Time Constraints

Complexity and Expertise

Evolving Software Landscape

Administrators often juggle multiple tasks, making dedicated time for maintenance challenging.

The technical complexity of MediaWiki and its extensions can require specialized knowledge.

Keeping up with the rapid pace of updates and security patches presents a continuous challenge.

Administrators often juggle multiple tasks, making dedicated time for maintenance challenging.

The technical complexity of MediaWiki and its extensions can require specialized knowledge.

Keeping up with the rapid pace of updates and security patches presents a continuous challenge.

Administrators often juggle multiple tasks, making dedicated time for maintenance challenging.

The technical complexity of MediaWiki and its extensions can require specialized knowledge.

Keeping up with the rapid pace of updates and security patches presents a continuous challenge.

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Benefits of a Maintenance Schedule


Simplification of Processes

A structured schedule breaks down complex tasks into manageable, routine activities.

Risk Reduction

Regularly scheduled maintenance tasks minimize the risk of security breaches and system downtime.

Continuity and Reliability

Ensures the MediaWiki environment remains stable, up-to-date, and reliable for users.

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Visual Maintenance Timeline



Monthly & Bimestrially



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Visual Maintenance Timeline


Monthly and Bimestrial Tasks

Server package checks

Updates to extensions and skins

Log reviews

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Visual Maintenance Timeline


Quarterly Tasks

Site analysis

Security updates on core

Check backups, caches & monitors

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Visual Maintenance Timeline


Semiannual Tasks

Site performance and security checks

Disk space cleanup & general wiki maintenance

Test restore from backup

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Visual Maintenance Timeline


Updates to extensions, skins, composer dependencies

Update server packages

Check server logs

Site analysis

Check backups

Check caches

Security updates on core

Check monitors

Check site performance

Check site security

Disk space cleanup

Test restore from backup

General wiki maintenance










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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks

Proactive • Holistic • Continuous


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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (monthly)

Updates to extensions and skins


Performance Impact

Evaluate extensions for their impact on site performance and user experience.

Security and Updates

Ensure extensions are free from known vulnerabilities, maintaining the overall security posture of your MediaWiki installation.

Best Practice:

  • Back up your configuration and data before performing updates.
  • Utilize version control (e.g. Git) for managing changes and rollbacks.

Systematic Approach:

Stay informed about new releases and updates for extensions and skins and deploy updates systematically.

This also includes updating composer dependencies.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (monthly)

Updates to extensions and skins (Docker)


Updating Docker Images

For Docker-based wikis, update the latest docker image label in the configuration file.

Handling External Extensions and Skins

Add extensions and skins not included in the docker image as submodules, ensuring correct branch alignment.

General Rule:

  • Store configuration in a Git repository.
  • Test changes locally, then commit and push changes. Then deploy.

Adhere to a smart Docker image.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (bimestrially)

Update server packages


Scheduled Reboot

If the system kernel has been upgraded or there are services that need to be restarted, schedule the system reboot, considering the wiki audience timezone.

Keep an eye on compatibility

There can be packages that require a specific version (e.g. elasticsearch) and should be excluded from a routine upgrade.

You may want to upgrade only a few packages at a time if any seem likely to cause breakage.

Check updates availability

Verify server software is up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.


  • Security.
  • Performance and stability.
  • New features and functionality.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (bimestrially)

Check server logs


Monitoring System Health

Examine system logs for error messages and failed services to ensure server stability.

Docker Logs Analysis

For Docker instances, scrutinize logs within the stack and container logs for critical error messages.

Optimization Opportunities

Logs can highlight areas for performance optimization, leading to improved user experience and system efficiency.

Be Proactive

Utilize proactive problem-solving and error-handling techniques, leveraging server logs to address issues promptly and prevent escalation.

Mail System Audits

Review mail logs to detect email delivery failures and potential service outages.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (quarterly)

Comprehensive site analysis


Extension Functionality

Verify all extensions, especially their test pages and features, are functioning correctly.

Media Handling

Ensure file uploads and thumbnail generation operate smoothly.

Auxiliary Systems

Test the reliability of email sending and search indexing capabilities.

VisualEditor and Citoid

Confirm the operational status of VisualEditor and, if applicable, the Citoid service for reference management.

System Health Checks

Review maintenance automation reports, cron scripts, job queue, backups, monitoring, and critical updates for extensions and skins.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (quarterly)

Checking backups


Check policy compliance

Ensure that snapshots are taken in accordance with the schedule and rotated following the established policy.

Prove basic recoverability

Retrieve from storage and restore the latest backup in a temporary directory. Compare directory structure with the original.

Check backup storage space

Monitoring storage space allows administrators to address potential issues before they lead to backup failures.


  • Peace of mind.
  • Data safety.
  • Proactive routine management.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (quarterly)

Checking cache systems


Redis Verification

Confirm the operation of Redis and its configuration within the MediaWiki settings for optimal caching.

