1 of 1

  • Consistently listens to stories read aloud – individually and in a group setting
  • Understands verbal and nonverbal cues – posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and matches tone of voice with feelings
  • Follows 2-3 step directions
  • Uses language for a variety of communication purposes
  • Responds accurately to simple questions
  • Speaks clearly enough to be understood

Listening and Speaking


  • Familiar with the components of books – cover, top, bottom, and left to right
  • Understands that printed text carries

meaning – words tell the story

  • Predicts what will happen next in stories – retells a simple story
  • Recognizes and identifies some letters – upper/lower case and letters in their name
  • Beginning to understand rhyming words – songs, chants, and nursery rhymes
  • Understands that letters have sounds


  • Communicates their needs and feelings
  • Works and plays well with others – taking turns, sharing, and respecting others
  • Follows rules, routines and recognizes authority
  • Comfortably separates from caregiver
  • Shows self-control – awareness of body and personal space


  • Under caregiver guidance – leads a healthy lifestyle with exercise, 10-12 hours of sleep, healthy diet, well-child checkup, and limited screen time
  • Performs self-help skills – dressing, feeding, toileting, and tying shoes
  • Developing small muscle control and coordination – uses pencils, silverware, paintbrushes, and scissors
  • Developing large muscle control and coordination – running, jumping, dancing, balancing, and throwing

Math and Science

  • Names basic shapes and colors
  • Counts to 15
  • Counts objects one at a time to 10
  • Identifies numbers 0 to 10
  • Understands opposites
  • Sorts objects – soft/hard, small/big, wet/dry
  • Shows curiosity and explores their environment



  • Tries to write and draw
  • Identifies and writes first name
  • Understands writing as a form of communication
  • Plays creatively
  • Willing to explore various art mediums – paint, crayons, and playdough
  • Participates in music and movement

Fergus Fall Public Schools


Readiness Guidelines

This document is intended to be informative regarding a child’s readiness for kindergarten. We understand that not all children will be at the same developmental stages to master these skills. All children are welcome to enter kindergarten if they are at least 5 years old by September 1. If you have any questions about your child’s readiness for kindergarten, please contact Elementary Principal Scott Colbeck at McKinley Elementary School 218.998.0544x9301.