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I Am Going to a New School

Somerville Public Schools Transition to PK and Kindergarten

Written by Christianna Morgan, LMHC, Counselor Educator at the Capuano

With contributions from Kathleen Bailer, Felix Caraballo, Stephen DeBenedictis. Photos by Francesca Broekman.

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My New School is the

Arthur D. Healey

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I feel excited but also a little nervous.

I have a lot of different feelings right now. This is ok.

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It was fun being with my family in the summer.

I will miss them when I go to school.

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I will go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday. My family will tell me how we get to school. Maybe we will walk, take a bus, ride a bicycle, or drive in a car!

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I will bring a backpack and a lunchbox to school every day.

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I will have my own space to put my backpack and coat!

When I am inside, I will go to my classroom.

I will have group time on the rug with my teacher.

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When I get to school, I will see my friends and my teachers. Before I go into the school, I will say goodbye to my grownups outside.

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My teacher will tell me what we are going to every day.

The schedule will show me all the fun things we will do that day.

Some things will always be the same-like recess and lunch. Some things might be different every day.

But my teacher will always tell me what is on our schedule.

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There are many activities in the classroom to help me learn and play!

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When I need to use the bathroom at school I will ask my teachers.

I will use the bathroom all by myself, whenever I need to. When I am done, I will wash and dry my hands.

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Sometimes I will go to the Art Room, the Music Room, the Gym, or the Library, too! All of these rooms are in my school!

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This is the cafeteria. Students eat lunch here. Some eat breakfast here, too! My teacher will tell me where my class will eat.

(PS: Wednesday’s lunch choice is always pizza. Yum!)

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This is the nurse’s office. If I get hurt or I don’t feel well, the nurse will help me. Our nurses are Nurse Nydia and Nurse Cat.

They take good care of all of us!

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This is the playground at my school.

I will have recess on the playground.

That is exciting!

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My school also has a front playground and soccer field.

Sometimes I will play here, too!

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If I feel nervous about school I can talk to my family.

They will help me.

I can talk to my teachers. They will help me.

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Other adults who will help me in my school are:

Mrs. Wahl

Interim Principal

Mr. Lartey

Assistant Principal

Ms. Baxter

Senior Clerk

Mrs. Castro

Family Liaison

Mrs. Duarte-Calorio

Family Liaison

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Other adults who will help me in my school are:

Mr. Celestin

Dean of Students

Mr. Melo

Redirect Counselor

Ms. Murdock

Counselor Educator

Ms. Clark

Adjustment Counselor

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It will be a great school year at the

Healey School!