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Google UP

Drive, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms

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  • What is GSuite?
  • What and Where do you find Google Drive?
  • What is the Google Drive Menu & Dashboard?
  • Adding items (Folders, FIle uploads)
  • Sharing - Folders, Items
  • Settings and Layout
  • Google Docs- Create, Share, Edit, Comment
  • Google Slides, Create, Share, Edit, Comment
  • Google Sheets- Create, Share, edit comment
  • Google Forms- Create, Share, Branching, templates, response collection

Let’s step inside and take a trip

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G Suite

Tools available through your myVCCS account

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Getting to All Things Google

Log into your MyGCC and choose your Gmail icon

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Click on the Waffle

Then on the Google Tool you want

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  • What & Where do you find Google Drive?
  • What is the Google Drive Menu & Dashboard?
  • Adding items (Folders, FIle uploads)
  • Sharing - Folders, Items
  • Settings and Layout
  • Google Docs- Create, Share, Edit, Comment
  • Google Slides, Create, Share, Edit, Comment
  • Google Sheets- Create, Share, edit comment
  • Google Forms- Create, Share, Branching, templates, response collection

Let’s step inside and take a trip

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Google Drive Menu

Priority = AI Google tool that shows you what you have been using often or opened recently

My Drive = All your files added to Drive

Shared Drives = Other Drive areas shared with you and others, of which you are an added user

Shared with Me = Files that have been shared with you, but which you do not own

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Drive Dashboard

Top is Quick Access for most recent files opened;

below that is folders and files that can be sorted by Name, Last Modified, Last Modified by Me and Last Opened

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Activity 1

  • Log into your student gmail account
  • Locate Drive
  • See what files/folders exist in your Recent & Shared with Me areas
  • Open a file and “Star” it
  • Then check Drive=>Starred

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Adding Files/Folders to Drive

In Drive, click on +New to upload a file, add a folder, or start a new Google Doc, Slide or Sheet

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Editing Items within Google Drive

To edit, right click any file item.

Preview= Opens file for print/download. Especially helpful to preview audio/video files

Open With= Use other apps to open

Share= Share with Others

Get Shareable Link= Send link to others

Move To= Move File to a folder or Shared Drive

Add to Starred = Add to Quick Access Starred Files

Available Offline= Make the file available when you aren’t connected to internet

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Editing Items within Google Drive continued

View Details= Shows you file size, file owner, Dates Last Modified/Opened/Edited and Activity on the Document

Make a Copy= Duplicate the item

Report Abuse= Report something in your Drive as Spam, Phishing, Terrorist Threats, etc.

Download= Create a copy that can be opened outside of Google

Remove= Discard/Trash

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Editing Folders in Drive

Many of the editing features are the same for folders as for files; however, there are a few differences:

  • Rename - Renames the whole folder
  • Change Color - Changes color of the folder in your Drive list
  • Search within downloads - Opens folder with a search bar to find a specific file

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Activity 2

  • Create A Folder in your Drive
  • Change the color of the folder
  • Find a file in your Drive that needs a “home”
  • Right click and choose “MOVE”
  • Add to created folder

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Share Folders or Items

Right click on the folder or item

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How to Share

Add people and decide

  • Viewer
  • Editor

Send link, choose access:

  • Viewer
  • Editor

Must use @email.vccs.edu account

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Activity 3

  • Find A Folder or item in your Drive
  • Right Click
  • Choose +Share
  • Share with Someone
    • Or
  • Get Link to share and change from Restricted to VCCS

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Settings & Layout

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Settings and Layout in Drive

Access Settings using the “gear” icon on the top right of the Drive screen

Settings = General, Notifications and Manage (other) Apps

Keyboard Shortcuts = Keyboard strokes for normal Drive functions

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Grid View or List View


List View

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  • Google Docs- Create, Share, Edit, Comment
  • Google Slides, Create, Share, Edit, Comment
  • Google Sheets- Create, Share, edit comment
  • Google Forms- Create, Share, Branching, templates, response collection

Let’s step inside and take a trip

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Create a Doc

From Drive or From the “Waffle” or Grid in Gmail

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Sharing Google Docs

  • Select the file or folder you want to share.
  • Click the Share i icon OR FILE then Share....
  • All documents default to private security settings. (Restricted)
  • Click on Change
  • Then click on Restricted

