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MAGIC 2016-2017

Final Presentations�

Ann Richards School

May 30th, 2017

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  • Ashlyn (Chandler) Araguz
    • iOS App

  • Megan (Nova) Clarke
    • Drawing program
  • Kate Romero
    • Hangman game

  • Leah Thorley
    • mCar

  • Lauren Willard
    • Robot


  • Sam Alejo
    • Python basics

  • Victoria Olguin
    • 3D model using TinkerCAD

  • Olivia Hruby
    • Coding Travel Blog

  • Pauline Caldwell
    • Lyrics analysis

  • Daniela Noonan
    • Super bugs

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Ashlyn (Chandler) Araguz

Seventh Grade

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Kat Dale, my wonderful mentor, went to the University of Miami and double-majored in Marine Science in Biology and minored in Computer Science.

She is a PhD student at UC Santa Cruz and loves marine life like seabirds and eels. (She’s holding a green-winged teal in the picture to the right)

Also, fun fact, she played saxophone in high school!

My Mentor

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For my project, I’m building an app that goes hand in hand with another project. College bound students may have problems with figuring out what career they might strive for in the future. We plan on creating a monthly description that may help in making that very important choice. In these monthly boxes, you would receive information about that career choice. We are in the midst of coding an app in Swift for iOS that can help you track the boxes, (potentially) make payments and take surveys that can help more personalize the career choices that are sent to you. We could have made a website, but don’t you think that apps are more conventional in the world we live in today?

My MAGICal Experience

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During my time with my mentor, I’ve learned a lot. Well, both of us have learned a lot. At the beginning, neither of us knew anything about Swift or XCode!

We had a lot of fun going through coding this app and learning through our mistakes, although it could be frustrating at times!

Overall, I wish we had more time to work on it! If we had some more time, we would have liked to add more to the app. It's been amazing working with Kat, and I've really enjoyed the experience of working with an amazing mentor like her.

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Our demo may not look like much,

but just this took a long time to code.

We coded using Swift, which uses

some of Objective-C as well.

My Demo

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Megan (Nova) Clarke

Seventh Grade

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  • Soja Morgens:
    • Lives in Silicon Valley
    • Software engineer for Nest Labs
    • Works Designing internal tools in software or hardware
    • Goes trail running
    • Trains for triathlons
  • In the Past:
    • Grew up in west Virginia
    • Taught mechatronics (robotics)
    • Developed surgical robots
    • Played Lacrosse and soccer
    • Mentored for MAGIC!

My Mentor

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My overall project plan was to complete a series of smaller projects and evaluate the tools and tutorials associated with those projects. Next I would record my learning journey and feedback on an online blog for

  • My first project was coding

a drawing program online using


My MAGICal Experience

  • Our next project we’re working on is a light coded using Arduino.

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Through the MAGIC mentorship my plan was to complete smaller projects and analyze the tools and examples we used for those projects. The plan was also to track my learning journey on a blog. I learned a LOT during these few months, including how to code Processing, (some) JavaScript, how to troubleshoot using an Arduino board, and many other things. One of the (many) problems we ran into was the example codes on the processing websites. The example they gave was WAY too long, didn’t follow proper formatting, and was just plain confusing. We ended up spending an entire meeting rewriting the code for said example. Overall, this has been a wonderful experience. I have learned so much through it and my mentor is amazing! It was exceptionally challenging because I had absolutely no experience with writing proper code or wiring circuit boards, but I enjoyed every moment.

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My Demo

Coding for project

Drawing program

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Kate Romero

Seventh Grade

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My mentor’s name is Cher Shedd.

  • Education:
    • Bachelor’s at SEU
    • UT Coding Bootcamp

  • Implementation Specialist - Trilogy Education Serv.

