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The Grizzly Gazette

The Lake Stickney Elementary Newspaper

November 2023

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Extra! Extra!

Roar All About It!

Interview-...........................Meet Mrs. deCocq

Interview-....................... Meet Mrs. Coleman

Interview-..............................Meet Ms. Jenna

Interview-................................. Meet Mr. Julio

Article #1-............................... Olivia Rodrigo

Book Review #1-............. Explorer Academy

Book Review #2-....................... Warrior Cats

Culture-....................... Thanksgiving in Eritrea

Gaming Tips-................. Cookie Run Kingdom

Anti-Bullying Week-.............. Tips On Bullying

Art #1-................. Tiana and the Frog Glow Up

Art #2-.............................................. Hogwarts

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Meet Mrs. DeCocq

By: Manvita R. and Nhan N.

M&N: What is your favorite book?

Ms.Decocq: I like to try new books

M&N: Do you have any pets?

Ms.Decocq: I did have pets before but not right now.

M&N: What's your favorite color?

Ms.Decocq: I usually like bold colors and bright colors,depending on my mood.

M&N: Where are you from?

Ms.Decocq: I am originally from Washington,but I mostly lived in Seattle.

M&N: What’s your favorite part of your job?

Ms.Decocq: I like watching kids grow and learn.

M&N: How many family members do you have?

Ms.Decocq:I have Two granddaughters and one son.

M&N:Do you have any hobbies?

Ms.Decocq:Yes,I do trail runs,swimming and art.

M&N:What’s your favorite thing to do at home?

Ms.Decocq:I love to hang out with my family

and friends,Watching my granddaughters play soccer.

M&N:What’s your favorite store?

Ms.Decocq:I really really like REI.

M&N:What’s your favorite season?

Ms.Decocq:I really like summer.

M&N:How far was your last trail run race?

Ms.Decocq:TransRockies Run 6 days, total 120 miles{avg 20 mi/day} 10,000 feet of elevation gain total.

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All about Mrs. Coleman

By Sara S.

Sara: Do you like reading?

Mrs. Coleman: I love reading!

Sara: What is your favorite book?

Mrs. Coleman: My favorite book is the first book of Harry Potter.

Sara: Where did you grow up?

Mrs. Coleman: In California.

Sara: What is your favorite animal?

Mrs. Coleman: Horses.

Sara: What is your favorite thing about Lake Stickney?

Mrs. Coleman: My favorite thing about Lake Stickney

is how kind everyone is.

Sara: What is your favorite color?

Mrs. Coleman: Teal.

Sara: Why did you start teaching?

Mrs. Coleman: Because I love to see kids learn and grow.

Sara: Do you have any kids or pets?

Mrs. Coleman: I have 1 son named Isaac and 2 dogs bo, and rosie.

Sara: What is your favorite food?

Mrs. Coleman: Tacos.

Sara: What is your favorite sport?

Mrs. Coleman: Baseball.

Sara: What is your favorite subject?

Mrs. Coleman: Reading.

Sara: Do you like teaching kids?

Mrs. Coleman: I love teaching kids, it’s my passion.

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All About Miss Jenna

By Rita A.

Basic info

Rita: Where are you from?

Ms. Jenna: I am originally from Washington state but I lived in the same house my whole life.

Rita: How long have you worked in Lake stickney?

Miss Jenna: For 3 years

She has an earring

Collection of over 100 pairs!

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Cool Facts:

Rita: What is your favorite part about your job?

Miss Jenna:Hang out with students. Fun joke Friday with 5th graders!

Rita: Favorite food?

Miss Jenna: Burritos

Rita: Favorite Movie?

Miss Jenna: Labyrinth

Rita: Favorite type of Music?

Miss Jenna: Music from Musicals

Rita: Do you have any pets?

Miss Jenna: Yes, I have one cat

named Tribble. He wears hats.

All About Miss Jenna (Continued)

Miss Jenna likes working in Musicals.

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Meet Mr.Julio

By Lilliana T.

Lilliana: Have you been to another city in Washington other than Mukilteo and Lynnwood?

Mr. Julio: Yeah Seattle

Lilliana: How do you like your job?

Mr. Julio: It’s a great job

Lilliana: What's your favorite subject?

Mr. Julio: Math

Lilliana: Favorite color?

Mr. Julio: Red

Lilliana: Favorite brand?

Mr. Julio: Nike

Lillanna: Favorite animal?

Mr. Julio:Lion

Lilliana: Favorite sport?

Mr. Julio: Football

Lilliana: Favorite number?

Mr. Julio: 5

Lilliana: What jobs did you have before?

Mr. Julio: Construction and landscaper

Lilliana: What other holiday do you do?

