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Consensus Meetings In Science

Making Student Thinking Visible

& Incorporating Student Voice

Resources & Slides here (listed in description as well): https://sites.google.com/masonk12.net/consensusmeeting

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Tiffany Henfling

7th Grade Science

Mason Middle School (Mason, MI)



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Session Target

This session will focus on the what, why and how of implementing interactive conversation into science classrooms. Providing a fresh way of incorporating student voice heightens engagement and promotes the idea that learning is socially mediated. Consensus meetings expose students to multiple ideas and expands their learning. A video example and consensus meeting reenactment will leave teachers prepared to launch this strategy in their own classrooms.


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A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

~Albert Einstein


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What is a Consensus Meeting?

A teaching strategy that is:

  • Student centered learning
  • Interactive
  • Engaging
  • Reflective
  • Data Driven
  • Formative Assessment
  • Meaningful


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Why Should you use Consensus Meetings?

  • Eliminates “sit and get”
  • Eliminates teacher as the “wisdom giver”
  • Creates collaborative learning environment
  • Increases student engagement
  • Makes misconceptions visible
  • Promotes student self reflection
  • Student developed driving questions & key concepts
  • Creates meaning & purpose to their learning


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What a Consensus Meeting Looks Like


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Students must be taught how to think, not what to think.

~Margaret Mead


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7 Baby Steps

To Successful

Consensus Meetings

Detailed Description on Website

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7 Baby Steps to Successful Consensus Meetings

  • Set the tone.
  • Give students the language needed in a scientific discussion.
  • Set a purpose. (Why do they need to talk this way?)
  • Classroom management: Teach students how to quickly get into/out of a consensus meeting
  • Set your expectations for today’s consensus meeting
  • Trust your students - sink or swim
  • Provide Feedback


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Practice what you preach before you try to teach it to someone else.

~Author Unknown


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The Consensus Meeting Strategy


  • What is a consensus meeting?
  • Why is a consensus meeting a useful strategy in the classroom?
  • How do you envision using this strategy in your classroom?
  • What concerns or questions do you have about this strategy?

Sentence Stems:

  • I agree/disagree because...
  • What do you mean by that?
  • Does anyone want to respond to that idea?
  • What's your evidence?
  • Can you give me an example?
  • Why do you think that?
  • What do we need to find out in order to answer our question(s)?


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Detailed instructions, session slides & FAQ on website: https://sites.google.com/masonk12.net/consensusmeeting


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The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask his pupils that they can answer readily, but how many questions he inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard to answer.

~Alice Wellington Rollins


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