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September prototyping plan

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Our concept delivers bite-sized social and emotional learning activities directly to a caregiver’s phone.

Graine is a mobile learning experience for families to grow together. It delivers support to caregivers and bite-sized Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) activities directly to their phone. Graine will be available on audio and text format, to enable all different levels of literacy to benefit from it.

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How might we get caregivers to conduct SEL activities with their children regularly?

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Charles Duhigg - Power of Habit

Identify the routine

Experiment with rewards

Isolate the cure

Have a plan

B.J Fogg - Behavior Model







Easy to do Ability Hard to do

Low Motivation High


Succeed here

Action line

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  • What cues exist that we can leverage? (cue)
  • What existing routines can we disrupt? (routine)
  • What are the most desired rewards? (reward)
  • What are the motivations for behaviours? (motivation)
  • What are the skills we need to impart? (ability)
  • What triggers can we create? (trigger)

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3 phases of research

Pre-prototyping research:

  • Refine learning questions
  • Select concepts to test
  • Validate preliminary plans

Prototyping research:

  • Adapt content and strategy in response to emerging data (qualitative and quantitative)

Post-prototyping research:

  • Review and analyse all data
  • Collect and synthesize lessons and insights
  • Tally costs to understand cost-effectiveness of different solutions
  • Collaborate with participants to revise design of intervention

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Pre-Prototype Research audience

  • Burundian
    • Caregivers x 8 (interviewed in pairs)
      • High literacy & phone ownership x4
      • Low literacy & phone ownership x4
      • No phone ownership x2
    • Child protection coordinator and staff
    • Children 6-14 years old x2
    • Community leads x2

  • Congolese
    • Caregivers x 8 (interviewed in pairs)
      • High literacy & phone ownership x4
      • Low literacy & phone ownership x4
      • No phone ownership x2
    • Children 6-14 years old x2
    • Community leads x2

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Research question

Research method

Research materials

Desired insights

What we learnt

What are the practises at home for playing, learning and leisure? Siblings playing together, afterschool homework, role of extended family...

What are the social and cultural practises at home ? Religious practises, moral and cultural norms, storytelling time…

Interviews with caregivers

Interviews with children

Interviews with members of the household

Interview script

Templates to fill in ?

Cards and voting activities

Where can we leverage existing practises and trigger points?

Who will be the main recipient of these messages

  • Messy and unstructured
  • Song before bed

What are the dynamics in the household?

What are the gender dynamics within the household? What does the household hierarchy look like? Relationships between family members? Roles and responsibilities between family members?

Interview with household members

Interview with staff

Interview script and template for activities

Who will be the primary user ? We assume it will be mothers but maybe it’s 50/50 with the father or another caregiver ?

  • Patriarchal environment
  • Strong sense of responsibility towards holding the household together - head of household
  • They run the show but have no authority

What are the community dynamics outside of the household?

Focussing on education in particular, we want to understand how caregivers interact with one another, in both formal and informal contexts, looking at the hierarchies, frequency, timing, drivers and modes of interaction. We also need to understand trust networks in the community.

Community mapping


Understanding environmental triggers

  • Talk to friends for everyday things
  • Authority for the rest

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Research question

Research method

Research materials

Desired insights

What we learnt

What are caregiver’s media habits, access and brand associations?

Especially any services caregivers access for support relating to childcare and education

Caregivers show and tell their media consumption (TV, Radio, videos, phones)

Getting copies of the material listened to / watched

Caregivers phones, TVS and radios

Right methods to create and push content

  • Dvd players are poppulars
  • Usb tvs
  • Everyone saves money to buy enterntainement

What are caregiver’s phone habits and literacy levels (digital / non digital) ?

Idem as above with phones specifically

  • Limited usage and leverage of techLow literacy
  • Low usage, only for calls

What is the base level of understanding of, and attitude towards SEL?

How well to parent’s values align with SEL principles?


  • Base understanding 0
  • Strong appetite for it

What are parent’s aspirations for their children?

Hopes, dreams, fears (with a gender lens)

Motivations for engaging in SEL activities

What are the economics thresholds of caregiver’s digital lives?

Big picture including understanding their economical lives in general (jobs, income..)

Share of income spent on digital/mobile

Willingness to pay for educational services

Price-point sensitivity

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Prototyping question

Prototyping options

Research material

Desired insights

What we learnt

What are the most effective and efficient recruitment channels?

