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There is No single community in Nigeria that promote the principles of open science and instill responsible conduct of research among scientists, researchers, and societal stakeholders

Establish an Open Science (OS) Community to embed open science principles and practices

Increase in memberships subscription and acceptance by the targeted communities

The requirements are website, core team, storage & laptop, experts, memberships, CAC registration, Funding, and contributors

OSCN is a unique community where newcomers and experience peers interact, inspire each other to adopt open science practices and values, identify opportunities and pitfalls, provide feedback on policies, infrastructure, and support services as does in other regions of the world.

Scientists, Researchers, Stakeholders and Students who are passionate about OS but have little to no experience with OS principles and practices.

Meeting to inspire and co-create important things together as a community is key through Slack, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Scientists, Researchers, Stakeholders, Students, Policymakers, Clinicians and Other health professionals who could be our Core Team.

Role of open science in enlightening public about disease outbreak through collaborations via Slack, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Open Science Community Nigeria (OSCN)

This is a template. Please make a copy for yourself (file -> Make a copy).

See next slide for instructions!

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