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Self-paced Online Tool for Faculty Professional Development

By Elaine Reeder


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Why I chose this area of study

As the Learning Specialist at Virginia Commonwealth University I am charged with the task of helping faculty with the use of technology for teaching.

Faculty at the university do not attend technology workshops.

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The problem or challenge

How can I share teaching with technology information with faculty and make it more conducive to their schedules?

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Faculty Thoughts

  • I don’t have time for workshops
  • I don’t feel comfortable in a workshop setting, because I am uncomfortable with this type of technology
  • I don’t want to learn everything just what pertains to me right now

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An Option

Create a self-paced technology based learning environment

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The 1st Attempt

A learning environment created in Blackboard to help faculty who wanted to use VoiceThread in their online or hybrid course

The TBLE includes:

  • Introduction to VoiceThread, how it might be used in teaching and learning
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to use the tool
  • Short “snack-size” how-to video instruction

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Hmm! Will it Work?

The first iteration of the TBLE is created and I will start testing it this summer.

  • Several faculty expressed interest in VT, start with them
  • New faculty orientation in August
  • Reaching out to the Art History department that is introducing a online survey course

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How does it work?

Let’s take a look...

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Next steps:

If the TBLE is accepted by the faculty the plan is to create more for different university supported applications

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I am trying to find new ways to work with faculty at VCU, my hope is that they will embrace the technology based learning environment and this will replace the workshops offered by the Learning Systems department at the university.