Community Representatives (door-to-door recruitment)�Promotional campaigns (leaflets and posters distributed in target areas)�Community meetings (led by community leaders, perhaps block captains?)�Push SMS�Some combination of the above tactics

Hired enumerators & recruiters


Sms content

Meetings scripts

How to enroll people in the program

  • Hierarchy
  • Door to door
  • Flyers
  • Big meetings / seminary / community informational sessions

What are the most effective and efficient content delivery channels?

Audio / IVR + cards ?

Audio / IVR + sms ?

Sms + cards ?

Whatsapp ?

Test a combination of audio + sms in order to highlight the effect of each and the potential to distribute content

Which format is preferred by the audience.

  • Audio is preferred and wanted
  • Choice between sms/audio
  • Liked cards but did not understand illustrations
  • Calls feel urgent, sms are less pressure sensitive

What forms of content are more attractive to caregivers?

Quiz / “Dry” information / Stories / Q&A

Test a combination of the different formats and follow up with interviews

Understand what performs well and inform the production of all the content.

  • Women content
  • Practical
  • Kid success

What forms of content produce the most positive:

Changes in awareness, attitudes, knowledge of SEL

Changes in practice of SEL learning in the home

Ask SEL specific questions after the distribution of content, to measure changes in awareness, attitude and knowledge.

Impact versus desirability of content

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Prototyping question

Prototyping options

Research material

Desired insights

What we learnt

What does the economical life of caregivers looks like ?

How does it influence their usage of Graine ?

Interviewing caregivers about their financial lives

Asking data to the IRC field team

Interview script

Cost of using Graine for the parents

Blockers to adoption and engagement

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Graine’s product roadmap

Caregivers are enrolled in the program

Caregivers receive regular SMS with no phone distinctions

Caregivers receive and answer SMS +Caregivers listen to audio messages

Caregivers implement the SEL activities they receive on sms or audio

Caregivers reflect on their learning and their child’s learning

Children increase their 5 SEL competencies

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Graine’s product roadmap

Action in order of priorities

Product requirement

Caregivers are enrolled in the program

  • System to sign up for the program at the grassroot level
  • System to enroll caregivers directly

Caregivers receive regular SMS without any phone distinctions

  • RapidPro flows send SMS to people who signed up
  • SMS are received in time and legible

Caregivers receive and answer SMS +Caregivers listen to audio messages

  • RapidPro flows designed for push and pull
  • Audio content is being sent to users who are asking for it
  • Cost is subsidized for the caregivers

Caregivers implement the SEL activities they receive on audio or SMS

  • The activities are sent at the right time and caregivers have access to them
  • The messages are behaviorally inform and lead to actual implementation

Caregivers reflect on their learning and their children’s learning

  • Surveys and reflection prompts are sent to caregivers, who are able to reflect on learning pathways
  • Caregivers and children are able to answer the surveys sent

Children’s 5 SEL competencies increase

  • The product is used for a sustained period of time and children are able to progress
  • Through different surveys we are able to track children’s progress*

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Camp dynamics to run small trial

Concept validation




In-depth interviews burundian side

Meetings with IRC staff

Meetings with Refugee staff

IRC staff workshop


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4




Caregivers identity

Caregivers networks

Mobile use & literacy levels

Caregivers motivations

Daily routine

Most promising concepts to test


Recruitment campaign





In-depth Interviews with caregivers ‎✔

In-depth interview with child protection

In-depth interview with community lead


Graine recruitment sms launch

Focus groups and workshops for audio and concepts

5 moms per zone



Ability for people to receive and understand messages

Appetite for SEL content for children

Appetite for SEL content for moms

Appetite for Women empowerment tips



Sending a flow per day

Reply to simple questions


Run the textit for 12 days

Run separate testing interviews



Synthesize everything learned

Engagement rate and frequency of messages

Tone and persona

Relevancy of SEL content

Sms campaign

Audio campaign



Focus groups with beneficiaries from the past 3 weeks









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Trial: which concept is more attractive to mothers?

200 mothers (mix Congolese / burundian)

  • 100 receive women magazine
  • 100 receive SEL for themselves and their kids

How are we going to measure the most performing concept?

  • Call to action to perform SEL activities with kids
  • Answers to questions ?
  • Report doing activities

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Trial: which concept is more attractive to mothers?

