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Barbara Thiss

Supervisor II, ITS Training and Events

Integrated Technology Services

San Diego County Office of Education

COVID-19 Immunization Tracking District Pre-work

September 3, 2021

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  • Health Card view in Employee Self-Service (ESS)
  • Health Card view for District Personnel
  • Queries
  • Email clean up
  • New Role Assignment
  • District Security Contacts
  • Timeline for rollout
  • Training Materials
  • Questions and Answers


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Health Card View in Employee Self-Service (ESS)


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Health Card View for District Personnel


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  • M_HR_COVID_VACCINATION_ALL - COVID-19 vaccination status for all employees
  • M_HR_COVID_VACCINATION_ONLY - COVID-19 vaccinations information that have been submitted

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Email Clean Up

  • In order to ensure notifications will go out to employees, the district will need to confirm that there are valid email addresses for all employees in PeopleSoft and that the User Profile email and Personal Info email match
  • Run the M_EMPLOYEE_VS_USER query to identify missing emails.  Employee Names vs User Names job aid
  • Make the corrections on the excel spreadsheet from the query so emails are valid and match.
  • Submit a ServiceNow ticket and attach the list of corrections only for the Support Team to load into PeopleSoft


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New Role Assignment

  • District identifies who on their team can view and edit COVID-19 information. Due to the health-sensitive nature of this data, we have created a role separate from the one used for TB testing.
  • The district’s senior most HR official (Asst. Superintendent, Executive Director, etc or Superintendent) must email sally.morton@sdcoe.net and von.nguyen@sdcoe.net  with the list of team members to receive this role. This role should be limited to individuals who specifically need access to this sensitive COVID-19 data.


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District Security Contacts

  • Many employees may require password support to log into the ESS Portal.  Therefore, the District must identify staff members who are responsible for PeopleSoft password resets.  The district must inform staff how to reach these contacts when they have forgotten their password.
  • District runs the M_USER_ROLES query and filters for the M_SECURITY_LEVEL1 role. These are the employees that will have access to reset passwords.
  • Review the list and submit a ServiceNow ticket requesting show should be removed and who should be added.
  • Once the users have the new role, share the SC1 Password Reset Guide with them.


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Timeline for Rollout

  • 8/30/21 SDCOE COVID-19 vaccination tracking Go Live
  • 9/13/21 COVID-19 Testing Tracking Go Live
  • 10/15/21 Due date for state requirement for tracking employee vaccinations and testing


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Training Materials


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