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Introduction to KZG (Kate) commitments

How to hash polynomials

Dankrad Feist

Ethereum Foundation (Eth2.0 Research)

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  • Motivation: Data availability sampling and erasure coding
  • Finite fields
  • “Hashes of polynomials”
  • KZG commitments and proofs
  • Further reading


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Motivation: Data availability sampling and Erasure coding

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Data Availability Sampling

  • Check “random samples” to ensure availability of a data block
  • Does not depend on honest majority
  • Need to erasure code data, otherwise an attacker can still hide “small” amounts of data

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Erasure coding

  • Extend the data using a “Reed-Solomon code” (= polynomial interpolation)
  • Property:
    • Any 50% of the chunks (d0 to e3) are sufficient to reconstruct the whole data
  • Because of this, we can use random sampling to ensure data availability
    • E.g. query 30 random blocks; if all are available, probability that less than 50% available is 2-30









Original data

Polynomial extension (degree 3)

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Merkle roots as Data Availability Roots

  • Need to know data (di) and extension (ei) are on one low-degree polynomial










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But if we just use Merkle roots, then we still need to worry about the extension being correct









Original data

Polynomial extension (degree 3)

I’ll just make up the extension!!! They will never be able to reconstruct the data!!!

  • This requires fraud proofs
  • Fraud proofs aren’t great: They add a lot of complexity and synchronicity conditions

What if we could find a kind of commitment (“Merkle root”) that always commits to a polynomial?

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Finite fields

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  • Field: Think about rational ℚ, real ℝ or complex ℂ numbers
    • You can do all the basic maths: +, -, *, / [except by 0]
    • There are some laws: Associative, Commutative, Distributive
      • but the easiest way to think about it is just “what can you do with rational numbers”
  • Finite: Unlike ℚ, ℝ, ℂ, which have an infinite number of elements, finite fields only have a finite number of elements
    • Each element can be represented using the same number of bits

Finite fields: Definition

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  • Consists of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Every operation: Do it first in the integers, then the result is the remainder after division by 5 (“modulo” 5)
  • Each element (except 0) has a “multiplicative inverse”:

Finite fields: Let’s look at 𝔽5

  • This is because 5 is a prime number (works for any prime)





1 * 1 = 1



2 * 3 = (6 = ) 1



3 * 2 = (6 = ) 1



4 * 4 = (16 = ) 1

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“Hashing polynomials”

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  • A polynomial is an expression of the form

  • The fi are the coefficients of the polynomial
  • The degree of the polynomial is n (if fn is not zero)
  • Each polynomial defines a polynomial function
  • For any k points, there is a polynomial of degree k-1 or lower that goes through all k points
  • A polynomial of degree n that is not constant has at most n zeros

Reminder: polynomials

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  • Imagine a hash function H(f) that takes a polynomial with some extra functionality:

    • For each z you can construct a proof P(f, z), that proves that f(z) = y

  • H(f) and P(f, z) should be small

Polynomial commitments:

“Hash function” for polynomials

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  • Step 1: Choose a random number, say… 3
  • Step 2: To hash a polynomial, you evaluate it at 3 (set X = 3):

    • f(X) = X2 + 2 X + 4 H(f) = (9 + 6 + 4) % 5 = 4
    • g(X) = 2 X3 + 4 X2 + X + 2 H(g) = (54 + 36 + 3 + 2) % 5 = 0�
  • If the modulus has 256 bits, it’s actually very unlikely that two polynomials have the same “hash”, just like for a normal hash function

Polynomial hashes: The “random evaluation”

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  • We can add two “polynomial hashes”:
    • H(f) + H(g) = H(f + g)
    • This is because f(3) + g(3) = (f + g)(3)

  • We can also multiply two “polynomial hashes”:
    • H(f) * H(g) = G(f * g)
    • This is because f(3) * g(3) = (f * g)(3)

Polynomial hashes: Properties of “random evaluation”

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  • An adversary can easily create a collision if they know the random number

  • What we want: a way to use finite field elements inside a “black box”
  • Let’s say we have a way to put a secret number in a black box
    • [s], [s2], [s3], ...
  • Such that we can multiply it with another number and add it (but not multiply two numbers in a black box)

The problem with “random evaluation”

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  • Elliptic curves are exactly that! A “black box” field element
    • Elliptic curve G1 with generator g1 of order p
    • To represent a field element x 𝔽p multiply the generator with x:
      • x * g1
    • We can add elliptic curve elements (g and h) and multiply by field elements (x and y):
      • x * g, g + h, x * g + y * h
      • g * h
    • Notation [x]1 = x * g1

Elliptic curves to the rescue

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KZG commitments

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  • Assume we have the trusted setup [si]1, [si]2, for i = 0, 1, ... , (some large number)
  • For a polynomial f(X) defined by

we define the KZG commitment to f as

KZG (Kate) commitments

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  • Notation: e(g, h)
  • Input: Elements from two elliptic curves G1, G2and output in the “target group” GT
  • The pairing is “bilinear”:
    • e([a*x]1, [z]2) = e([x]1, [z]2)a
    • e([x]1, [b*z]2) = e([x]1, [z]2)b
    • e([x + y]1, [z]2) = e([x]1, [z]2) + e([y]1, [z]2)
    • e([x]1, [z+w]2) = e([x]1, [z]2) + e([x]1, [w]2)

Quick recap: pairings

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  • This means we can do “multiplications” (of sorts):�
    • e([x]1, [y]2) = e([1]1, [y]2)x = e([1]1, [1]2)x*y

  • Notation: [x]T = e([1]1, [1]2)x
  • e([x]1, [y]2) = [x * y]T

Doing multiplications using pairings

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  • Now assume we have two polynomials f(X) and g(X)�
    • Let’s commit to f(X) in G1: [f(s)]1
    • and g(X) in G2: [g(s)]2

  • Then:
    • e([f(s)]1, [g(s)]2) = [f(s) * g(s)]T

Doing polynomial multiplications using pairings

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  • Let f(X) be a polynomial and y, z be field elements
  • Then (by the Factor Theorem) the quotient

is a polynomial exactly if f(z) = y.

Restating, there exists a polynomial q(X) that fulfills the equation

if and only if f(z) = y

The last missing piece: Polynomial quotients

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  • To prove that f(z) = y, compute

and send [q(s)]1

  • The verifier checks that

e([f(s)-y]1, [1]2) = e([q(s)]1,[s-z]2) = [q(s) * (s-z)]T = [f(s) - y]T

The KZG proof

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  • Allows us to:
    • Commit to any polynomial using a single G1 element [f(s)]1
  • Then we can open the commitment at any point z:
    • Compute f(z) = y
    • Compute the quotient
    • Proof: [q(s)]1
  • To verify a proof (needs two pairings), use the pairing equation
    • e([f(s)-y]1, [1]2) = e([q(s)]1,[s-z]2)

Recap: KZG commitment

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Further reading materials