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Google Sheets

& Google Forms

for Libraries

By Helena Marvin marvinh@umsl.edu

University of Missouri-St. Louis

Reference / Institutional Repository Librarian

Session 3A March 1st, 2017

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University of Missouri-St. Louis

Established 1963

Commuter school

~15K students

Two libraries in one:�Thomas Jefferson Library & Mercantile Library

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Journal Review Project

Public Service Desk Statistics

A one time review of 270 resources by 11 librarians.

The ongoing collection of information regarding patron interactions at the desk.

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Journal Review Project

Public Service Desk Statistics

Using array formulas to make a little information into a lot more data.

Real time pivot tables summarizing the information gathered.

Using conditional formatting to make things pretty.

Going from google sheets, to google forms and back to google sheets.

Using Url manipulation to pre-fill a form.

Summarizing information gathered into a pivot table.

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Journal Review Project

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The Challenge

Coordinating the notes of almost a dozen librarians responding to hundreds of resource.

Starting and ending with a spreadsheet.

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Added a link for voting.

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The Vote Link

Selectors filled out a lot of forms.

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is wonderful!

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The power of &

Appending strings to one another.

A1 is =The�B1 is =Presentation

=concatenate(a1,b1)�Results: ThePresentation

Or =a1&b1�Results: ThePresentation

Or =a1&“ ”&b1�Results: The Presentation

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Vote Link


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Results from the form look like this:

  • Timestamp of when the form submitted
  • Title : what resource is being commented on
  • Vote to keep or cut the resource
  • Who is voting (librarian initials)
  • Any additional comments (optional)

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Pivot Table

A tool to summarize and explore data interactively.

The data collected consists of who voted (librarian initials), the vote to keep or cut, and any comments that were made about the resources.

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Resource Title Comments Initials Votes





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The data collected helped decide what resources to keep and what to cut.

Our final results could

also be sorted by cost.

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Public Service Desk Statistics

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The Challenge

Going from paper to electronic statistics collection.

It started with paper.

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The sheets were collected and counted up (by hand). Later that data was compiled into a variety of tables answering different questions.

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We needed to collect equivalent information as we had with paper.

This collection form had to be easy to use.

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A form with three questions gives us four data points.

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Not a lot of information, can really tell you a lot

When - Where - What

Monthly, weekly and yearly totals for reference, circulation, general inquiries, as occurred at the desk and on the phone.

The number of minutes extended sessions lasted, and when they occurred.

The paper could tell the story of what happened in a day and in a week. I wanted the data collected electronically to tell these same stories.

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Combine: Where, What and say if it was extended.

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This is power.

It is intimidating. Luckily there is a lot of documentation.

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Helpful documentation!

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An array formula allows sheets to automagically extract the year from the timestamp for every entry to the form, including new entries.

For the first row ‘Year’, if the cell is empty stay empty, otherwise extract the year from timestamp (last 2 digits).

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Thank goodness for documentation!

Text can be manipulated in a lot of ways in google sheets

Find out more:https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3094139?hl=en

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Total number of interactions

Both regular and extended inquires.

The Rows are Month,

Columns are Tasks

The values displayed are the ‘counted’ sum of those tasks.

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Total number of interactions

Regular and extended inquires presented separately

The Rows are Month,

Columns are Tasks & Tasks Extended (separate columns)

The values displayed are the ‘counted’ sum of those tasks.

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Both the pivot table and the colors are automatically generated!

Conditional format rules.

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Pivot Tables Make Pretty Graphs

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At the desk, showing day and hour and if extended (by how many 5 minute intervals)

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8/25/2016 - today

Over 16,000 entries

Automatically Generated

Real Time Patron Interaction


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Google Sheets Thank you

& Google Forms for your

for Libraries attention!

By Helena Marvin marvinh@umsl.edu

University of Missouri-St. Louis

Reference / Institutional Repository Librarian

Session 3A March 1st, 2017

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Learning Resources

Introduction to Spreadsheets and Models - University of Pennsylvania ...


A free MOOC (massive open online course) useful for getting to know the power of spreadsheets.

Text Functions in Excel - EASY Excel Tutorial


An introduction to text basic manipulation in excel.

Google Sheets Lesson 3 – ARRAYFORMULA – Teacher Paul


Paul has great video tutorials for using arrayformulas with google form results.

Learn To Use PivotTables - Build Reports, Analyze Data & More‎


If your library or a local library you’re a patron at has access to Lynda.com it is an amazing resource.

Google Spreadsheets | Charts | Google Developers


Making charts with google spreadsheets.

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Presentation available online at
