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Hello đź‘‹

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What’s a user research career path got to do with me?

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Key thing:

Be intentional with your efforts

Read more about leverage points here

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  • Goals
  • Blockers
  • Action

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  • Goals
  • Blockers
  • Action

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What goal are you working towards? �Fill in the gap “In 6 months time I will have _____”

  • Developed a skill
  • Got a promotion
  • Got a pay rise
  • Changed company or job role
  • A better work-life balance
  • Figured out what I want

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Why do you want to achieve that?

Frame it as a positive

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Why do you want that?

Goal: I want to get into user research

Why? I want to spend more time in interviews

Why again? I want more interaction with other people

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Revisit the original goal

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Read more about goal-setting in the Design Your Life book

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  • Goals
  • Blockers
  • Action

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If I told you that you had to jump in tomorrow - What are the biggest blockers?

  • I’m worried they’ll say no
  • I’m worried they won’t think I’m good enough
  • They haven’t noticed / acknowledged my efforts
  • I don’t have enough experience for it
  • They said no and I don’t know what to do about it
  • I’m comfortable where I am now

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What can you control?

“Google only hires researchers with Masters/PHDs” ❌


“I got rejected for jobs even though (I think) I have the skillset to do them” ✅

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Highlight the biggest blocker

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  • Goals
  • Blockers
  • Action

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What are 10 things you would do if that wasn’t holding you back?

They said no and I don’t know why

  • Ask designers in the company for feedback on my CV
  • Contact recruiters
  • Ask for feedback from rejections
  • Be honest with my manager about career goals
  • Ask mutual contacts to introduce me to researchers on LinkedIn
  • Practice interviews with friends
  • Be picky in job applications - quality over quantity
  • Make a portfolio
  • Suggest running research for designers
  • Offer pro-bono work to small businesses

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Pick two of the smallest things

They said no and I’m scared to try again (what if they say no again?)

  • Ask other researcher in the company for feedback on my CV
  • Contact recruiters
  • Ask for feedback from rejections
  • Be honest with my manager about career goals
  • Ask mutual contacts to introduce me to researchers on LinkedIn
  • Practice interviews with friends
  • Be picky in job applications - quality over quantity
  • Make a portfolio
  • Suggest running research for designers
  • Offer pro-bono work to small businesses

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Any questions?
