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Data Stewardship


ESIP Federation Winter Meeting 2013

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  • Telecons
    • Frequency? Time? Process? Focus?
  • Mechanics of organizing work and developing/maintaining deliverables
    • Wiki vs. Commons?
    • GDocs?

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Why Are We Here?

    • Forum for informal inter-organizational interaction, learning and sharing ideas, etc.
    • Producing concrete outcomes and deliverables

We need the second to provide the focus/target for the first and organize our activities and plan toward that end

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  • Principles/Guidelines/Recommendations/etc.
    • e.g. Data Stewardship Principles, Data Citations
  • Published Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
    • e.g. Identifiers paper

  • Other works in planning
    • What activities should we focus on?
    • Who is working/wants to work on/lead activities?
    • Where are we today with each one?
    • When should we target milestones/deliverables?
    • How are we going to approach each activity?