Mr. Julio: Cinco de Mayo

Lilliana: What is the hardest job to do one a normal day?

Mr. Julio: Pouring Concrete

Lilliana:Where did you get your last name from?

Mr. Julio: My mom because she is Hispanic.

Lilliana: Where are you from?

Mr. Julio: Fresno, California

Lilliana: Why did you want this job?

Mr. Julio: Because my girls come here and I love kids.

Lilliana: What dream did you have growing up?

Mr. Julio: Being a football player!

Lilliana: How many kids do you have?

Mr. Julio: 2

Lilliana: What are your kid's names?

Mr. Julio: Imani 8 years old and Amber 6 years old

Lilliana: What is your favorite dog breed?

Mr. Julio: Pitbull

Lilliana: Do you have any dogs?

Mr. Julio: I had 3 huskies but sadly they passed away.

Lilliana: Favorite hobbies?

Mr. Julio: Spending time with my kids

Lilliana: Where have you traveled to?

Mr. Julio: New Mexico and New York

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Mini glossary :)

Minor baby synesthesia - 5 senses all mixed up

Fanbase - Fan name of someone/something

Debut - Start of something

Album - All of their songs in one place?

Brunette - Brown hair

Strands - Certain pieces of hair?

Olivia Isabel Rodrigo was born on February 20th, 2003 in Murrieta, California. She is a filipino-american singer/songwriter. Her height is 5’5 (165 cm), and went to Oak Park High School. Olivia started singing at age 5, and she is also an actress. Her favorite band is Rage against the machine, and her idols are Taylor Swift & Lorde. She has minor baby synesthesia, and has a fear of birds. She is currently 20 years old, has long brunette strands, and she has won 3 grammy awards, 7 billboard music awards, 4 mtv music video awards, 4 iheart radio awards, 2 people's choice awards, an american music award, a brit award, and a juno award. She has 18.2M followers on Tiktok, 35.1M on Instagram, 2M followers on Twitter, 57M followers on Spotify, and 12.7M subscribers on Youtube. Her debut song is Drivers License, and debut album is Sour. Her favorite meal are macaroni grill mac n cheese, bread, and coke. Olivia’s official fanbase name is Livies, and she watches some scary movies.

All About Olivia Rodrigo

By: Sophia R. & Mason T.

Picture of Olivia Rodrigo

Psssttt.. Hey, you! Do you wanna check out this Olivia Rodrigo slide Sophia & Mason made? If you do, then click the star!

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The Philippines

Filipino food

The most known food in the philippines is adobo. Adobo is chicken (can be pork or fish), in vinegar, soy sauce, rice, and bay leaves.


First president was Emilo Aguinaldo. He became president on january 1st 1899. The current president is BongBong Marcus.

The population of the Philippines

The population of the Philippines is more than 110 million people. A lot more than 1.3 million foreigners have came to the Philippines in 2023. In the Philippines males are called filipinos and females are called filipinas.

Currency Of the Philippines

The currency of the Philippines are called Pesos. One United States dollar is equal to 55.93 Philippine Pesos. One hundred United States Dollars is equal to 5,593.05 Philippine Pesos.

1 Philippine pesos

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Explorer Academy is about a boy named Cruz Coronado that gets invited to an elite explorer school. Though, his mom died when he was 6 years old when his mom was working at Explorer Academy to help establish the Synthesis, a top secret lab. Though during that an accident occurred… a fire. Some people made it out but sadly Petra (Cruz’s mom) did not make it out. Later in the book Cruz gets informed that the so-called “accident” wasn’t so accidental. Was it for revenge? Now Cruz is trying to complete his mothers mission, but someone is trying to stop him. This 7 book series is an exciting, cliffhanger story. We highly suggest this book. It’s full of mysteries and you will love to solve secret codes in all of their books.

Check out the next page for the characters!

By: Audrey T. and Tristine V.

Explorer Academy

Click on the link to see our individual slide!

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Leilani Kealoha is Cruz’s best friend back in Kauai, Hawaii. She didn’t get chosen to be an explorer at the academy where Cruz is at right now in the book.

Bryndis is also on Team Cousteau. Cruz is a little soft on her though!

Sailor is in Team cousteau with emmett and Cruz, Thye share cabins

EMMETT lU IS THE FIRST PERSON cRuz met When he arrived at Explorer Academy They are all on the same team

Sailor York

Emmett Lu

Bryndis Jonsdottir

Leilani Kealoha

Marisol Coronado

Here are some of the Explorer Academy characters

anywhere on the page when your in slideshow

Marco Coronado is Cruz’s dad which means he is Petra’s Husband. He owns the Goofy Fott Shop that sells Swimming stuff.

