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Please complete this quick survey.


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Susan Watt

Technology Support Teacher, WRDSB

  • Link to this presentation: goo.gl/2Wmc0Q

  • Link to WRDSB GAFE Support Website:�bit.ly/wrdsbgafe

  • My website: susanwatt.ca

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What is ?

Google Apps for Education (GAFE) is a suite of cloud based, collaborative applications for teaching and learning.

Applications include but are not limited to Google Drive, Docs, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Forms, Gmail and Calendar. Many more applications can be added as well to individual accounts.

All of the applications may be accessed through the web using any browser on any device, however, in order to benefit from all that GAfE offers, we suggest that you use Google Chrome.

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GAFE / Personal Google Account

Advantages with GAFE:

  • all teacher and student accounts reside within your board’s ‘walled garden’; offers extra security and privacy
  • no age restriction for student accounts
  • database of all accounts (T and S) is accessible from each account

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Using GAFE in the classroom

  • Tool for Collaboration
    • Student / Teacher
    • Student / Student
    • Teacher / Teacher�
  • Tool to facilitate Assessment
    • easy sharing among teachers and students�
  • Cloud storage
    • min 30GB storage per user
    • Eco friendly - paper free classroom

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Let’s work together on a

Google Doc

Go to the document at the link shown.

(About Us)

Follow the instructions on the doc - tell us a little about yourself!

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Log in and look at ‘DRIVE’

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How to Create Documents

From your Google Drive:�

  • select the red ‘Create’ button in the top left corner; from the drop down menu, select the type of document you’d like�
  • give the document a Title�
  • choose ‘Share’ and select the desired sharing options

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Create and Share

  • create a document
  • give it a title
  • set the ‘Share’ settings and share the document with at least one person in the room
  • add a title
  • explore the editing options and menus
  • locate the docs in ‘Shared with Me’

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Some Google Doc WOWs

  • File > See Revision History
  • Insert > Comment
  • Tools > Research
  • Chat

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You can also CREATE:

  • Folder
  • Document
  • Presentation
  • Spreadsheet
  • Form
  • Drawing
  • Connect more apps

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Looking at Forms / Spreadsheets

Let’s look at the results of our introductory survey > https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap2zwIwhytv_dGFHQk1HUkRYWmkyTlNhTGl0LVhwUmc#gid=0

Create a simple form for your students!

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Strategies for Sharing - Using Folders

  • if you create and share a folder, anything created within that folder will automatically have the same share settings as the folder
  • when you share with students (or others), the folder will appear in their DRIVE
  • suggestions: create folders for classes, assignments, subjects or individual students

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A Possible Process for Assignments


  • creates an assignment, sets Sharing to ‘View’
  • shares doc with students through GAFE Drive �


  • opens the document
  • makes a copy by going to File > Make a Copy
  • works on the assignment
  • ‘hands it in’ by sharing the document with the teacher

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Titling Documents

  • titling of documents is very important in a classroom setting
  • add any important information to the title, i.e. date, assignment, class, student name, teacher name, etc.
  • the Search window is very useful and will find any word used in a title - titling becomes almost like ‘tagging’

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Google Docs on an iPad

  • to access GAFE on an iPad, use the DRIVE, Google Docs or Sheets apps
  • log in using your GAFE or Gmail email address and password

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  • Link to this presentation: goo.gl/2Wmc0Q

  • Link to WRDSB GAFE Support Website: bit.ly/wrdsbgafe

  • My website: susanwatt.ca

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