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Tues. & Wed., 9-13 & 9-14

English I and English I CP

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  • Turn in “Think” Questions
  • Practice with Textual Evidence
    • Receive Notes
  • Discuss Important Elements of Story
  • Address Questions and Concerns
  • Vocabulary Practice
  • Quiz is Tomorrow

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Textual Evidence

Read the handout and highlight or underline what you consider to be key details.

We will then practice with a sample question.

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Textual Evidence

Discuss this with a partner and record your answers on one sheet of paper to be turned in.

  • How is dialogue analyzed in the Model to make inferences about the characters? (As in, name what they specifically learn from each set of dialogue.)
  • What textual evidence is cited in the Model as proof that George is a "natural storyteller"?

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Discussion and Vocabulary

Quiz is tomorrow!

  • Multiple Choice
  • Not tricky
  • If you have read the story, you will succeed.

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  • “First Read” Quiz over Of Mice and Men Excerpt
  • Thematic Discussion
  • Notes (End of Week if Time Does Not Allow)
  • Finding Literary Elements in the Excerpt (Next Week if Time Does Not Allow)

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Thematic Connections (Discussion)

(Unit Title: Dreams and Aspirations)

Stories so far: “The Necklace”; Of Mice and Men Excerpt

What is the initial situation in each story?

What is the dream in each?

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Thematic Connections (Partner Work)

Answer the following with a partner (to be turned in):

Compare and contrast the role of fantasy in each story. Please provide at least one piece of evidence with parenthetical citation from each story for each portion--so one each for compare, and one each for contrast--in the following format:

Evidence (Author’s Last Name and Page Number).

Evidence (de Maupassant 8). OR: Evidence (Steinbeck 18).

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Notes: (If time allows)






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Thurs. & Fri., 9-15 & 9-16

English I and English I CP

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Thursday and Friday:

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Thursday: Through thorough annotation and response to questions, we will come to understand the characters of George and Lennie, and their relationship (and its connection to our thematic unit), in the greatest depth we can given the brevity of the excerpt.

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Friday: Through outline work, we will demonstrate our understanding of identifying and incorporating appropriate textual evidence, and we will become more comfortable with structure and organization in preparation for longer writing assignments.

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(Thurs.) On Page 21...

Please complete the Focus Questions and Annotation in full. (Books and Q’s will be collected Monday.)

You are expected to do all of the following:

  • Answer each question posed on a sheet of paper.
  • Highlight or underline as directed in your book.
  • Annotate your highlighted/underlined text as directed.
    • Do not forget this step!

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(Fri.) Post-Annotation Discussion

Do this with a partner and record your answers on one sheet of paper to be turned in.

  • What social and physical dangers threaten George and Lennie?
  • What joys help the men deal with these dangers?
  • Which element—danger or joy—is more prevalent in the excerpt?

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(Fri.) Writing Prompt Preparation

Please use the organizer provided to prepare for the Writing Prompt.

Don’t forget to cite the evidence you find!

We will not start the prompt until this coming week.

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(Fri.) Notes: Define these if you finish early (look them up)




