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Royal Life Saving Queensland�Emergency Services Simulation �

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431 Version 24.0

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Scenario One:�Heart Attack

  • 50 year old Female
  • Complained of chest pain and collapsed at work
  • Unconscious
  • Not breathing
  • Takes high cholesterol pills
  • Casualty was in the Training room when she collapsed
  • CPR is commenced

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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What number to do you call?




Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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You are calling 000, do you want the Police, Fire or Ambulance?

Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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At an Aquatic Facility

Providing an address

At work

Providing an address

At Home

Providing an address

Where is your emergency?

Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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What is your emergency?

Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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An ambulance is being sent.

I need to ask more questions about the incident. How old is the patient?

Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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I Don’t know

Is the patient awake/talking?

Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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I Don’t know

Is the patient breathing normally?

Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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Is someone currently commencing CPR?



I Don’t know

Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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I'm not sure

Is the patient female or male?

Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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At the front of the facility

In the training room

Next to the pool

Where exactly is the patient located?

Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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Does the patient have any other

medical conditions or injuries?





I Don’t know

Why is it important to know this information?

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

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Ambulance have arrived at scene �and taken over CPR.�The casualty is transferred to hospital.

© Royal Life Saving Training ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431

This presentation is designed to be used in conjunction with a qualified trainer and course learning materials.

This publication is copyright. Except as expressly provided in the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any means (including electronic, mechanical, micro copying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission from the Royal Life Saving Society Queensland Inc ABN 60 478 008 791 RTO 5431 (”RLSSQ”).