  • Enjoys:
    • Travelling
    • VR meet-ups
    • Java Chip Frapps

My Mentor

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    • Use Javascript to create a project that incorporates my favorite music

    • Design a “Hangman” game with an array of my favorite solo/group artists

  • PSEUDOCODE POINTS (plan of action!):
    • Design the game loop, track state of the word, take player’s input, update player’s progress with guess, congratulate player

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My MAGICal Experience

  • A BUG!
  • === VS. =

“WORDS” ARRAY:�Create an array that holds all artists/groups

  • Create empty array “_” equal to number of letters


Used to construct game state

  • Prompt player to make guess
  • If statements for answers player could give

BUG: = VS. ===

  • === checks for both value and type!

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My Demo

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Leah Thorley

Seventh Grade

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  • Sarah Rice
    • Engineer in the U.S. Navy
    • Degrees in Ocean Engineering and Physics
    • Lives in Oxnard, CA (with husband, 2 sons, and 2 dogs!)

My Mentor

Sarah’s “Official Navy Photo”

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  • I chose to use the mDrawBot for our project. The mDrawBot is a kit that includes 4 different drawing robots.
    • mScara
    • mEggBot
    • mSpider
    • mCar
  • I wasn’t sure about which project I wanted to do, so my mentor and I went through an analysis of alternatives and assigning weights and ratings to the various attributes.

My MAGICal Experience





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  • Chose the mDrawBot and ordered it
  • Built the mCar
  • Downloaded the application and other materials
  • Started to use the software
  • Got it to move properly
  • Tried to get it to draw
  • Got some random scribbles
  • Tried again

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  • I will have it in the mCar configuration trying to get it to draw something.

My Demo

Hopefully something like this!

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Lauren Willard

Sixth Grade

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  • My mentor’s name is Cassandra Fach. She also graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. She works as an engineer in the U.S. Navy and specializes in construction, humanitarian aid, and disaster response. Cassie lives in Oxnard, CA. She likes to surf and compete in triathlons.

My Mentor

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  • For my project we decided to make a robot. Cassie told me about a company called MakeBlock. It sells robot kits and sensors. We ordered a MakeBlock ranger, we assembled it and got started programing right away. As soon as I had assembled it I knew it needed a name, so I chose Ashley. At first it was a little confusing because we didn’t know what board or coding language to use. My neighbor helped us. Soon we were on the right track.

My MAGICal Experience

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  • Every Sunday, Cassie and I meet for our call. We have discussed everything from her military responsibilities, to coding, to triathlons. We also taught Ashley to spin, go forward, flash lights, and play Hot-Cross-Buns. Together we faced some struggles such as the line follower sensor. We also had celebrations when we made her go forward for the first time.

  • One of my favorite moments was when we got the line follower to work. It was one of those “Aha” moments.

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My demo is Ashley using her line follower sensor. The line follower sensor has 2 light sensors, if both sensors read black then it's 0, if the left sensor reads black and the right sensor doesn't then it needs to turn left, if the right sensor reads black and the left sensor doesn't then it needs to turn right, If both of the sensors read white then it needs to complete a 360 degree circle to find the line again. For this demo I am using the poster provided to use the line follower sensor.

My Demo

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Sam Alejo

Eighth Grade

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  • My mentor is Andrea Martin, she really likes helping and teaching others. She is studying for a PhD in computer science and I think that's really cool.

My Mentor

  • <Mentor photo, preferably with mentee, goes here>

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  • For my MAGIC project, I learned the basics for coding with python.

  • Once I had learned the basics my mentor and I came up with an interactive code because we did not have enough time to make a prototype game.

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  • My experience with my mentor has been really fun because she always helps me with understanding code and helps me figure out where everything should be.

  • The project was to learn the fundamentals of coding using python.

  • Our main resource was Codecademy

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  • My demo is an interactive code that I wrote on the computer using python
  • I will select a volunteer to interact with the code.

My Demo

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Victoria Olguin

Eighth Grade

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My mentor lives in San Francisco, so I’ve come to learn more about the area throughout our meetings! I got to see Catherine’s progress of redeveloping two islands within the San Francisco Bay! I have also had it easy which is a relief, because my mentor has experience working with MAGIC, so I’ve had the advantage of getting ideas from previous work.

