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~ Unity ~

Diversity + Kindness

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Why Unity is Important

Spookley the Square Pumpkin is the “Official Spokes-Pumpkin” for National Bullying Prevention Month

Focusing on Unity Leads to Acquiring Interpersonal Skills

  • Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities
  • Respect alternative points of view
  • Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differences
  • Recognize and respect differences in various family configurations
  • Recognize, accept and appreciate ethnic and cultural diversity

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refers to all the ways that individuals are unique and different from one another.

(Looking at part of the whole)

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Qualities We Are Born With and have no control over

  • Gender
  • Eye Color
  • Hair Color
  • Race
  • Birthmarks
  • Physical characteristics/Ability

Primary Characteristics

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Qualities we Develop through our environment and family values

  • Religion
  • Educational Level
  • Parental Status
  • Geographic Location
  • Socioeconomic Status
  • Personality Type

Secondary Characteristics

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refers to the state of being united. It combines the parts of a whole into one and is therefore absent of division.

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Unity is Characterized by


we are all different, with different levels of physical and intellectual ability.

Showing Kindness

to everyone regardless of their race, economic status, social status, culture, or religion.


toward others and their choices regardless of their economic, social, cultural, or religious background.


toward others and their choices regardless of their economic, social, cultural, or religious background.


we are all different, with different levels of physical and intellectual ability.

Showing Kindness

to everyone regardless of their race, economic status, social status, culture, or religion.


of the fact that we are all different. Despite having differences treat people the way you want to be treated.


of the fact that we are all different. Despite having differences treat people the way you want to be treated.


People are people…don’t exclude, avoid, or ignore people just because they are different from you.


People are people…don’t exclude, avoid, or ignore people just because they are different from you.

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Understanding Diversity Creates Unity

They are interrelated

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How Diversity Creates Unity

  • We unite from learning different skills, talents, opinions and points of view from diverse persons.
  • Learning information about other cultures allows us to become more tolerant and understanding of diverse beliefs and traditions.
  • Gaining knowledge of other cultures helps us unite as it helps erase stereotypes and misconceptions that we me have about other races or certain ethnic groups.
  • Embracing diversity helps us unite as one human race rather than divide into sub-groups determined by our skin color, ethnic group, or cultural background.

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What this all means is we all need to display


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Something to Think About

Have you ever felt like the whispers, giggles, note passing, and looks were directed at you or someone you care about? Imagine if all that attention was channeled into positive action…

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When you enter your breakout room, assign the following roles:

  • Leader: Start conversation, keep conversation on track
  • Time Keeper: Let group members know how much time you have left before returning to the main room.
  • Recorder: Take notes and report back when we rejoin the main room.

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In your group, after assigning roles, identify the following information.

  • Identify how you and your group members are alike
  • Identify how you and your group members are different

Remember to respect differences - Be Nice and Be Kind!

Groups will share their list at the end of activity

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Activity 1

Interview your group and find out the following information (You may learn something about them that you did not know!)

  • What is your nationality? What ethnic group do you belong to?

  • Where are your parents and grandparents from?

  • Do you have people in your family that come from ethnic groups different from your own? If so, where are they from and how are you related?