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How is the character feeling?

Go through your journal and read the sentence associated with the image. Write how the character is feeling and give a justification from the text.

Bran glanced at Mara and smirked. He came from a long line of healers and was certain he’d follow in their footsteps.

How is Bran feeling at this point?


Create an image of Bran

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How is the character feeling?

Go through your journal and read the sentence associated with the image. Write how the character is feeling and give a justification from the text.

Bran glanced at Mara and smirked. He came from a long line of healers and was certain he’d follow in their footsteps.

How is Mara feeling at this point?


Create an image of Mara

3 of 8

How is the character feeling?

Go through your journal and read the sentence associated with the image. Write how the character is feeling and give a justification from the text.

How is Mara feeling after this comment?


“There’s plenty of work for those who fail. You’d make a good maid - and even better pig-mucker”

Create an image of Mara

4 of 8

How is the character feeling?

Go through your journal and read the sentence associated with the image. Write how the character is feeling and give a justification from the text.

How is Mara feeling when she sees this?


A squeal broke her trance and a wild bora emerged from the bushes. It’s trunks were monstrous.

Create an image of Mara and the boar.

5 of 8

How is the character feeling?

Go through your journal and read the sentence associated with the image. Write how the character is feeling and give a justification from the text.

How is Mara feeling?


The hair on the back of Mara neck pricked up.

Create an image of Mara.

6 of 8

How is the character feeling?

Go through your journal and read the sentence associated with the image. Write how the character is feeling and give a justification from the text.

How is Bran feeling?


Bran’s breath came in gsaps. “An adder,” Bran painted.

Create an image of Bran.

7 of 8

How is the character feeling?

Go through your journal and read the sentence associated with the image. Write how the character is feeling and give a justification from the text.

How is Mara feeling? What will she do?


“He would not help” Mara told herself. He would leave me to the wolves and bears if it meant he’d win.

Create an image of Mara and Bran

8 of 8

How is the character feeling?

Go through your journal and read the sentence associated with the image. Write how the character is feeling and give a justification from the text.

How is Bran Feeling?

How is Mara Feeling?


“Im sorry” Bran whispered. “You could have made it without me?

Create an image of Mara and Bran