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Using Python to Explain Physics

By Ally Brant

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Why We Use Python


Python in College

  • Useful in Engineering and Physics classes
  • Speeds up homework
    • Calculators and Spreadsheets
    • Solving Math problems
    • Graphing
    • Google Collab is free


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Why This Project Exists

  • Many classes in our department use python,
  • Professors have their own technique and style to write and explain code.
  • Create a format for students to use where they can easily understand the code
  • Put these materials in a central, organized location that is available to all students - Canvas


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Teaching Python

  • Different for Physics and Computer Science student

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Physics students understand what they need to code, but struggle how to code. Computer Science students understand how to code, but struggle with how to order their code.

  • Fellow Student


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Talking to Professors

  • Dr. Isenhower
  • Dr. Brown
  • Dr. Drachenberg
  • Dr. Hewitt


Collect existing code

  • For classes or labs that involve python

Create a Canvas Course

  • Organizing the code collect in a uniformed way

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Talking to Professors

  • Dr. Isenhower
  • Dr. Brown


  • Classical Mechanics
  • Optics
  • Modern Physics
  • E&P 1&2

  • Embedded Systems
  • Thermodynamics
  • E&M


  • Dr. Drachenberg
  • Dr. Hewitt

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Collecting Code

  • Knowledge needed before class

Information Needed before Coding in Class

  • Libraries used in classes
  • What’s an Array, String, Int, Float, ect.


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  • Organize Curriculum
  • Gather code
  • Show Coding knowledge needed for each class

Students who need help have a place to find help.


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  • I plan to talk to more professors
  • Add all the code I have received into Canvas in modules for each class
  • Plan for this Canvas course to be added to after I leave

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Work Cited

Pramanick, S. (2019, May 9). History of Python. GeeksforGeeks. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/history-of-python/.

Royden, L. (2017). Python With First Year Physics: What We Taught and What We Learned. Teach Talk. https://web.mit.edu/fnl/volume/302/rebusco_et%20al.html.

Sedgewick, R.(2019 Oct. 8)Why Every Student Should Study Computer Science.Inside HigherEd. https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2019/10/28/why-every-student-should-study-computer-science-opinion.

Reynolds, J. (2021 June 26) 8 World-Class Software Companies That Use Python. Real Python, Real Python. https://realpython.com/world-class-companies-using-python/

Greca, I. Epistemological Issues Concerning Computer Simulations in Science and Their Implications for Science Education.

Sturmer, G. (2021 Jan. 30) What Is the Difference between Computer Engineering and Computer Science?. EasyTechJunkie. EasyTechJunkie.https://www.easytechjunkie.com/what-is-the-difference-between-computer-engineering-and-computer-science.htm.