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Artist Spotlight

Step into the Virtual Art Studio with Ms.Yuliya and Miss Holly!

We are showcasing the art of hardworking young artists at Tobin- we hope you enjoy!

Nicholas Sheh- 216

(See Artist Statement on Slide 3)

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Connecting Color and Emotion in Art

Artists use COLOR, combined with other elements of art, to convey EMOTION in their artwork. Upper Elementary artists discussed their personal connections to colors and emotions and created artworks to show opposite emotions.

Nick Cave

United States

Mixed Media Sculpture


Click here to see how UE students connected colors to emotions!


Click here to see other artwork examples!

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Lava lamp

This project is about connecting Color and Emotion in Art. This is made using color and space, two of the Elements of art. This is a very abstract picture, titled Lava Lamp because of the way that the colors push into each other. I made this artwork with colored pencils only, and only with the colors yellow and blue, representing Happiness and Sadness. I used the shading technique to show density. I also made a very organic border to show pushing against each other. The idea is that the two emotions are fighting against each other. I think that it is very beautiful with the shading and organic lines. I am very happy with is and it is a little exciting to have made something like this.

Nicholas Sheh- 216

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Trust & Fear

I made this artwork using my drawing tablet. I like the way I used colors especially. I picked purple and blue as trust and fear because that’s the color I feel when I feel trust and fear. I drew the trust feeling as open and trustful. I drew the fear feeling as more withdrawn. It was challenging to draw the different perspectives. It was easy to draw the backgrounds. I think that my overall thoughts about this work is that I am satisfied with the work. Though I think that if I drew this again I would a more shadow.

Helene Partan - 215

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Moses Rakoff-O’Neill- 215


At first, I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to do a collage or a painting but when I wanted to do two people fighting, I realized that a collage would be easier.

The hard part of making the collage was drawing and cutting the fighters. But after I drew them I had so many ideas for addition that I had to revise about fifteen times!

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My artwork is called calmgrey. It’s a collage. I cut out papers. The colors I chose are purple for calm and red for angry. My artwork is abstract.

I cut out big squares, small squares (the triangles), and lines. Some of the lines are short some are long. Then I glued the papers. They’re layering. I made sure that art was symmetrical. I’m proud of my work. I love how it looks like the papers are cutting into each other because they’re opposite emotions.

Ishika Roy - 215

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I like my art since it has a lot of green which is what i’m wearing, I used Oil Pastels and a piece of paper.

It was pretty easy since I didn’t have to do much drawing the grass was kinda hard.

The dark-ish clouds is where the rain is coming from which is good for nature like grass and trees.

Ingmar Ose Ocampo - 215

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I tried to draw a sword fight in the middle of a whirlwind. The green is fear. The yellow is bravery. The red is anger. I drew a sword fight because this was supposed to represent clashing emotions, like clashing swords. I used oil pastels.

Besseggen Stowell - 215

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My artwork is showing opposite feelings: steaming mad and super happy. The point of this artwork is to show the contrast of how in all bad things, there comes a good one.

The point of the blue lines is to show the happy things in everything. The red is a fire demon and the bold line is to show the outline of the demon.

Felix Linthicum - 216


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Abigail Verner - 215

I made this artwork with oil pastels. I used oil pastels so I can blend the colors together. The emotions I drew were calm and mad. The bluish green balls are balloons (calm). I think balloons represent calm because calm is light. I got the idea in a picture book I have at home. The red snakes are mad. I think snakes represent anger because when you are angry, you feel red and want to bite like a snake. They are trying to pop the balloons of calmness so the calm can turn angry. I think this artwork went well. The shape of the head and teeth came out something close to what I wanted. This artwork is one of my favorite artworks I made.

Snakes of anger

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The elements of art I used were color shape it is realistic.I first started by drawing the people and then adding the color. The materials I used were oil pastels and a pencil. I thought why not the emotion be people fighting so I went with and drew playing dodgeball.I think I did good even if it does not have that much color on it.I am happy with it I am proud.

Daniel Hu - 215

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Maggie Rushkin- 215

Brewing Anger

I made this work with oil pastels. I especially like the detail on the Sadness figure. It was challenging to make the legs, but they turned out alright. I chose sadness and anger because they are both not-happy emotions. Sadness is a sort-of giving up, I’m pathetic emotion. Anger is a sort of I’m mad at everybody, I don’t care about anything else except myself emotion. In this way, they are both similar and different.

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Xavier Ramsay- 215

Spiral Of Anger And Happiness

I drew a spiral that had two colors yellow and red. The yellow represents happiness and the red represents anger. This is a non-representational drawing. I used colored pencils to make this artwork. I drew the anger spiking up, and I drew the happiness contained in a box. This artwork is an artwork about emotions to me red represents anger and yellow represents happiness. I am proud of my artwork.

