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Tonight’s Plan:

  • Meeting Each Other

  • Where Are We Working in 2020?

  • How Do I Build An Organization Now?

  • Projects to Start ASAP

139 Days to

Nov. 3rd

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Why Do Electoral Work In A UU Congregation?

Mission: Increase voter participation and fight voter suppression

Promote the UU 5th principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large

Employ an Anti-racist commitment and lens in our actions and our organizing

Employ a spiritual practice and promote fellowship in our work

Support voting rights and democratic values through progressive, non-partisan projects

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Our 2020 Target States

  • North Carolina

Gerrymandered districts (struck down by SCOTUS)

Strict voter ID laws (currently in court)

Voters being purged from voter rolls

Closed polling places, chaotic election procedures

  • Virginia

Enormous dropoff in new voter registrations

Changes in mail balloting procedure

  • Pennsylvania

Confusion around absentee ballots vs mail ballots

Flux around election procedures

  • Georgia

All of the above!

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How You Can Help Now: Postcards

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How You Can Help Now: Phone Banking at General Assembly

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How You Can Help in July/August

  • Voter Registration work in Virginia
  • Likely phone banking/text banking with partner groups
  • Friend banks
  • Partnering with VA congregations
  • Phone Banking in Pennsylvania
    • Working with State Action Networks and partner congregations to call voters around Philadelphia
    • Helping new citizens register to vote with PICC
    • Working with interfaith groups to phone/text bank in “the Tee”
  • Deep Canvass Training with the Reeb Project
  • Prepare for GOTV