My Mentor

  • <Mentor photo, preferably with mentee, goes here>

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  • My MAGICal experience has allowed me to think outside the box in a way where it can be effective to the world. The idea of a device that converts gas in the air back to a liquid form came to me on a car ride, and my mentor supported me with this idea by experimenting ways to create this special device that can do the job. Our main focus is to research about this topic, and to 3D print the final model.

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My MAGICal Experience

We worked on mini projects where it showed condensation. This project needed ice, a jar, salt, and a napkin or cling wrap.

We have also done investigation on how this device would work in a more ‘in depth ‘ way. Turns out, this process is used for many daily uses such as a dehumidifier!

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My Demo

The process of ‘Tinkering’ this as a 3D model with the website ‘TinkerCad’ has now begun! The model slowly come to form and turned out to look like a tree, which was the idea. Besides on how it would look on the outside, I also designed the inside, which was inspired by how a dehumidifier worked.

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Olivia Hruby

Eighth Grade

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  • Claire Bispo is majoring in biomolecular bioengineering at UC Santa Cruz
  • She enjoys participating in physical activities such as basketball and snowboarding
  • Claire has a lot of interest in the STEM field and has had experience with physics, circuits, Python, and now even HTML and CSS

My Mentor

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For my project I’m coding a webpage. I made this webpage a travel blog that documents places that I have been and love, as well as a place that I have yet to go to. I wrote about the great food, things to do, and things to see in these countries/cities. I used both HTML and CSS to make my blog as visually appealing and full of content as possible. I will use my knowledge that I have gained from completing the Codecademy “Learn HTML & CSS: Part I” online course.

My MAGICal Experience

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  • I had a really fun time working with my mentor. She is super nice and I always felt comfortable asking for help if I ever needed it. I am sad that this mentorship is ending, but I know that I can still talk with my mentor if I need her. Claire and I helped each other out, and bonded over our like of sports. We had a fun time learning to code, discussing ideas, and coding our project.
  • One highlight was when we completed the coding course we had taken, it felt like a really big step forward. Another highlight was when we finally came up with an idea we were both excited about, it was like we had a real plan to go on.

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My Demo

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Pauline Caldwell

Eighth Grade

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  • Caitlin Hudon works with statistics at Web.com in Austin. She has two dogs, one that she has had for many years, and a new puppy . Caitlin likes to go to concerts and seeing artists that she loves live.

My Mentor

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  • Use Data Camp to learn R
  • Use code to analyze lyrics
  • Get help from open-source code
  • Use Genius API to scrape lyrics
  • Setbacks = Shakira
  • Analyze lyrics -- most popular words and themes in Shakira’s music

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  • MAGIC left me intrigued and thinking about future ideas:
    • Great way to learn more about an artist
    • Looking at their work humanizes celebrities
    • Compare artists from different countries through lyrics

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My Demo

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Daniela Noonan

Eighth Grade

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  • Jeni takasumi is a amazing person

  • She is a healthcare consultant but has worked previously with genetics and chemistry.
  • She enjoys traveling and investing in the stock market
  • Born in Oregon

My Mentor

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  • We went through a lot of project ideas
    • Making yogurt
  • We settled on two major projects under the theme of superbugs
    • An experiment in my grade-level to see how long it takes to infect the grade level through physical contact.
    • Filming a PSA about proper hygiene/aseptic technique for health care workers and young people.

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  • My mentor and I have had a great experience working together. We talk about our days and other interest beside the project. It has been very fun and overall a great learning opportunity for both of us.
  • Identifying the different antibiotics and how they work.
  • 8th grade experiment, superbug testing.
  • Filming and editing PSA
  • Meeting together and visiting UT science museum. Touring Ann Richards campus.

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My Demo

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Thank you!