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Miranda McLaughlin- 215

Joy and Anguish

I made the work with oil pastels and a piece of paper. I like that the anguish is spreading like a river.

It was challenging when it started smudging, but the rest was mostly easy.

It was quite fun to make. I was inspired to make this by some ideas people had for different colors’ feelings. As in the title, this artwork represents joy and anguish. The colors are battling, and the anguish is trying to take the territory of the joy, which repels it. The anguish has the effect of a fire, and it is burning through Joy’s territory.

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Where is your happiness?

I decided to draw two conflicting emotions in the same drawing, so I decided to use people, clothes, and colors to show the difference in emotions. I drew two girls, the first is crying and wearing blue, purple and green, while the second supposedly represents the same girl but as a happy ghost like figure trying to separate itself from the overwhelming sadness.

Leonora Balandis- 216

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Olivia Lounsbury- 215


I made this work with paper pencils and glue. My favorite part is the kindness heart.

The easy part was coloring the sadness drawing. I used these materials because they are fine to use and it was hard to glue all the tiny piece

I enjoy this project because it was fun to do and it was fun to come up with an inspiration

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Fighting Emotions

When I made my artwork I used line, color, shape, and texture. I also made this artwork as a non-representational artwork. The first thing I did was make the circle in the middle and then I made the lines and colored it all in. I used pasteles to make the colors. The main idea is making an artwork that includes 2 opposite emotions. I used calm and angry. I like this artwork because it shows 2 emotions fighting.

Leah McDiarmid- 204

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Zachary Cash- 215

Balance between Forces

The materials that I used in this project were just oil pastels. I like this picture because it represents balance between good and evil,light and dark, happy and sad. there are many different shapes and lines I only used red and blue.

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Rowan Hussey- 215

Joy and Pain

I used color pencils. Okay so about the artwork I drew two people (emotions) looking at the stars. Joy is on the left and Pain is on the right. Well one is outgoing and confident and one quiet and has low self esteem. The reason that on the side of joy you see stars is if you are happy you look for the light why is the other side dark well if you are sad\in pain you see only the bad. The reason their holding hands? Well you wouldn’t know it but the fit together while being opposites.

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Boredom, Joy

I made the artwork using markers,I made a smiling/happy face and a frown/tired face,as you can see it’s very cracked and not straightly colored,I did that on purpose so that you can see that you’re not sad or full of joy forever. My favorite part is how the happiness is taking over so that you know that you should always be happy.

Tsion Woldemeskel- 216

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A Battle of Emotions

In this artwork I created a drawing that is representing the stress emotion consuming the relaxation bubble. To make the artwork I used color and line. My drawing is non representational. I made it using paper and some markers along with colored pencils. The big idea of this work is to convey some emotions battling. I am happy about this artwork.

Lukas Featherman- 216

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This artwork is abstract.It is connected divided that is what the artwork means.It has color, line, texture, shapes and space. That is my artwork.

Bayaan Hyte- 216

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Energetic Silence

I chose sad and excited.For me those are blue, sad and pink,exited.I used elements like color,texture in the blue half,lines, and shapes.This is a non-representational artwork, but it represents feelings.I made this with shiny markers,oil pastels and black marker on colored paper.

Samantha Burley- 204

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Mad and Happy Archer

As you see the main feelings in your body are here fighting 24/7 in your brain soon when the clash other emotions take turns taking over you.

I used oil pastels and permanent marker also a paper.

Yabese Shimelis- 204

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I made this to show you a clash between warm and cool colors. I used oil pastels to make color and to blend. I think this shows what's always happening in this world. Conflict. Their is to much of this in the world. But that doesn't mean their can be happiness. Right in the middle.

Daniel Logan- 204

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Oliver Lehrer- 215


It was fun to make it the hardest part was the mixing. And the different colors. It was also very fun and an exciting project. I am also very happy with the way it came out. It was also one of my favorite assignments that we have done so far i hope that we do more like this one. I used blue and yellow for happy and sad i did them all smashed together to make one artwork i did the smashing them together i turned it into what looks like a explosion.

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The Waterfall of Colors and Feelings

I used colored pencils for this picture. Its me crossing it at night . I don’t know where I got the idea from. But I am happy with it and I do like it.

Juliette Moss- 204

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That’s Not What I Meant

I made this artwork with different groups of colors. I used multiple colors and combined each one. I named it “That’s not what I meant” because sometimes when you are talking to somebody, and you tell them something, but then they don’t understand so they talk about something similar, but not exactly.

Mira Tanwar- 204

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Sunrise over the Water

This represents calm and a new beginning I used colored pencils for this work I love nature so that’s why I drew it this way sunrise represents a new beginning the water represents calm

Clio Caravan- 204