Class of 2026 Scheduling
Senior Year
Graduation Requirements
Course Selection Guide
Why should I read this?
CSG Link:
CSG Link: http:/
Course Selection Guide
Honors Diploma
Students must meet all but one of these criteria.
*A Student Strength demonstration may replace World Languages, GPA or ACT. Options for student strength demonstration include College Credit Plus, Advanced Placement, Career-Technical Coursework, WorkKeys or ASVAB proficiency, or official Work-Based Learning.
Honors Diploma - detailed requirements can be found at the ODE website: ODE Honors Diplomas.
Required Courses for 12th Grade:
English 12:
Social Science
Math: Math Flow Chart
When choosing the level of a required course, consider the following:
1. Current Success 2. Challenge 3. Balance
English 12 options:
CP English 12 (EN33)
AP English Language (EN54)
Elective Credit: 5 elective credits needed
Elective credit includes any credit received outside of those
needed as Graduation Requirements.
Elective credits can be found in the core subjects
and in following areas:
PE Class vs PE Waiver
Health: Required course for graduation
All students must complete a ½ credit health course in order to graduate.
If you have not completed the course yet, your options are:
AP Courses:
Important Dates:
January 24th
February 13th:
Planning Tools: Course Selection Guide
Completing the Course Selection Worksheet
Course selection planning sheet
How to:Scheduling Worksheet Video
Alternate Classes:
Please select alternates that you WANT to take!
Select 3 alternate semester classes
**If you do not put anything, your counselor will pick for you!
Online Scheduling is due February 20th!!!!
Important Dates:
Feb. 11th: Scheduling Flex: How to Online Schedule; Online Scheduling opens!
Feb 13th: Parent/Teacher Conferences @ 3-6:30pm
Scheduling Fair 3-5:30pm (Drop-in; Media Center)
CCP Meeting @ 5:45-6:30pm (Auditorium)
AP Seminar Meeting @5:00-5:30pm (B14)
Feb. 19th: Sign Up for Individual Conferences 3-6:30pm
Feb. 20th: Extended HR/Activate; Online PowerSchedule Options DUE!
Feb. 24th: Appeal Waivers due to Counseling Office
March 3rd- 14th: Individual Meetings with Counselor During English Classes
Schedule Policy:
ALL schedules for the school year will be FINAL on the first day of school
Email, Flex/Study hall, Scheduling Fair, Conferences