Marisol Coronado is Cruz’s Aunt. She helps him with everything when his dad is missing

Macro Coronado

Mell is CRuz’s secret weapon and best friend. Mell is electronic and he is wonderful at stinging bad guys.


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Warrior Cats Book Review

By Ariana P.

If you love cats and you're looking for a good book to read I definitely recommend Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter!

Warrior Cats might not be the best for young kids that can’t handle blood and more like that! If you're very sensitive I don't recommend reading this book!

Preview: A young cat named Rusty lived with his owner near a forest. One night Rusty had a dream about himself trying to catch a mouse in the forest. He decided to check out the forest a bit after the dream. Once he got in the forest, Rusty stumbled upon another cat! At first, the strange cat attacked Rusty and Rusty fought back. When the fight ended, another cat asked Rusty to come and join them in the clans or stay with his “twolegs”(Owners.) And obviously he chose clan life, or there would be no story! Rusty soon gets his apprentice name as Firepaw, by the clan's leader, Bluestar.

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Warrior Cats Book Review (Continued)

Read the book to find out what happens to Firepaw!

More about the series: There are many books of this series to enjoy, as well as books about individual characters inside the books. This series has fighting, love, and me personally it’s very enjoyable! I love this series because of the way they describe everything in the books and the actions they chose for all of the characters.

Reading level: I think the books are rather hard for some people because it has over 300 pages in most of the books as well as many ‘hard’ words. If you read books with about a 5th-6th grade reading level then this book will most likely be for you!

This is why I recommend it and why you should (or shouldn't) try it for yourself!

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Cookie run kingdom tips

By Nhan N.

How it starts

Cookie Run Kingdom starts in a village. When a cookie called Dark Enchantress comes and takes the whole cookie world! and that's right COOKIE. You can get cookies from the Gacha and from cookie cutters. You can get 6 different options: Common. (bad) Rare. (kinda bad) Epic. (good) Super Epic. (super good) Legendary. (super super good!) Ancient. ( super duper DuPER GOOD!!


1# Listen to the tutorial. Trust me it’s going to help you.

2#Save your gems. When I first joined I was using ALL of them.

3#Upgrade all of your stuff. When I started I (still do) ignore everything!

4#Save the soul stone boxes. It helps me SO much!

5#Always think before you do.

Dark Enchantress


Milky way cookie!

Sadly not here :(







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Cookie run kingdom tips by Nhan nguyen (continued)


The goal is to… well there is no goal. But i think the main goal is to beat the whole game and when you're done you can do other modes. There are three modes:basic,dark and master mode and if you finish that too… then wait soon you will get an update plus new cookies!

Well that's all Grizzlies, hope you have a fun time reading this! Thank you and I hope you had a fun Thanksgiving!

Golden cheese cookie

Ancient cookie!

Click to learn about the golden kingdom!

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What is Thanksgiving in Eritrea?

By Lilliana S.

Have you ever celebrated Thanksgiving, The eritrean way? Well if you haven't don’t worry because i’m going to tell you exactly what it’s like. Firstly, we plan really early to get everything ready to make food, decorations and the tukey. We also make injera. Which is a bread that goes with a special type of sauce and if its a fancy type of sauce it might have meat in it! We also keep it simple with a turkey. Finally, we love to dress up in the traditional style!

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November 12-18 is Anti-Bullying week! If you are being bullied here is some things you should do if it continues.

  • Tell an Adult- If you are getting bullied tell an adult so they can help sort it out
  • Talk it out- Tell them how this affects you and how they should really stop
  • Ignore them- Bullies only want attention and want to feel noticed and feel big

And if you are the bully think about that person and how they might feel if it was you how would it feel to be bullied?

Tips on Bullying

By Avery C.

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Princess and the Frog Art

By: Yordanos K.

This drawing was inspired by Tiana in Princess and the Frog glow up.

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This is my Hogwarts drawing that I did at my home. Hogwarts is my favorite setting in the Harry Potter.

Hogwarts is my home’-Harry potter

Henley Pontius

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Note to Our Readers

Dear Fellow Grizzlies,

The Grizzly Gazette is a student run newspaper supervised by Mr. Munson. Our staff writers are: Tristine V., Manvita R., Nhan N., Rita A., Lilliana T., Mason T., Sophia R., Audrey T., Henley P., Sara S., Avery C, Ariana P., Yoronadas K., Lilliana S., and Rylie D. If you are in the 3rd-5th grade and would like to join our staff, ask your teacher for a recommendation.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future newspaper editions, please email Mr.Munson at munsonja@mukilteo.wednet.edu and he will be happy to share with our team of writers.


Grizzly Gazette Team