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Skill: Being an Appropriate Role Model

How Do I Lead People in a Good Direction?

Today, we'll talk about how to identify situations where we have an opportunity to show leadership by setting a good example for peers or younger children.

Grades: 6-8

Benchmark(s): 6-8.RDM.1.1

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When someone does something like this, do you think it’s because of their values or because of the TV camera filming them? Why?

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✅ Adults and peers are more likely to see you as mature and responsible. They are more likely to see you as someone who deserves opportunities to make decisions or be a leader.

✅ It helps you to maintain positive relationships with adults, peers, and younger peers or siblings.

✅ Younger peers or siblings are more likely to make decisions that will lead to positive, pleasant consequences.

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During science class, Valerie notices that a few students keep talking to each other while the teacher is talking to the class. The same students keep interrupting the teacher instead of raising their hands.

How should Valerie handle this situation? What’s important to consider?

What wisdom would you share with a younger person about how to be a good role model?

Picture this!

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  • Recognize a situation when you need to model behavior for others.
  • Follow the rules of the situation.
  • Choose behavior that is kind and polite when interacting with adults and peers.
  • Promptly correct inappropriate peer behavior. Offer constructive suggestions for what the peer can do differently.

What about this sounds right? 👍

What details might be missing? 🤔


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Saying "You're being rude" isn't as helpful as, "Hey, remember to say thank you."

Remember that your actions speak louder than words. People will pay attention to what you're doing and they may follow your lead.

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Cooper’s friend Diego just started telling him a rumor that someone in their math class got suspended for fighting.

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Play it out: How would the tips and suggestions that we’ve discussed look in this situation?

Words of wisdom: What advice would help someone handle this situation well?

Heads up: What pitfalls should someone try to avoid in a situation like this? How?

Lessons learned: I’ve been through a similar situation and here’s what I learned from it…

Choose one

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Carmen’s partner in math class, Brody, was absent yesterday and he doesn’t know how to do the problems the class is working on. Carmen could take extra time to help him catch up or she could finish her homework quickly instead.

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Play it out: How would the tips and suggestions that we’ve discussed look in this situation?

Words of wisdom: What advice would help someone handle this situation well?

Heads up: What pitfalls should someone try to avoid in a situation like this? How?

Lessons learned: I’ve been through a similar situation and here’s what I learned from it…

Choose one

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Adam goes over to a friend Henry’s house to study for a math test. Soon after Adam gets there, Henry says that they should just play video games instead. "I can fail that test and still pass the class. No big deal!" he says.

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Play it out: How would the tips and suggestions that we’ve discussed look in this situation?

Words of wisdom: What advice would help someone handle this situation well?

Heads up: What pitfalls should someone try to avoid in a situation like this? How?

Lessons learned: I’ve been through a similar situation and here’s what I learned from it…

Choose one

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During a school assembly, the friends Cole is sitting with start to shout random words and giggle. They also start to toss a water bottle back and forth.

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Play it out: How would the tips and suggestions that we’ve discussed look in this situation?

Words of wisdom: What advice would help someone handle this situation well?

Heads up: What pitfalls should someone try to avoid in a situation like this? How?

Lessons learned: I’ve been through a similar situation and here’s what I learned from it…

Choose one

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Nice work! To recap, we learned more about: