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The Swedish Success Story

The Swedish smoking rate has declined by 55% in the last decade.

The average smoking rate in the EU is 3.5 times higher.

A Consumer-friendly harm-reduction approach works.�

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Key elements to reduce smoking

Accessibility: Smokers need different options to quit smoking. A one-size-fits all approch does not work

Acceptability: Less harmful alternatives must be seen as part of the solution, by society, media, policy-makers

Affordability: Safer nicotine products need to be affordable for smokers and should be less taxed than cigarettes to provide an additional incentive to switch.

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Real life effects for public health and human lives

Despite nicotine consumption levels being similar to most EU countries, Sweden showcases a 41% lower cancer incidence and a 38% reduction in total cancer deaths, attributed to the accessibility of Snus and Nicotine Pouches.

The Swedish example illustrates the positive public health impact of harm reduction strategies, linking the availability of safer nicotine options to significantly lower rates of cancer incidence and mortality.

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