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Elementary School Chargers

General Information


School Website

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Caldwell Online Academy

Student Orientation

2023-2024 School Year

First Day of School: Mon, Aug. 28th!


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Welcome & Student Support

Office: Caldwell Online Academy (Freedman Center/Horizons)

332 Greenhaven Dr. NW, Lenoir, NC 28645

Phone #: (828) 726-3855

Julie Hall, Caldwell Online Academy Director/Principal

Email: juhall@caldwellschools.com

Extension: 307308

Courtney Johnson, Caldwell Online Academy Counselor

Email: coujohnson@caldwellschools.com

Extension: 307309


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Shared Student Support

Angela Proffit

School Nurse



Nikki Lutton

School Social Worker



Ashley Byers

School Social Worker



Sharon Hubbard

AIG Specialist



William Romero

Bilingual ESL Teacher



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Your Classroom Teacher…

Mrs. Miranda Morris

Click here to meet Mrs. Morris

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School Calendar & Weather Issues

School Calendar

  • Follows the traditional CCS calendar
  • Same breaks, holidays, and grading period dates
  • Begins Mon., Aug. 28th and ends on Fri, May 31st

Weather Issues

  • No school for students = no school for us
  • Early Release for weather= early release for us
  • Remote learning for students = school as usual for us, except no live Zooms
  • Delayed start for students = no live Zooms for us, but assignments in all classes

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Attendance in Powerschool

  • Attendance will be recorded daily in each core academic class.
  • Present for the day= marked present for at least ½ of the total school day
  • Absent = marked present for less than ½ of the total school day
  • Must use Virtual Office to submit attendance documentation–teacher/director can’t change to excused!

NOTE: Internet issues do NOT result in excused absences. (same as car trouble for in-person classes).

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Elementary School Chargers

Attendance & Expectations


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Caldwell Online Virtual Office…

Powerschool & Attendance

Requesting Parent/Guardian Powerschool Account Access

~Never had Powerschool access yet?

–Scan the QR code on the back of your Orientation sheet now to request or go to Virtual Office on the Caldwell Online Academy website

~After you receive that log-in information,

–Go to https://caldwellschools.powerschool.com/public

~Access is good for child’s entire educational enrollment in CCS.

Submitting Attendance Documentation

~Okay to email teachers about illnesses, absences, etc.


~ MUST use the Virtual Office absence reporting link on Caldwell Online site to report the absence and submit the documentation. Teachers CANNOT mark an absence excused.

~Must be logged in using a Google email account to upload the documentation.


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Successful Remote Learners are…

  • Self-Motivated
  • Responsible
  • Engaged
  • Responsive
  • Willing to self-advocate
  • Persistent
  • Technologically curious
  • Supported/monitored by family

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Student’s Expectations: Respectful

  • Be polite and kind to your teachers and your classmates
  • Keep cameras ON unless teacher directs otherwise during live core classes and office hour check-ins for elective classes.
  • Dress in appropriate clothing that is not disruptive to the virtual learning environment…clothing should not be disruptive or obscene

  • Wear shirts and pants/shorts at all times…same as in-person setting.
  • Respond to your teachers,but allow other students to talk as well.

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Student’s Expectations: Responsible

  • ATTEND class & complete assignments regularly!
  • Stnagement platform.
  • Don’t get a zero because you don’t know how to turn something in...ask for help!

  • Advocate for yourself & communicate effectively…ask for help or clarification DURING class time so time isn’t wasted waiting on email reply!
  • Do your own work … cheating will result in consequences
  • Communicate with teachers if you are experiencing problems using your Canvas classrooms.

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Student’s Expectations: Engaged

  • Stnagement platform.

Don’t get a zero because you don’t know how to turn something in...ask for help!

  • Don’t get a zero because you don’t know how to turn something in...ask for help!

Be an active & engaged learner…respond to your teachers and ask/answer questions.

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Caldwell Online Student

Tips for Success

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Caldwell Online Student

Tips for Success –Continued–

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Zoom Etiquette

  • AGAIN, cameras must be turned on and left on until dismissed by teacher…

  • Face must be fully visible from the chin up in order to be counted present. Remain in view!

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Examples: Be a Green Check✅

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Academic Integrity

Caldwell Online Academy(COA) Student/Family Commitment Compact

  • All work that I submit will represent my original thoughts and efforts.

  • I will not copy the work of others (in part or in whole) without giving proper credit to my sources, and I will not allow others to copy my work or provide them with assistance on individual assignments.

  • I know that participating in any form of plagiarism (including the use of Artificial Intelligence aides unless expressly permitted by the teacher for the given task)

will result in disciplinary action in accordance with Board Policy 4309 Student Code of Conduct and can cause me to be dismissed from Caldwell Online Academy for repeat offenses.


