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Hodgkin Lymphoma

Anwar Rjoop, MD FCAP

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Hodgkin Lymphoma

Non Hodgkin Lymphoma

Low Grade

Intermediate Grade


High Grade

(very aggressive)

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Hodgkin lymphoma

  • 30% of all lymphomas

  • Classified
    • Clinical features/behavior
    • Morphological and immunophenotypic findings
      • Differences of Reed-Sternberg cells and variants
      • Composition of cellular response

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  • Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL)

  • Classical Hodgkin lymphoma (CHL)
    • Nodular sclerosis (65-70%).
    • Mixed cellularity (20-25%).
    • Lymphocyte-rich (<1%).
    • Lymphocyte-depleted

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Hodgkin Lymphoma�

  • Most common malignancy of young adults
  • Bimodal age distribution:
    • First peak between 20 and 30 years of age.
    • Second peak > 50 years of age.

  • Cervical and supraclavicular nodes are the most commonly affected.
  • Spread is usually to contiguous nodes (stepwise fashion) following an anatomic course followed by spleen, liver and bone marrow.

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  • Historical background
  • Thomas Hodgkin described, in 1832, clinical and autopsy findings of 7 patients with massive lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly.
  • Later similar cases were described and given the name Hodgkin disease by Wilks.
  • The abnormal cells were described by Reed and Sternberg. Both thought the process is infectious.

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Hodgkin Disease�Clinical Presentations

  • Painless peripheral lymphadenopathy. Mostly cervical and supraclavicular
  • B-symptoms (cytokines release):
    • Fever
    • Night sweats
    • Weight loss (10% of body weight)
  • Splenomegaly in 16% of the cases
  • Anemia due to bone marrow involvement in 5% of the cases

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Epidemiology of Hodgkin Disease

  • Bimodal age distribution in developed countries
  • Early childhood peak in developing countries
  • Case clustering
  • High economic standards association with the young adult peak

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Hodgkin Lymphoma


  • Neoplastic cells (Reed-Sternberg cells).
  • Immunologic reaction to tumor

The quality and the quantity of each component determines the subtype of Hodgkin disease.

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Morphologic Features of Classic Reed-Sternberg Cells

1. Large in size (15-45 m in diameter).

2. Polylobated nucleus.

3. Huge round inclusion-like nucleoli.

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Variants of Reed-Sternberg cells

  • Hodgkin cells (Mononuclear variant): Insufficient for diagnosis but can be used for diagnosing extra-nodal sites in known cases.

  • Mummified cells: dark smudge degenerating cells with pyknotic nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm.

  • Lacunar cells: Large polylobated nuclei surrounded by pale cytoplasm and contain inconspicuous nucleoli.

  • (LP) L&H cells: cells with hyperlobated nuclei, finely granular chromatin and inconspicuous small nucleoli.

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Neoplastic Cells in Hodgkin Disease

R-S Cell

Lacunar cell

L&H cell


R-S cell

Mummified cell

Hodgkin cells

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Classification of Hodgkin Disease

WHO Classification

  • Classic HL
    • Nodular sclerosis (65-70%).

    • Mixed cellularity (20-25%).

    • Lymphocyte depletion (<1%).

    • Lymphocyte Rich (adults)
  • Nodular lymphocyte predominant (NLPHL).

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1. Classical HL (RS cells: CD45-, CD20-, CD15+, CD30+, PAX5+ (weak), MUM1+)��2. NLPHL (L&H cells: CD45+, CD20+, CD30-, CD15-) �

HL immunophenotype

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Hodgkin Disease

Non-neoplastic reactive cells:

  • Lymphocytes: composed mostly of small lymphocytes with the CD4 immunophenotype.
  • Histiocytes.
  • Eosinophils
  • Plasma cells.
  • Neutrophils.
  • Fibroblasts and fibrous tissue.

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Immunophenotypic Characteristics of Reed-Sternberg cells

Positive for:

  • CD30 (Ki-1)
  • CD15
  • CD25 (IL-2 receptor)
  • HLA-DR
  • CD71 (transferrin receptor)

Negative for:

  • CD45 (LCA)
  • CD20*
  • CD3*

*Variable expression of T and B- cell markers

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Non-Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma� Nodular Lymphocyte predominant �(NLPHL)

  • 5% of all cases of HL.
  • Affects predominantly young males (<35 years).
  • Cervical and/or axillary nodes are the most frequently involved.
  • Intra-abdominal involvement is rare.
  • Good prognosis.

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Hodgkin Lymphoma� Nodular Lymphocyte predominant �(NLPHL)


  • Diffuse or nodular pattern.
  • Background of small lymphocytes. Neutrophils, eosinophils and plasma cells, fibroblasts and necrosis are absent
  • L&H cells (popcorn cells): resemble transformed lymphocytes with hyperlobated nuclei, finely granular chromatin and inconspicuous small nucleoli. Mummified cells and aberrant mitosis are common.
  • Classical Reed-Sternberg cells are rare.

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Nodules of various sizes

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Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma �(1) Mixed Cellularity

  • 25% of cases of HL.
  • Superficial adenopathy.
  • HIV infection
  • Granuloma-like clusters of histiocytes or granulomas may be seen. (immune-compromised patients)
  • Abdominal involvement is seen in half of the patients.
  • Numerous easily identified Reed-Sternberg cells in the appropriate setting.
  • Background cells: lymphocytes, eosinophils, macrophages, plasma cells, neutrophils.

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Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma�(2) Lymphocyte depleted

  • Affects mostly patients over 50 years of age.
  • Males are affected more than females.
  • B-symptoms are common.
  • Usually involves intra-abdominal sites/retroperitoneal nodes.
  • Stages III&IV are usual.
  • Pancytopenia.
  • Prognosis is unfavorable.

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Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma�(3) Nodular Sclerosis

  • 70% of cases of HD.
  • High incidence in females.
  • Patients present at an early stage (I&II).
  • Mediastinum is the most commonly involved site.
  • Excellent prognosis.

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Triad of

  • Sclerosis: Orderly bands of birefringent interconnecting collagenous tissue that circumscribe nodules of abnormal lymphoid tissue.
  • Lacunar cells.
  • Reed-Sternberg cells (rare).

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Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma�(4) lymphocyte Rich

*Absence of PMNs and eosinophils�*Peripheral LN are typically involved�*Stage I or II disease�*HIV uncommon�*Bulky disease uncommon

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Hodgkin Lymphoma


  • ? Viral:
    • Case clustering
    • Occurrence of multiple cases in a single household
    • EBV has been found by serologic and epidemiologic studies.
    • 20-80% of the cases have the EBV genome.
  • ? Genetic

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Hodgkin Lymphoma�Poor Prognostic Factors

  • Stage IV, and B symptoms
  • Age ≥ 45yr
  • Male gender
  • Histology (particularly the lymphocyte-depleted)
  • ESR (>50)
  • Albumin level (<4g/dl),
  • Low Hb. (<10.5gldl)

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Clinical Differences Between HL and NHL


Sites of involvement


Waldeyer ring &

mesenteric node


Extranodal involvement


Often single axial

lymph node region





Often multiple

peripheral nodes




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Thank you