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Canvas: Conundrum to Convenience

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Meeting Norms

1. Be the student you wish you had

2. Keep an open mind

3. Share your ideas

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Learning Intentions & Success Criteria

Learning Intentions

  • Discover a few tips within Canvas
  • Share successful strategies for increasing engagement through Canvas
  • Discuss examples for how to use Canvas to support students

Success Criteria

  • I know where to find tutorials on how to use helpful features in Canvas.
  • I will use strategies to increase in-class engagement and use Canvas to support.

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Ten Helpful Canvas Tutorials

  • How to import content from your previous year’s course.

  • Do you want to combine courses that have very similar content? That’s an option. It’s called cross-listing. A coach can help you do this.

  • How to embed YouTube videos rather than link them. This will eliminate the ads and keep students in Canvas.

5. Assign to… feature

6. PDF annotator tool

7. Embed a Google Document, Spreadsheet, or Slideshow

8. District Canvas Style Guide

9. Use templates

10. Offer yourself and students grace when necessary (aka “Courteous goodwill”)

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What did you do that was successful on Canvas last year?

Name one way that Canvas can improve accessibility for students.

Name one way that Canvas can improve your instructional practice.

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+Content Knowledge

Brainstorm best practices in these categories

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Active Learning Spectrum

What do you


What do you


Engagement & Retention

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Choose a strategy & share

  • Choose an active learning strategy and easy piece of content.

3. Decide how this lesson can be simplified & added to Canvas in <10 minutes of your time.

2. Quickly outline a lesson plan (Teacher does, student does)

4. Share with someone near you.

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Our job is to teach the students we have right now. Not the ones we would like to have. Not the ones we used to have. Those we have right now. All of them.

Dr. Kevin Maxwell

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Educational Theme Park 2021-2022

COVID--year 3

One-to-one Chromebook distribution

Attendance policies

New building

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Do you have any questions?

Jackie Ricks



Room 1338

Departments: English, World Language, PE, SPED, Social Studies, PAWS

Milo Maughan



Room 1337

Departments: CTE, Math, Performing Arts, Science, Visual Arts

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik