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Multi-Purpose Trains

Evie Kerr, Zoey Kleman, Troy Spitzmiller, Ren Weller

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History of aluminum

  • Strip mining large surface areas
  • Bauxite main ore used for extraction
    • Byproduct of Bayer process: Red Mud
  • Aluminium processing is an energy intensive process
    • Recycling aluminium takes 5% of the energy cost
  • Aluminium is durable, light, doesn’t impact the quality of a product, used in a lot of different materials from cans to planes
  • In the US, aluminium is the most recycled consumer product yet 35% doesn’t get recycled therefor, mining and producing virgin aluminium is required.

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How Might We

  • Make the production of aluminium eco-friendly�
  • Increase recycling for consumers in order to decrease the production of aluminium �
  • Enforce a new policy for aluminium responsibilities back onto producers.

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Where we started


    • Waste
    • Production
    • Car usage
    • Sign Usage
    • Road usage
    • Bike usage
    • How to make it better
    • What is our plan
    • How to encourage others
      • producers

We wanted to start with the waste and production of aluminium and how to put the responsibilities back onto the producers and create a way to make aluminum more sustainable because it is in a lot of materials from drinking cans to planes. We wanted to create a better way to produce aluminum and and how we can repurpose the byproduct of aluminum.


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Discover and Define

June 3rd, 2023

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Crazy 8 brainstorming ideas

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In class work and process

Decided where our ideas stand on practicality and how easy it would be to achieve.

  • Idea one: Laws and regulations
  • Idea two: High taxes on large corporations
  • Idea three: Multi-purpose train
  • Idea four: Create jobs for people in need
  • Idea five: Better packaging

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Works Cited Page

  • Bhutada, Govind. “How Is Aluminum Made?” Elements by Visual Capitalist, Visual Capitalist, 12 Aug. 2022, https://elements.visualcapitalist.com/how-is-aluminum-made/.
  • Signage in Nottingham, London, and Munich
  • Modular Pavement podcast
  • Road material London and Munich
  • Aluminium reading from Rob’s history class
  • Ecopolis Munich Booklet
  • BMW museum
  • Olympic Park London and Munich
  • London recycling and trash accessabilities
  • Penny’s recycling machines
  • London Tube
  • Munich U-Bahn