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Siobhan Leachman

Wikipedia: User:Ambrosia10

ORCID: 0000-0002-5398-7721

Slides: bit.ly/ConnectEverythingAWMM

Connect everything

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Images: Wikidata/Wikipedia/Wikicommons CC BY SA 3.0 via WikiCommons

My main projects

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My main editing interests

  • Biodiversity
  • Women
  • New Zealand
  • People in biodiversity
  • New Zealand fauna and flora

Can you spot what’s missing in the image? (Spoiler - INSECTS)

Image by New Zealand Government, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

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Image of Orra White Hitchcock by John L. Lovell. Public domain. Image of Anna Antoinette Weber van Bosse via University of Amsterdam, Artis Library. Public domain. Image of Janet Russell Perkins. Public domain.

Women who contribute to Natural History

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Digitise content

Place on public platforms

Allow open reuse

Image: Steereomitrium minutum E.O.Campb. by New York Botanical Garden, CC BY 4.0

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I see women scientists

Biodiversity literature

Specimen labels

Museum websites

Screenshot of The fossil Elateridae of Florissant , public domain. Specimen sheet held in the United States National Herbarium CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Screenshot of Te Papa website reused under section 43 of the New Zealand Copyright Act 1994.

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And put them in Wikipedia

Screenshot of Wikipedia article on Ella Campbell on 6 September 2023 CC BY-SA 4.0

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Be what you see

Helps correct historic record

Raises profile of woman

Internet search engines

Encourages researchers

Fight bias

Image: Baltimore and Ohio railroad catalogue. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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Image by Priscilla Susan Bury via BHL. Public Domain in the US.

Notability for Wikipedia

Significant coverage

Reliable sources

Independent of subject

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Need a foot

in the door

Image by Siobhan Leachman CC0

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Open reuse

Knowledge graph


Low nobility criteria

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Create or Enrich Wikidata

Screen shot of Wikidata item CC BY-SA 4.0

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Gives schema for items

Guides editors

Gives confidence

Toy, cradle and dolls. Auckland Museum, CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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Raises profile of woman

Internet search engines

Encourages researchers

Data in Wikidata is REUSED

Image: Baltimore and Ohio railroad catalogue. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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Screenshot of Histropedia.

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Picture > 1000 words

Images or creations by you

Public domain in US AND NZ

Openly licensed images

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Copyright resources

HD@DH.nrw | Michelle Dahlmanns, CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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Help with editing

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© Siobhan Leachman, 2023. Unless indicated otherwise for specific images, this slide deck is licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 International licence. Please note that this licence does not apply to any images. Those specific items may be re-used as indicated in the image rights statement within each slide. In essence, you are free to copy, distribute and adapt this slide deck, as long as you abide by the other licence terms.

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