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Grad Orientation Week:

Creating a Plan for a Successful Year

Taryn McPherson

May 9, 2023

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May 12. 2022 / Grad Orientation Week

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Creating a Plan …

Tips for Success:

  • Get to Know Yourself
  • Identify Your Goals
  • Create Balance
  • Check Your Productivity Meter
  • Be Willing to Adapt
  • Ask for Help
  • Show Yourself Grace
  • Celebrate Your Wins
  • Plan Ahead

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Know Yourself

  • How do you learn best?
  • Your strengths and weaknesses
  • Highest productivity - am, pm
  • Attention span
  • Your distractions ** Work station **
  • Goals and priorities
  • Commitments outside of school
  • How much time do you have to devote to school each day or week?

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Identify Your Goals

  • Start with BIG and branch down to small/short-term goals
  • Absolutely essential → All linked!
  • The weekly schedule should focus on reaching short-term goals, which get you closer to mid-term goals, which get you closer to BIG goals
  • Priorities link to Goals
  • Reach out for help to create SMART goals
  • Be prepared for hard work!

May 9, 2023/ Grad Orientation Week

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May 9, 2023/ Grad Orientation Week

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May 9, 2023/ Grad Orientation Week

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Create Balance

  • What other commitments do you have?
  • Life is more than just school!
  • Self-care is SO important (healthy eating, activity, sleep, friends & family)
  • Find opportunities to refuel
  • Don’t feel guilty for taking ME time!
  • Healthy You = More Productive You!

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Check Your Productivity Meter

  • Productivity will go up and down
  • Goal: Max productivity for min time input
  • In the Red: Can you pinpoint why ….?
  • Are you in a good routine?
  • Did you divert from your schedule/plan?
  • Are you still working towards your goals?
  • Did you break down your work?
  • Did you get stuck?
  • When is the last time you took a break?

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Be Willing to Adapt

  • Life often isn’t a straight path …. Twists, turns
  • You may need short-term or long-term adaptations
  • Try new things when something is no longer/ isn’t working
  • Revamp your plan as many times as it takes until you get one that works
  • Try varying block lengths, location of course slots in the schedule, number and length of breaks

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Ask for Help

  • Stuck = wasted time
  • Stuck = negative self-talk and thoughts
  • Don’t stay stuck … reach out!
  • You were never meant to go at it alone!
  • You have a team to support you - family, teachers, peers, grad advisors, the Student Support Centre
  • Recommendation: Establish connections early on so that you have others to work through problems with

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Show Yourself Grace

  • Life throws us curveballs
  • There are times when we fall short
  • Don’t get stuck on goals not met
  • Be kind to yourself … replace negative self thoughts and talk with positive ones
  • Look forward, not back to create a new plan ….
  • Tomorrow is a new day!

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Celebrate Your Wins

  • Keep track of your progress
  • Cross things off a To-Do List
  • Visual displays
  • It doesn’t matter how big or small → Celebrate!
  • Share your Wins with others!
  • Create incentives & reward yourself for your hard work

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Plan Ahead for 2023-2024:

  • Get the ball rolling now!
  • Self-discovery = Success
  • Preview Courses = No Sudden Surprises
  • Connect with and get to know HCOS staff
  • End of June or Early September → Reach out to the Student Support Centre for executive functioning support (goal-setting, scheduling, planning) + course selection and activation


Questions? taryn.mcpherson@ea.onlineschool.ca

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Grad Orientation Week:

Creating a Plan for a Successful Year

May 9, 2023

Thanks for attending! s