Concept 1: Women magazine.

Value proposition: Subscribe to valuable and entertaining content, both for you and your children.

How does it work: A robot persona? Sends you information from outside designed for you. You receive that information through sms. It’s a mix of tips for your life as well as games for your children and you to play together.

Trial duration: 9 Days

Tuesday 19th - Thursday 28th

Participants: 100

Concept 1: Moms as SEL receivers and teachers

Value proposition: Subscribe to a series of tips and activities for you and your children to improve your socio-emotional skills.

How does it work: A robot persona? Sends you information from outside design for you. You receive that information through sms. It’s a mix of socio emotional activities for you and your children.

Trial duration: 9 Days

Tuesday 19th - Thursday 28th

Participants: 100

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Concept 1: women magazine

Content tone: casual, woman to woman, woman centered, savvy

Strategy: build trust and excitement through a series of fun / women centered messages in the beginning, then introduce games for the children and mom to do together.


Day 0 - Monday 18th - Hello, introduction and joy.

Day 1 - Tuesday - SEL for mom + inspirational quote

Day 2 - Wednesday - a celebrity gossip + SEL for mom

Day 3 - Thursday - a joke + another one on demand

Day 4 - Friday - SEL game to play with the children

Day 5 - Saturday - a fashion tip

Day 6 - Sunday - an inspirational quote

Day 7 - Monday - SEL for kids

Day 8 - Tuesday - SEL for mom

Day 9 - Wednesday - something entertaining / joke

Day 10 - Do you want to continue, yes or no ?

Research Questions:

What ‘other’ content do women value?

  • News, health, education, women empowerment tips, comedy

New Plan


Day 1 - Wednesday 20th - Hello, introduction and joy.

Day 2- Thursday 21st - SEL for mom + inspirational quote

Day 2 - Friday 22nd - a celebrity gossip + SEL for mom

Day 3 - Saturday 23rd - a joke + another one on demand

Day 4 - Sunday 24th - an inspirational quote

Day 5 - Monday 25th - a fashion tip + SEL children

Day 6 - Tuesday 26th - an inspirational quote

Day 7 - Wednesday 27th - SEL for kids

Day 8 - Thursday 28th- SEL for mom + thank you

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Concept 2: SEL

Content tone: Comforting, role modeling and educative, mom-to-mom,

Strategy: give specif


Day 0 - Monday 18th - Hello,

Day 1 - Tuesday - SEL for parents

Day 2 - Wednesday - SEL for children

Day 3 - Thursday - SEL Discussion

Day 4 - Friday - SEL for children

Day 5 - Saturday - Reflection questions + talk to a friend

Day 6 - Sunday - break

Day 7 - Monday - SEL for parents

Day 8 - Tuesday - SEL for children

Day 9 - Wednesday - - SEL Discussion

Day 10 - Do you want to continue, yes or no ?

New Plan


Day 1 - Wednesday 20th - Hello

Day 2- Thursday 21st - SEL for parents

Day 2 - Friday 22nd - SEL for children

Day 3 - Saturday 23rd - SEL Discussion

Day 4 - Sunday 24th - Break

Day 5 - Monday 25th - SEL for children

Day 6 - Tuesday 26th - Reflection questions + talk to a friend

Day 7 - Wednesday 27th - SEL for parents

Day 8 - Thursday 28th- SEL for children

Day 9 - Friday 29th- Thank you

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Inspirational quotes ideas

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. - Mother Teresa

There are no great things, only small things with great love. Happy are those. - Mother Teresa

Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action.

When you educate a woman, you educate a nation.

A mother’s love never ends. / Penzi la mama halishi.

A child will grow up the way he was raised. / Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuaavyo.

A woman’s beauty is her character, not her looks. / Uzuri wa mke ni tabi sio sura.

Mother is number one; she has no one against her. / Mama ni nambari wani; hana mpinzani

The mother is a queen; her value is inestimable. / Mama ni malkia; thamani yake haina kifani.

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  • Moms are children’s first teachers
  • Moms are also women
  • The modern mom ?
  • Children will be performing better at school
  • Children will stop disturbing you

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Week 3&4 plan


  • Dive deeper into home routines: what do normal days look like, great days and difficult days
  • Produce Audio messages and play it to them
  • Have them call the phone with the voice mail set up for testing the audio.
  • Level of understanding and attitude towards SEL: show the PDF curriculum and discuss about the skills that gives to children, talk about SEL through little card ranking activity
  • Interviews debriefs around the flows received.