Depending on who you are sharing with:

Choose Public (doesn’t require signin)

VCCS requires login

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More Sharing options

  • Click the Share icon
  • Then in the “Add people and Groups”
    • Must use @email.vccs.edu account
  • Then choose permissions:
    • Viewer
    • Commenter
    • Editor
    • Give Temporary Access
    • Make Owner
    • Remove
  • Click Done

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Advanced Sharing Options

Click on

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  • In the top corner, make sure you’re in Suggesting mode, which may also appear as Suggest.
  • To suggest an edit, simply begin typing where you think the edit should be made in the document. Your suggestions appear in a new color, and text you mark to delete or replace is crossed out (but not actually deleted until the document owner approves the suggestion).
  • The document’s owner will receive an email with your suggestions. When they click any suggestion, they can Accept Checkmark or Reject Close it.

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  • Select the text you'd like to comment on.
  • Click Add comment Add comment.
  • Enter your comment in the box.
  • (Optional) To direct your task or comment to a specific person, enter a plus sign (+) followed by their email address. You can add as many people as you want. Each person will get an email with your comment and a link to the file.
  • (Optional) To assign the comment to a specific person, check the Assign to box.
  • Click Comment or Assign.
  • Open the Comment box and enter text, with the option to assign a task to someone

Add Comment

Suggest Edits

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Activity 4

  • Practice on this document
  • http://bit.ly/GoogleUpGCCTest
  • Add an answer or Comment
  • Assign to me, Forrest or Wesley
    • Start Typing our name to find us
  • Add an image and comment

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Let’s step inside and take a trip


  • Google Slides, Create, Share, Edit, Comment
  • Google Sheets- Create, Share, edit comment
  • Google Forms- Create, Share, Branching, templates, response collection

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Create a Slide

From Drive or From the “Waffle” or Grid in Gmail

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Why use Slides?

  • It’s free and all students have it
  • Its web based (great for collaborating)
  • Lots of Free Templates
  • Offline access WORKS!
  • Can open PowerPoint or Convert PPT
  • No Need to SAVE
  • Publish to Web
  • Google Fonts
  • Easy to Share

  • Voice Type Speaker Notes
  • Easy to insert media
  • Automatic Version History
  • Present by Chromecast
  • Present by Google Hangouts
  • Built in Q&A
  • Automated Closed Captioning (only works with Chrome)

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Exactly the Same as for Docs

People who you share with can edit the presentation. However, there is no specific suggesting as with Google Docs

Highlight Text or images and then click the comment button to comment or assign to someone

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Toolbar in Slides

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Activity 5

  • Practice on this presentation
  • http://bit.ly/SlidesPlayTimeGCC
  • Add A slide with your name (first only)
  • Change the Background
  • Add an image
  • Add some Text

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Let’s step inside and take a trip


  • Google Sheets- Create, Share, edit comment
  • Google Forms- Create, Share, Branching, templates, response collection

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Create a Sheet

From Drive or From the “Waffle” or Grid in Gmail

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Exactly the Same as for Docs & Slides

People who you share with can edit the presentation. However, there is no specific suggesting as with Google Docs

Highlight Text or cell and then click the comment button to comment or assign to someone

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Activity 6

  • You have learned a lot
  • Do you have questions?
  • Post them here
  • http://bit.ly/GoogleUpQA

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Let’s step inside and take a trip


  • Google Forms- Create, Share, Branching, templates, response collection

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Create a Form

From Drive only

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Add Questions

Short Answer or Paragraph

  • Multiple Choice
  • Checkbox
  • Dropdown
  • File upload
  • Linear Scale

Multiple Choice grid, Checkbox Grid



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Question Options

Add Question

Import Question

Add Title and Description

Add Image

Add Video

Add Section

Duplicate Question


Make question Required

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Form Options


Customize Theme



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Send = Share

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Activity 7

  • Go to your Google Drive
  • Click on “New”
  • Click on Google Form
  • Add a title, change the theme, add a question or two

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Google in Canvas

Can use a shared link in Modules

Click + External URL

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Google in Canvas


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Thank you for coming!

Please take a minute to leave any questions on the GoogleUP Sheet for Q& A

It’s time for my nap. Take a walk through the secret door of Google and see what you can find.

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