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COMP 210

Lecture 19


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  • Bug in EX13 grader. I will fix it right after class and re-build.
    • No other tests should be impacted except put - chaining nodes and remove
    • But if you were writing your own unit tests you should be good to go :’)
  • Ask questions anonymously at: pollev.com/kakiryan876


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Planar Graph

  • All edges can be drawn on a plane with none crossing


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Planar Graph

  • All edges can be drawn on a plane with none crossing
  • Determining planarity is important in laying out VLSI circuits on boards
    • Metal wires can’t cross!
  • So here’s another graph algorithm… given graph G, is it planar?
    • Have to solve this by wandering around in data structures for V, E you don’t have a drawing


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Planar Graph

  • What about K5?


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Planar Graph

  • What about K5?


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Planar Graph

  • What about K5?
    • No matter which inner edge you “stretch” you get a cross (K4 is largest planar graph!)


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Planar Graph

  • Rule of Thumb… Don’t trust your eye!
  • This graph “drawing” looks not planar…
    • The graph might still be planar… it just might be drawn poorly to show that
  • A graph is not the drawing… a graph is the math object


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Bipartite Graph

  • Nodes are in two disjoint sets (types), and every edge connects different type nodes


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More Bipartite

  • Can think of bipartite as colorable with 2 colors
    • Every edge goes between the 2 color collections


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Are trees bipartite?


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Graph Representations

  • Two main strategies:
    • Adjacency Matrix
      • Store vertex information as an array of vertex objects.
      • Each vertex associated with an index (position in the array)
      • Store edge information in a 2D array
    • Entry [i,j] represents edge from vertex i to vertex j
    • Adjacency List
      • Each vertex object maintains a list of edge objects


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Adjacency Matrix (unweighted edges)

  • For N nodes, use an NxN array of Boolean
    • True = edge exists
    • False = edge does not exist


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Adjacency Matrix (weighted edges)

  • Weighted edges
    • Value of array elements provides weight (integer or real as needed)
    • Special value for no edge case.
    • Can be generalized as matrix of edge objects that provide arbitrary information associated with edge.


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Adjacency Matrix Drawbacks

  • Vertices must be identified by index
    • Problematic for applications / algorithms involving dynamic graphs
    • May require a separate map from other identifying information such as a vertex label to the appropriate index.
      • Examples on prior slides used character labels, but in reality we would need to map those labels to index values first.
  • Wasted space
    • Space required is O(|V|2)
    • Undirected graphs store each edge twice
    • OK if |E| ≈ |V|2 but not if |E| << |V|2
  • Adjacency test is expensive
    • O(|V|) operation to look at all matrix entries in a given row.


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Sparse vs. Dense Graphs

  • Dense Graph
    • |E| ≈ |V|2
  • Sparse Graph
    • |E| << |V|2

  • Is graph to the right dense or sparse?
    • 1538 nodes, 8032 edges
    • (1538 nodes)^2 is 2365444
    • 8032 edges ≪ 2365444
    • Sparse!


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Complete Graphs are Dense


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Adjacency List

  • Several variations, but basic idea is that vertex model includes a list of edge information associated with that vertex.
  • One possibility
    • Model vertices as list (or map) of vertex objects
    • Each vertex object contains a list of adjacent vertices
  • Another possibility
    • Model both vertices and edges as objects
      • Definition of vertex object includes a list of edges
      • Definition of edge object includes reference to endpoint vertexes
        • Weight or other edge characteristics included in edge object


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Adjacency List Misc.

  • Space needed: O(|V| + |E|)
  • Directed vs Undirected Edges
    • Directed edges will have a “source” and “destination”
      • All edges on the adjacency list of a particular vertex will have the same source
      • Finding vertices adjacent to a particular vertex is easy because it’s always the “destination” of the edges on the adjacency list for the vertex in question.
    • Undirected edges will have to have some name property like “endpointA” and “endpoint B” to refer to the vertices that it connects
      • Edges on the adjacency list of a particular vertex may refer to that vertex either way.
        • Slightly complicates adjacency test because you have to check both properties to figure out which is the “adjacent” vertex.


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Vertex and Edge Maps

  • Very often will need a map for vertexes
    • Allows looking up vertex structure by “name” or other identifying property.
      • Map<String, Vertex> vertexMap = new HashMap<String,Vertex>();
      • vertexMap.put(“A”, v);
      • Vertex v = map.get(“A”);
    • Many graph algorithms will be inefficient without a vertex map
      • If you need to find a vertex, you generally don’t want to spend O(|V|) time searching through some sort of “all vertices” list.
        • HashMap will provide O(1) lookup
  • May need similar map structure for edges depending on what you are trying to do.


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Topological Sort: Our first graph algorithm

  • Applicable for DAGs
    • Ordering of vertices in a DAG such that if (u,v) is an edge in the graph then u precedes v in the ordering
    • Every DAG has at least 1 topological sort order
      • Some may have more than 1
  • If a graph has a cycle, then topological sort is not possible.
    • Which vertex in the cycle could come first in the order?
    • Easy check for cycle:
      • If there is no vertex with an “in-degree” of 0, then there must be a cycle.
      • In-degree = number of incoming directed edges to a vertex
      • Out-degree = number of outgoing directed edges from a vertex


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Examples of Topo Sort (1/2)


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Examples of Topo Sort (2/2)


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Degree Properties


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Topological Sort Algorithm

  • Finds topological sort order in O(|V| + |E|) time
  • Build directed graph G = (V,E) with adjacency lists
    • Calculate / store in-degree of each vertex during build
  • Topo Sort Algorithm
    • Initialize empty list of vertices
    • Step 1: Pick / find a node v with in-degree 0 and add to list
      • If no such node, then algorithm fails
    • Step 2: Remove v and its outgoing edges from the graph, updating in-degree of adjacent vertices
    • Step 3: If graph is not empty, go to step 1.