Consequences for Violation

1st Offense: Zero on assignment; loss of exam exemption for class (high school); parent notified by teacher; Office referral to principal; 1 day ISS

2nd Offense: Zero on assignment; must take all exams (high school); parent notified by teacher; Office referral to principal; 2 days ISS

3rd Offense: Administrative Decision, which may include recommendation to superintendent for student removal from Caldwell Online Academy

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Board Policy 4309–Code of Student Conduct

Policy Code: 4309 Code of Student Conduct

The Caldwell County Board of Education’s Student Code of Conduct serves to notify students and their parents of expected behaviors, to provide a description of conduct subject to disciplinary action and to define the range of possible disciplinary consequences for misconduct. The term “parent” as referenced in student behavior policies includes legal guardian, legal custodian, or other adult caregiver authorized by statute.

The consequences for engaging in behavior prohibited by the Code of Student Conduct will be determined by the principal, in accordance with the school’s Student Behavior Management Plan. Students may be subject to a range of consequences, up to and including long-term suspension or expulsion, based on the nature of the offense and whether it constitutes a minor or serious violation, as described in Section D of Board Policy 4300, Student Behavior Policies. As permitted by state law, students who engage in conduct prohibited under Section J of the Code of Student Conduct may be subject to a 365-day suspension.

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Board Policy 4309–continued

A. Integrity and Civility

All students are expected to demonstrate integrity, civility, responsibility and self-control. This expectation is directly related to the Board’s educational objectives for students to learn to be responsible for and accept the consequences of their behavior and for students to respect cultural diversity and ideological differences. Integrity, civility, responsibility and self-control also are critical for establishing and maintaining a safe, orderly and inviting environment.

In addition to any standards or rules established by the schools, the following behaviors are in violation of the standards of integrity and civility and are specifically prohibited:

1. cheating, including the actual giving or receiving of any unauthorized assistance or the actual giving or receiving of an unfair advantage on any form of academic work;

2. plagiarizing, including copying the language, structure, idea and/or thought of another and representing it as one’s own original work;

3. violating copyright laws, including the unauthorized reproduction, duplication and/or use of printed or electronic work, computer software, or other copyrighted material;

4. gambling or engaging in related games of chance involving payoffs of any kind;

5. cursing or using vulgar, abusive or demeaning language toward another person; and

6. playing abusive or dangerous tricks or otherwise subjecting a student or an employee to personal indignity.

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Board Policy 4300–Student Behavior Policies

1. Minor Violations

  • Minor violations of the Code of Student Conduct are those less severe infractions involving a lower degree of dangerousness and harm.
  • Examples of minor violations include the use of inappropriate or disrespectful language, noncompliance with a staff directive, dress code violations, and minor physical altercations that do not involve a weapon or an injury.
  • Aggravating circumstances, however, may justify treating an otherwise minor violation as a serious violation.

Minor violations of the Code of Student Conduct may result in disciplinary measures or responses up to and including short-term suspension. Further information regarding the procedures for short-term suspensions is provided in policy 4351, Short-Term Suspension.

Other disciplinary measures or responses may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • student warnings or conferences;
  • parental involvement, such as conferences;
  • removal from live class participation;
  • behavior improvement agreements;
  • instruction in conflict resolution and anger management and/or peer mediation;
  • individual or small group sessions with appropriate student services personnel;
  • academic intervention;
  • in-school suspension–being required to attend in person to complete online classwork;
  • loss of field trip privileges and/or detention before and/or after school or on Saturday;
  • community service and/or or restitution
  • exclusion from graduation ceremonies and/or extracurricular activities
  • and placement in an alternative school.

The student’s parent is responsible for transportation that may be required to carry out a consequence.

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Board Policy 4300–Student Behavior Policies

2. Serious Violations

  • Serious violations of the Code of Student Conduct may result in any of the consequences that may be imposed for minor violations.
  • In addition, serious violations that threaten to substantially disrupt the educational environment may result in long-term suspension, and serious violations that threaten the safety of students, school employees, or school visitors may result in long-term suspension or expulsion.
  • Certain violations involving firearms or explosive devices may result in a 365-day suspension.
  • Further information regarding the standards and procedures for long-term suspensions, 365-day suspensions, and expulsions is provided in Board Policies 4351, Short-Term Suspension, and 4353, Long-Term Suspension, 365-Day Suspension, Expulsion. (See also Board Policy 4309, Weapons, Bomb Threats, Terrorist Threats, and Clear Threats to Safety, Section J., for information regarding 365-day suspensions for certain violations involving firearms or explosive devices.)

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Family’s Role

  • Provide dedicated location appropriate for daily focus and learning (quiet, at a desk or table, materials nearby in one spot)
  • ABSOLUTELY NOT lying down on the couch or in a bed!
  • Monitor POWERSCHOOL at least weekly!!! Both attendance & grades!
  • Two-way communication…
    • 1) Respond to teacher/student support staff emails or calls
    • 2) Reach out for assistance to teachers first for specific class questions & then to director or counselor if needed
  • Ensure student arrives on campus for required in-person testing (more to come on that)
  • Learning coach…ensure participation and engagement.
  • CRUCIAL that students do their own work!
  • Okay to struggle...we are here to help!
  • Encourage student advocacy…have them reach out to teachers and/or use the tutoring site.
  • Be prepared for a school/family conference if your student experiences academic, behavioral, or attendance difficulties.
  • May result in a temporary requirement to work on campus during school hours and/or to return to full-time in-person learning.

