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The Quick and Easy Way to Make an Online School

How Brick & Mortar Administrators can give their students 24/7 access to the classroom and instruction

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You will need 3 things to make your Your Online School:

  • Item 1: You’ll need a Digital Platform where students can access course resources and turn in work.
  • Item 2: You’ll need Virtual Classrooms where both teachers and students can go online.
  • Item 3: You’ll need Communicate and to get this information to your students

Great News: If you’re using Google Suites, you are pretty much ready to go and it costs nothing!

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Step 1: Create a Digital Platform (LMS)

  • Make sure all of your teachers are using Google Classrooms and that each course has a Google Classroom attached to it.
  • Have your teachers add all their students to Google Classroom if they haven’t already.
  • Train your teachers in how to post assignments, make announcements, and how to add resources like worksheets to Google Classroom.
  • Give your teachers access to a Digital Classroom Tutorial.

* A Digital Platform is not just the place where instruction happens. It’s a place students can go to access instruction, information, and resources. A teacher website can be a digital classroom, a link to a virtual classroom (like Zoom, Goto Meeting) is not a digital platform. If your students can turn in work here, it is a Digital Platform. Known as a “Learning Management System” in the trade.

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Step 2: Create Virtual Classrooms

  • Set up your Google Admin to enable teachers make video calls and add conferences to Calendar events. Google Meet is your virtual classroom. Click here for a video.
  • Have all of your teachers create virtual classrooms using Google Calendar, and have them get the links for these and post in the Google Classrooms.
  • Train your teachers in how present and record in their virtual classrooms so they can still instruct their students.
  • Give your teachers access to a Digital Classroom Tutorial.

* IMPORTANT: The conferences attached to each calendar event have both a link and number attached. If you copy this link, you can put it anywhere and students can access classes by clicking the link at the appropriate times. Different than the Platform/LMS

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Step 3: Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

  • You should send students/parents a schoolwide notice describe what will happen. Click here for an example.
  • Have all of your teachers send similar notices to their specific students/parents.
  • If you are organized enough, once you get the links to all the virtual classroom days/times, you can even send students/parents a digital schedule with links and times for all their digital courses.
  • Create a Communication Plan: How often will your teachers email their students? What will they say? What format will they make their communications in?
  • Give your teachers access to a Digital Classroom Tutorial. General Weekly Email Example; Course-specific Weekly Email Example

* IMPORTANT: The better your school communicates with students and parents, the better this will come off. The more clear your plan in this, the better everything will go.

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The Silver Lining

The tools that you’ll be using here enrich your normal classrooms!

  • Does it hurt your students to have access to classrooms 24/7? A digital platform does that, and you can give them access to resources, worksheets, even great lectures 24 hours/day, 7 days/week for not much work.
  • Does it hurt your teachers to be good at Google Calendar and know how to use Digital Conferencing? Both of these are excellent resources that are good to know.
  • Got Instructional Videos? Ever have a lecture you REALLY hate kids to miss? Why not record those, put it into your virtual classrooms, and give your students access to it?

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Additional Resources

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Contact and Follow Up

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