Docker Cache Checks

In Docker environments, use commands to ensure Redis services are active and correctly logging read/write actions.

Varnish Cache Confirmation

Validate the use of Varnish by requesting pages and reviewing HTTP headers to check for proper cache delivery and update mechanisms.


  • Enhanced application responsiveness.
  • Reduced data retrieval latency.
  • Improved overall system efficiency.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (quarterly)

Security updates on core (“Minor”)



Update core MediaWiki to its latest minor version (dot release).


Often when there is a MediaWiki core security release, extensions announce security issues at the same time.

Not bundled extensions

Check if any of the extensions with security announcements are used, and if so, update them too.

Docker-based deployments

We follow the same principles, but use a specific routine for updating the Docker image and pulling it into the wiki configuration.

Benefits of keeping to LTS releases:

  • Stable environment.
  • Long term support and maintenance.
  • Less trouble on major upgrades.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (quarterly)

Check monitors


Uptime Kuma

Uptime Kuma is an easy-to-use self-hosted tool to monitor uptime for HTTPs / TCP / Ping / DNS Record / Docker Containers / etc.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (quarterly)

Check monitors



A versatile utility for monitoring and managing services and resources, filesystems and networks on Unix-based systems.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (quarterly)

Check monitors



  • Centralized monitoring.
  • Alerting and notification.
  • Failure response automation.


A versatile utility for monitoring and managing services and resources, filesystems and networks on Unix-based systems.

Uptime Kuma

Uptime Kuma is an easy-to-use self-hosted tool to monitor uptime for HTTPs / TCP / Ping / DNS Record / Docker Containers / etc.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (semiannually)

Check Site Performance


CPU Load Analysis

Monitor Load Average values for CPU usage to identify potential overloads or bottlenecks.

Memory Utilization

Review RAM and SWAP usage to detect if memory is being excessively used or if there is a need for additional resources.

Job Queue Monitoring

Inspect job logs for errors, particularly OOM, which could indicate insufficient memory allocation.

Docker Health Checks

In Docker environments, check container uptimes and health indicators to ensure stability and sufficient resource allocation.


  • Optimized Resource Allocation.
  • Prevention of Resource Bottlenecks.
  • Enhanced User Experience.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (semiannually)

Security Checks


SSH Key Audit

Review and update authorized_keys to ensure only current and authorized personnel have access.

Network Services Check

Inspect network services to confirm only expected ports are open to the internet.

Postfix Configuration

Ensure proper configuration of postfix to permit only local network communications.

Security Scans Verification

Confirm the regular operation of security scans by checking for recent activity logs.


  • Prevention of Unauthorized Access.
  • Protection Against Downtime.
  • Preservation of Reputation.
  • Cost Savings.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (semiannually)

Disk Space Cleanup


Disk Space Review

Regularly check for available disk space to manage storage resources effectively.

Managing Large Files

Identify and safely remove large, obsolete files, especially old backups, to optimize disk usage.

Docker Image Maintenance

Set up automated processes for pruning old Docker images to reclaim space.


  • Improved system responsiveness.
  • Maximized storage utilization.
  • Reduced risk of system slowdowns.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (semiannually)

Test restore from backup and update�staging


Backup Restoration Preconditions

Confirm the presence of a staging environment with a matching MediaWiki version.

Initial Checks

Verify no uncommitted changes are present on staging and check for adequate storage space before restoration.

Database and Images Restoration

Ensure accurate restoration by syncing the database and images from production, and verify the integrity post-restore.

Restoration Process

Utilize Restic to restore the latest backup and copy production images to the staging environment for a cohesive test.


  • Assurance of Data Recoverability.
  • Accurate Testing Environment.
  • Streamlined Development Workflow.

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Walkthrough of Maintenance Tasks (semiannually)

General MediaWiki Maintenance

Operating System Environment

MediaWiki Stack

Wiki Content


Maintenance Scripts Execution

Run necessary maintenance scripts periodically and review their outputs for any anomalies or issues.

Reviewing Recent Changes

Utilize both automated tools and manual oversight to efficiently monitor changes across the wiki. Identify and revert vandalism.

Regular Monitoring

Keep an eye on MediaWiki releases and updates for minor version changes to ensure timely updates.

System Updates

Verify server software is up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.

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The Easiest Maintenance Plan

Leave it to WikiTeq

A partner that cares for your wiki as much as you do.



The simplest


Gain peace of mind knowing your wiki's maintenance is in the hands of professionals.

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Conclusion and Takeaways


Proactive Approach

Highlighted the need for a proactive maintenance strategy to prevent potential issues.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Have the experts handle it for you!

Maintenance as a Priority

Stressed the importance of regular maintenance for the stability and security of MediaWiki.

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Necessity • Timeline • Learning • Benefits


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Thank You!

Ike Hecht + WikiTeq