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WW2 & The Holocaust Book Clubs


#05: Meet with your literature circles/book club members to discuss the reading and your reactions.What is this book starting to really be about? What themes are emerging?

#07: Continue reading 250+ pages and complete create a CONCRETE FOUND POEM based around a theme found in the book -

Due 5/2


#01:Meet with your book club members to organize your reading schedule and set up book club responsibilities.

#04: Read up to page 150, then complete this character analysis assignment

HERE - Due 4/26

#03: Read & focus on Characterization

Who is the protagonist and how does the war impact their life and actions?

#9: Finish reading your your independent reading book and then complete the one-pager - Due 5/6

Begin reading independent reading book

*20 pages per day* & Complete Literature Circles Accountability Slide deck

#08: Meet with your literature circles/book club members to discuss the reading and your reactions.What scenes do you remember most vividly? Have they made you look at the world or your family differently?

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Character Analysis Assignment

TASK: Write a two-paragraph character analysis essay how the author depicts the main characters in the text.

The writer examines the protagonist, the role they play within the story, and how the author chooses to reveal key details.

  • What seems to motivate the central characters?
  • Does the characters change significantly?
  • Do sharp contrasts between characters highlight important themes?
  • What are the characters’ beliefs, hopes, dreams, values, fears, virtues, etc.?
  • What do they say and do to reveal themselves?
  • What do others say about fellow characters?

The first paragraph will introduce the story, author, central character, plot, central idea, and claim/thesis statement.

The second paragraph will identify the central character, key traits, plot events that demonstrate the character's key traits, and specific story evidence (i.e. textual evidence) to support your conclusion of this dynamic character. This evidence must come from multiple events (3 examples) throughout the first 150 pages of the text.

  • Underline or italicize book titles. Also, periods and commas go inside ending quotation marks.
  • Do not use first-person or second-person pronouns to write your essay. Pronouns are allowed only in direct quotes.
  • Double space your submission.

Length: 300 - 400 words

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Concrete Found Poems

I’m combining two poetic forms here: the “concrete” or shape poem and the “found” poem.

To create a concrete found poem, students must only use words, phrases or even whole sentences “found” in their text. Then, they must shape these words into a visual representation on paper. They are not drawing; they must arrange the words, phrases, or sentences into an image on the page.

Students can create concrete found poems about a theme like resistance, perseverance, or courage to name a few.

Upload your concrete found poem on Google Classroom with a document with the cited words, phrases, or sentences and page numbers used to create the image. I require a minimum of ten of these.


Fate is a hunter.

Shame is a hunter

Guilt is a hunter.

Fear is a hunter.

We laugh in the face of fear, kick it like a stone across the street.

But brave warriors brush away fear with a flick of the wrists.

Spanish republicans, trade unionists, Ukrainians,

Communists, Czechoslovaks, Greeks, Gypsies,

Leave! Go away! I was annoyed.

It's all your fault.

******** ********.


Fate is a hunter: Page 3

Shame is a hunter: Page 5

Guilt is a hunter: Page 1

Fear is a hunter: Page 7

We laugh in the face of fear, kick it like a stone across the street: Page 7

But brave warriors brush away fear with a flick of the wrists: Page 7

Spanish republicans, trade unionists, Ukrainians: Page 51

Communists, Czechoslovaks, Greeks, Gypsies: Page 51

Leave! Go away! I was annoyed: Page 53

It's all your fault: Page 31

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WW2 & Holocaust One Pager

Due Friday May 6th

Create a “one-pager” to showcase your reading and understanding of your WW2 text.

Directions - Use white, unlined computer paper. Include the following:

All of the information must be provided on one slide and one page of your paper:

  • Title stands out on the page and include the author of the book
  • Include 5 adjectives to describe the events of WW2 was presented in the text
  • 3 bulleted facts about WW2 presented in the text
  • 3 important quotations throughout the book that highlight the atrocities and resistance presented by the people in the text. Be sure to:
    • - Write the quotation in quotation marks & include page #s
    • - Next to the quotation, explain why this is significant (i.e. “This quotation expresses...”)

5. At least 5 drawings, symbols, and/or images that represent key elements presented in the book - Use color, be creative, be neat, and fill the entire page

6. Include ONE high level question(Level 3 & 4) one might have about some aspect of your book. Answer the question next to where you wrote the question.

7. Write a personal statement (paragraph) about what you have read – What did it mean to you? What did you learn and or personal connections?