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Numeric Separators

Looking to advance to Stage 2

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  • Recap from last meeting
  • Discuss open issue
  • Stage 2

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Recap from last meeting

  • TL;DR; Underscores between digits in numeric literals, e.g. ��Thousands separator 1_000_000_000�Byte separator 0xA0_B0_C0, 0b1010_0001_1000_0101�
  • Spec draft at http://tc39.github.io/proposal-numeric-separator
  • Only one remaining open feedback, looking for a recommendation
  • At Stage 1, looking to advance to Stage 2

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Will this change user’s behavior?

  • As we introduce separators to the language for programmers, do we expect user input to change too?
  • Concern is that users are going to expect _ to be allowed in form fields, etc
  • parseFloat() and parseInt() left unchanged deliberately
  • Two paths
    • Introduce and couple a new method, Number.parse() to fill the gaps of parseFloat/parseInt
    • De-couple, get numeric separators to stage 2, and look at these problems independently
  • Strawman proposal
    • De-couple, enable polyfills to fill the gap and converge (and standardize when/if they do).

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Stage 2? Reviewers?