At the end of the 10 days, the moms get to answer questions on:

  • Rating the program
  • Number of messages they receive
  • Did they have time to receive
  • Favorite kids of messages

Week 3

  • Monday 18th: no interview
  • Tuesday 19th: interviews focused on home routines and SEL
  • Wednesday 20th: interviews focused on home routines and SEL
  • Thursday 21st: audio testing
  • Friday 22nd: audio testing

Week 4:

  • Debrief what has been received ?
    • Interviews

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Potential Concepts for Testing

Some concepts include:

  • Bite-sized SEL activities for children, designed for parents to facilitate, delivered via mobile
  • An audio drama that communicates important information about SEL and helps to build awareness and change attitudes
  • A helpline for parents that answers their questions and delivers SEL tips
  • A digital report card tracking their children’s progress at school and emphasizing the importance of SEL
  • Bite-sized SEL activities for caregivers delivered via mobile
  • Support-groups for parents that are seeded with SEL concepts, activities and challenges
  • An SEL-empowered agony aunt (writer of an advice column in a news paper)

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MVP Options: One possible scenario

MVP 1: SMS only

  • Door-to-door recruitment (registration of household’s mobile number and preferred recipient).
  • Text messages (activity ideas, quizzes and reminders) delivered to caregivers
  • SMS Survey sent to participants at the end of 1 week of participation


  • Set-up and test RapidPro phones
  • Develop content strategy, write and translate content
  • Create RapidPro flows (enable push and pull)
  • Prototype and launch recruitment process
  • Design and send survey

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MVP Options: One possible scenario

MVP 2: SMS, Audio, Mobile Recruitment

  • Version 2 of recruitment process
  • Ask caregivers to invite friends by sending us their mobile numbers
  • Send push SMS to any mobile numbers we have on file (assuming permission has been given)
  • Test inbound audio content (send SMS message promoting audio content, voicemail message provides 90” tip. Callers invited to leave messages at the end of the call)
  • Send text message to mothers asking them if they want to receive content via Whatsapp
  • SMS Survey sent to participants at the end of 2 week of participation


  • Acquire database of mobile numbers
  • Build referral mechanism
  • Revise recruitment process
  • Develop and produce audio content
  • Set up voicemail phone
  • Divide existing cohort into SMS and SMS + Audio group
  • Develop Whatsapp content

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MVP Options: One possible scenario

MVP 2: SMS, Whatsapp, Printed Cards, Mass-recruitment

  • Posters and fliers distributed at local gathering places (markets, schools etc)
  • Printed activity cards (with SMS codes) distributed to select number of parents (target 50 parents, one language only)
  • Audio files distributed to mothers via SD card
  • Depending on response to Whatsapp questions, manually create Whatsapp group and deliver combination of text, visual and audio content
  • SMS survey sent to participants


  • Design, print and distribute printed material
  • Set up Whatsapp groups
  • Send out Whatsapp content
  • Moderate Whatsapp engagement
  • Create training material for whoever distributes the cards

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Brand Positioning

Defining the Graine brand positioning

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One critical tension in the life

our audience that Hekima

can help resolve.

A single-minded expression of how the brand will answer a critical

tension in our audience’s life.

The underlying beliefs that

support the brand positioning

and lead to the brand


How the world is going to be a better place as a consequence of the brand’s intervention.


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Moms are the first to influence their children’s socio-emotional development but they are also individual women with their own goals and needs.

Providing valuable (and entertaining?) content to women in a holistic way, enabling them to play a more active role in their child’s development

Respected and respectful

Grounded in SEL


Light-hearted, but hard-hitting

Infored by local true stories

Inspirational yet accessible

Building self esteem and self value

Teachers are proud to see their students graduate with [grit].


