

Portraits, Group Shots, and Landscapes


What is Composition?

Composition is the way you arrange the subject matter in your photograph. It needs to look pleasing and communicate a message you are trying to get across.


Ask yourself:

1. What do I want to say here?

2. What's my main subject?

3. Where's the center of interest?

4. Do I want vertical or horizontal composition?

5. Do I want black and white?

6. Where should I stand?

7. What's in the background?

8. What's my angle?

* Remember the Rule of Thirds!


Shooting Individual Portraits

1. Make sure your subject is relaxed and comfortable.

2. Choose a good angle that flatters your subject.

3. Compose your shot to de-emphasize problem areas.

4. Choose good lighting.

5. Avoid reflection on glasses.

6. Choose an uncluttered background.


Shooting Group Portraits

1. Remember that a group shot is also a portrait of each individual in the shot.

2. Watch the eyes!

3. Arrange your subjects into interesting patterns.

4. Remember to have an uncluttered background.


Landscape Shots

1. Use curves, lines, and shapes to draw the viewer's eye. (fences, seashores, winding roads). Curved lines are gentle and pleasing.

2. Avoid splitting your photo in half with the horizon. Remember the rule of thirds!

3. Landscapes don't have to be in landscape mode.

4. Shoot a lot of sunsets and sunrises.

5. Manually focus if you need to.