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Execute on Example (1/2)


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Execute on Example (2/2)


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What happens with cycles?


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Topological Analysis

  • O(|V|+|E|)
    • We examine and remove each vertex, so we handle each vertex once
    • For each vertex, we remove its out edges, which means we operate on each edge once
  • In theory, this is what we hope for
    • Actual complexity may depend on graph implementation choices
    • Depends on “handle each node” being O(1)
    • Depends on “remove an edge” being O(1)
    • Depends on “find vertex with in-degree 0” being O(1)
      • If we have to scan some sort of list of all vertices looking for next vertex in topo order, then this will end up being O(|V|) and overall algorithm will end up being O(|V|2+|E|)


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Efficient Topo Sort Implementation

  • Compute initial in-degree of each vertex when graph is built.
    • This is O(|V|) and we have to do it anyway just to build the graph.
  • Scan through all vertices at the beginning, identify all in-degree 0 vertices, and add them to a queue.
    • O(|V|) again.
  • While the 0-in-degree queue is not empty…
    • Take a vertex off the queue and add it to the topo list
    • Examine each edge and “remove” it by decreasing the in-degree associated with the edges destination.
      • If in-degree of a destination vertex falls to 0, add it to the 0-in-degree queue
  • When 0-in-degree queue is empty, if topo list does not contain |V| vertices, then must have found a cycle, no topo sort possible.
    • Otherwise, topo list is valid.
  • Now algorithm is O(|V| + |E|)
    • If successful, each vertex handled once and is added to 0-in-degree queue when last incoming edge is removed as the source of that edge was processed.


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Graph from LS18


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Shortest Path Algorithms


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Shortest Path

  • Many problems require us to find the shortest path from vertex v to vertex w in a graph.
  • We will look at 2 situations:
    • digraph, unweighted edges (weight 1 on all) → this really means path length
    • digraph, weighted edges → this really means cheapest path


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Unweighted Shortest Path

  • Input: An unweighted digraph G=( V, E ) and a start vertex s, where s∈V
  • Output: shortest paths from s to every other vertex ( there will be |𝑽 |−𝟏 paths )
  • Unweighted algorithm is fairly simple
    • Adding weights to edges complicates things
    • Weights is Dijkstra’s algorithm
  • One simple and obvious algorithm has worst case time complexity
    • of O( |𝑽 |2 )


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(Bad) Unweighted Shortest Path

  • First, we recognize that no “shortest path” can be longer than |V|-1

  • So run a loop with len going from 0 to |V|-1
  • One loop iteration for each possible path length
    • |V|-1 iterations

  • Inside this loop, go through all nodes and when we find one with distance “len” we mark all unmarked adjacent nodes with distant “len+1”.

  • Double nested loops: O(|V|-1) * O(|V|) is O( |𝑽|𝟐)


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(Bad) Unweighted Shortest Path


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An Improvement

  • Recognize that once we deal with a node with some length (like 1) we will not work on that node again
  • So the outer loop revisits C, A, F (lengths 0, 1) just to get to B, D (length 2).
  • We can visit only the “rest of the nodes” by doing a breadth-first search


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Unweighted Shortest Path (1/3)


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Unweighted Shortest Path (2/3)


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Unweighted Shortest Path

  • This algorithm visits each node once
  • At each node, visit each adjacent out-edge
    • So this is O(|V|+|E|)
  • Key is to efficiently find “next node”
  • Use a queue like in topological sort and breadth-first search in tree.
  • Visiting a node, enq the adjacent nodes
  • deq to get “next” node


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Unweighted Shortest Path

  • This algorithm visits each node once
  • At each node, visit each adjacent out-edge
    • So this is O(|V|+|E|)
  • Key is to efficiently find “next node”
  • Use a queue like in topological sort and breadth-first search in tree.
  • Visiting a node, enq the adjacent nodes
  • deq to get “next” node


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Convince ourselves queue gives Breadth First Search


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Djikstra’s Algorithm


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Djikstra’s Algorithm


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Djikstra’s Algorithm

  • Put start s node in table with dist of 0
  • Put (0,s) on priority queue PQ
  • Loop: until PQ is empty:
    • n=PQ.getMin().node; d=PQ.getMin().dist; PQ.delMin()
    • Is n known? Back to Loop and get another from PQ;
    • Mark n as known
    • For each unknown node a adjacent to n
      • if a.dist>d+edge.weight then
      • update a.dist in table to be d+edge.weight and add a to PQ with priority d+edge.weight
  • Trace the path itself using “from” fields


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Misc. Notes

  • Although explanation / examples today were in context of directed graph, works with undirected graph as well
    • Just need the notion of “adjacency”
  • In the last assignment, starter code provides vertex interface and implementation that supports keeping track of distance from source and prior vertex on path but you may need to add capability for keeping track of whether vertex is “known” (i.e., processed from priority queue)