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Elementary School Chargers

Daily Schedule & Tech Info


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Technology Issues…

  • Zoom
  • Student email log-in (for problems after your first successful log-in)
  • Chromebook sign-on
  • Camera
  • Microphone
  • Charger

CCS Tech Dept. Student Support:


Ext: 140122

Students can call for themselves!

Powerschool Log-in Issues for student or parent/guardian:

Email Emily Dillard, Data Manager,


NOTE: Powerschool will not be accessible yet for the 2023-24 school year. It’s okay if your log-in isn’t working yet!

**Students**–Wait until you receive Powerschool password instructions from Ms. Dillard first. Then contact her if you still can’t log in.

**Parents**–Please wait to contact Ms. Dillard after the first two days of school if you have problems with your log-in.

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Course Access…Canvas


From inside a Chrome tab (that is signed into your CCS account) or your student Gmail, click on the waffle dots.

Scroll down until you see the red Canvas starburst icon & click it.


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Chromebook Use

  • Students should use their CCS chromebooks for online classes.
  • Helps facilitate use of certain software programs, including Zoom and required NC Check-In testing in EOC classes.
  • SECURLY remote management system for teachers…will allow them to see your screen without you having to share it & communicate better with you.
  • Device issues should be reported to Ms. Hall or Tech Support ASAP for troubleshooting and/or device replacement arrangements. Do NOT just switch to another device!

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Zoom Accounts & Class Meeting Links

  • Will access online meetings through CCS educational Zoom account….
  • Elementary & Middle School students will receive an email from Mrs. Hall over the weekend prior to the first day of school with their own daily schedule with the course times and Zoom links all in one spot.
  • VERY IMPORTANT TO BOOKMARK THIS DOCUMENT! Will click it every day for class!

Backgrounds blurred

Remove Self View

TIP: If you aren’t being admitted, make sure you are clicking the correct class link for the right time of day!

No Zoom today?? If the teacher is out and won’t be able to host Zoom live, look for an announcement in your Canvas class.

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Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri–Math Block

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Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri–ELA Block & Lunch

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Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri–Science, SS, & End of Day

ATTENDANCE: Taken in each of the 3 blocks by appearing live in the Zoom with camera on at their grade level times

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Wednesdays–Independent Learning/Specials Focus

Good day to make doctor/ dentist appointments!

ATTENDANCE: Taken in the Sparkplug session Zoom meeting

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Elementary School Chargers

Testing, In-Person Requirements, & Miscellaneous Topics


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Elementary & Middle School Testing

  • NC Check-Ins
    • Reading and Math benchmarks 3 times per year
    • Must come to Caldwell Online Academy/Freedman Center in person
    • Half-day for each benchmark window (will take both short assessments on same day w/break between)
    • Oct. 30-Nov 9, Jan 23-Feb 1, & April 15-April 24
  • End-of Grade Testing
    • Must come to COA/Freedman Center in person
    • Half-day per subject
    • 4th: 2 tests, Math & Reading
    • 5th: 3 tests, Math, Reading & Science
    • May 17 - May 24

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Field Trips

*These are optional, but encouraged!

*If there are opportunities for families to come with us, background check & volunteer rules still apply.

*May meet at a central location to ride a bus or may be dropped off by families, depending on event

*Artists in Schools Event @ Civic Center

*On-site Activities at COA/Freedman Center

*Possibly off-campus trips

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School Pictures & Yearbooks

Caldwell Online Academy

School Pictures

Taken at COA/Freedman Center by Carolina Photography

Tuesday, Oct. 24th, 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Caldwell Online Academy

School Yearbook

One for just 4th-8th Grades & separate one for 9th-12th grades

More info to come on that!

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  • We are going to have a great year!
  • See you online August 28th!


  • Turn on your chromebook and LEAVE it on to receive updates on Thursday or Fri before school starts.

  • Your Daily Zoom Schedule email won’t come before Sunday, Aug. 27th, so don’t panic!

  • Tech issues may happen, and if so, we work through them together!

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In-Person Testing Required (High School)

  • 10th grade (ALL): PreACT
    • Nov. XX (day of week)
    • 11th grade (ALL): ACT
    • Mar. XX (day of week)
  • 12th grade (Many based on CTE classes taken): WorkKeys
    • Fall window–Late Nov.; Spring window–Late March
    • Indiv dates set–may be more than 1 day

Final Exams for Fall & Spring Semesters:

Dec XX - Dec XX

May XX -June XX

**Depends upon class type**

~ ALL Math 1, Math 3, English 2, and Biology

~SOME CTE electives that have required state assessments…teacher will explain & testing notices will be sent.

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FREE tutor is available 24 hours a day,

7 days a week!

FREE online tutoring resource

Available 24/7

  • Go to https://www.tutor.com/caldwell
  • Username =full CCS student email
  • Password = tutor2020