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Old plan

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Graine research participants for interviews

Final research sessions (week 4)

  • 2 x FGD with 6 caregivers (male or female only*) , 1 in each language, for mothers who only received text messages
  • 2 x FGD with 6 caregivers (male or female only) who engaged with audio content
  • 1 x FGD with 6 caregivers (male or female only) who used the cards
  • 1 x FGD with 6 caregivers (male or female only) who engaged via Whatsapp
  • Closing interviews with key stakeholders

*whether we select male or female participants depends on what we’ve learned or observed during the research and prototyping phases. If it turns out, for example, that mothers tend to play a more active role in a child’s education and have more time to conduct SEL activities then it’s possible we may want to focus on them for the final FGDs

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Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4




Caregivers identity

Caregivers networks

Mobile use & literacy levels

Caregivers motivations

Daily routine

Most promising concepts to test


Recruitment campaign





In-depth Interviews with caregivers

In-depth interview with child protection

In-depth interview with community lead


Graine recruitment sms launch

Focus groups and workshops for audio and concepts



Reactions to introductory message and recruitment campaign

What is the most suitable service persona

Technical restrictions

Rate of signing up


Cards + audio

Distribution method



In-depth interview with receivers of messages via sms or audio


Flows with cards owners

Audio messages



Engagement rate and frequency of messages

Tone and persona

Relevancy of SEL content


Sms campaign

Audio campaign



- In-depth interview with


Introduction of pull content



Synthesize everything learned



Focus groups with beneficiaries from the past 3 weeks

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Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4




Whatsapp (Group dynamics)

Printed cards and Mobile (SMS/Audio/Whatsapp)

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Wednesday 6th September

Today I learned:

  • Information coming from outside is so, so key, it might be the main value we can provide
  • Solar power is very very present. Things are built and sold here for solar.
  • People find ways around their huge challgenges for buying media and entertainment
  • Mothers from DRC might have a TV and phones because they had more time to save than others, since they have been here for a long time
  • Movies seems to be primarly shows in chinese, indian, tanzanian, nigerian….
  • It cost 500 tzs to load 3 episodes of a show (muzungu price ? )
  • It cost 130,000 tzs to buy a portable dvd player for me, but the mother I interviewed got hers for 80,000 it seems.
  • Solar power is very very present. Things are built and sold here for solar.
  • People find ways around their huge challgenges for buying media and entertainment
  • Mothers from DRC might have a TV and phones because they had more time to save than others, since they have been here for a long time
  • Movies seems to be primarly shows in chinese, indian, tanzanian, nigerian….
  • It cost 500 tzs to load 3 episodes of a tv show (muzungu price ? )
  • It cost 130,000 tzs to buy a portable dvd player for me, but the mother I interviewed got hers for 80,000 it seems.
  • The tvs people buy are built with usb and sd cards port to put movies in

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Thursday 7th september

Today I learned:

  • That it’s hard to buy a sim card in the refugee camp.
  • That the coordination staff on the refugee side is very essential to the success of our activities
  • That we need Jerry to elect a focal point from his team. It needs to be top down.
  • I talked to 4 illiterate mothers who have many kids of range of ages. One of them had a feature phones, the other ones had 0 phones and used their childrens phones really rarely.
  • They were all unable to write their name on the consent form, but eager to participate in an activity to learn about new programs, and to be the first ones to co-create a program.
  • People want to be recognized when they contribute to interviews and give ideas about the project. They want to be remembered as the ones who helped shape it.
  • Despite low levels of literacy, mothers really crave more informations, and want to be a part of the project as well, to receive tips and news.
  • When asked what information they wanted to receive: 1/ anything related to the scolar life of my children. 2/ anything related to women’s empowerement 3/ information about family members in DRC.

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Friday 8th

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Monday 11th

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Potential timeline for Graine

Week 1

Week 2

  • Conduct Interviews
  • Prototype and launch door-to-door recruitment
  • Launch SMS intervention
  • Run survey of participants (if ready)

Week 3

Week 4

  • Revise and continue door-to-door recruitment
  • Launch viral referral
  • Launch push SMS recruitment
  • Develop printed material
  • Plan and produce audio material
  • Plan and produce Whatsapp content
  • Run survey of participants

  • Final week of door-to-door recruitment
  • Launch promotional campaign
  • Launch audio content
  • Launch whatsapp content
  • Distribute printed material
  • Run survey of participants
  • Remove promotional material from all locations
  • Conduct FGDs
  • Prepare and send ‘closing down’ messages to all participants
  • Conduct closing interviews with key stakeholders (eg. camp president, in-country staff)



Whatsapp (Group dynamics)

Printed cards and Mobile (SMS/Audio/Whatsapp)