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Getting Started with Accessibility Governance

Agency Accessibility Workgroups

Accessibility Open Office Hours - 12/1/2022

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Who needs to be involved in making things accessible?


  • While not everyone will be remediating accessibility issues or creating accessible content, everyone will have a part to play in changing your organizational culture.
  • Successfully incorporating accessibility into your agency’s operations will involve many people in all aspects of your agency’s administration and operations.

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What is an Agency Accessibility Workgroup?

  • An agency accessibility workgroup is a multidisciplinary group of agency employees at varying levels of the org chart that can help with planning for the six core criteria, implementing accessibility plans, and leading cultural change:
    • Governance, Roles & Responsibilities
    • Evaluation & Remediation
    • Skills & Training
    • Communication & Support
    • Procurement & Vendor Management
    • Software Development Lifecycle

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What is an Agency Accessibility Workgroup?

  • This workgroup can go by any name your agency chooses:
    • Accessibility Ops Team
    • Accessibility Core Team
    • Accessibility Project Team

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Who needs to be in the Agency Accessibility Workgroup?

Recommended positions within the team:

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Where should the Accessibility Workgroup start work?

Governance, Roles & Responsibilities

The Governance criteria of the plan ensures that accessibility-related roles and responsibilities across the organization are defined:

  • Include point people who will be responsible for implementing and maintaining accessibility compliance of the technology within their domain.
  • Identify an accountable party that the accessibility point people will report to and communicate with about progress, opportunities, and resource requirements.

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Accessibility Resources for State Government