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Move: A Safe, Cross-Platform Language for Programming With Assets

Sam Blackshear

Working on Sui blockchain + Move @ Mysten Labs

Joint work with collaborators at Mysten, Aptos, Meta, Stanford, Waterloo, 0L, StarCoin

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  • Why crypto needs a safe, asset-oriented language
  • Introduction to Move, a cross-platform attempt at this

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Smart contract safety is an existential threat to broader crypto adoption

  • $10M+ hacks are routine
  • No reason to expect that future smart contract devs can do better…
  • … so languages + tooling must improve significantly.
  • Safer SC languages, advanced testing/analysis/verification tools are the only way to grow the dev community in a sustainable way

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What is a smart contract language, and how does it fit into a blockchain?

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Blockchain = replicated state machine

Replicas (“validators”) must agree on State 0 (“genesis”), tx order (“consensus”), and function f(State, Transaction) -> State

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How does a language fit into a blockchain?

Smart contract =

executable code inside state

Tx = main() + args

f = language semantics

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Must-have properties of a smart contract language

  • Deterministic
    • Otherwise, validators may not agree
  • Type and memory-safe at executable level
    • Adversarial environment: code directly callable by attackers
  • Metered execution (i.e. “gas”)
    • Otherwise, transactions may run indefinitely and stall the system

No conventional language has all three.

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Smart contracts are unconventional programs

Smart contracts really only do three things:

  • Define new asset types
  • Read, write, and transfer assets
  • Check access control policies

Thus, need language support for

  • Safe abstractions for custom assets, ownership, access control
  • Strong isolation–writing safe open-source code that interacts directly with untrusted code written by motivated attackers

Not common tasks in conventional languages

Not supported well by existing SC languages

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In other smart contract langs, you typically cannot:

  • Pass asset as an argument to a function, or return one from a function
  • Store an asset in a data structure
  • Let a callee function temporarily borrow an asset
  • Declare an asset type in contract 1 that is used by contract 2
    • Building large systems by composing type-based abstractions is not possible
  • Take an asset outside of the contract that created it
    • “Trapped” forever in a hash table inside its defining contract

Assets, ownership are the fundamental building blocks of smart contracts, but there’s no vocabulary for describing them!

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Opinion: Solidity/EVM network effects over-emphasized

  • Small (~5k) dev community [1] relative to conventional langs (e.g., ~16M JS devs)
  • Not too late to establish safer, cross-platform industry standard

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  • Why crypto needs a safe, asset-oriented language
  • Introduction to Move, a cross-platform attempt at this

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Assets encoded via Rust-like ownership types

“If you give me a coin, I will give you a car title”

“If you show me your title and pay a fee, I will give you a car registration”

CarTitle, CarRegistration, Coin are user-defined types declared in different modules.

Type can flow across trust boundaries without losing integrity

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Type system prevents misuse of asset values




Protection against:

Ensures that digital assets behave like physical ones

Enforced by both compiler and JVM-style bytecode verifier

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Struct abilities let programmers create linear types, affine types, and more

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Move design optimizes for safety + predictability

  • No dynamic dispatch (no re-entrancy)
  • No mixing of aliasing and mutability (like Rust)
  • Type/memory/resource safety enforced by JVM/CLR-like bytecode verifier
  • Robust safety via strong encapsulation primitives
  • All-or-nothing semantics, no partial reverts
  • Mathematically ill-defined ops (e.g., int overflow) abort: “SafeMath by default”

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Co-developed with Move Prover verification tool

  • Prover engine based on bytecode rewriting, Boogie + Z3/CV4
    • Much more detail in David’s talk
  • Runs directly on the executable bytecode language, minimizes trust in compiler
  • Specification language integrated with source language
  • Prover integrated with Move CLI

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Prover aims at fast, precise, accessible verification

  • Fast/stable enough to run in both locally and in CI
    • Runs in CI for Move repo, repos of Move-powered blockchains
  • Move stdlib is thoroughly specified and verified
    • Community contributors are able to verify code, not just experts!

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Platform-specific SC languages frustrate platform experimentation

  • Existing smart contract languages: ~1 language per blockchain
  • Languages hardcode account/transaction format, serialization format, cryptography, blocks, …
  • If I want to create a new blockchain platform, I have two (bad) choices:
    • Reuse old language (e.g. EVM) in new platform = inherit design decisions, limitations of the original platform
    • Use new language = new dev community, toolchain, libraries, …

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Move is platform-agnostic

  • Move bytecode language is intentionally minimal, not “blockchain-y”
  • Platform designers can experiment with different choices for transactions, accounts, storage, etc.
    • And extend core functionality with new native functions and VM extensions
  • Programmers can reuse expertise, tooling, libraries across platforms
  • Used in 4 blockchains that are very different under the hood:
    • Sui, Aptos, 0L, StarCoin
    • … and lots of interest from existing + emerging chains (Solana, Avalanche, Celestia, …)

Vision: Move is the WASM of web3

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  • Move provides safe, convenient abstractions for programming with assets
  • Move is platform agnostic and used by four blockchains, more coming in the future
  • Move is a great playground for program analysis research without the typical barriers:
    • Mixing aliasing and mutability
    • Dynamic dispatch
    • Reflection
    • Concurrency
  • Move community needs more contributors, auditors, researchers, static analyzers, verifiers, fuzzers, testing tools, …

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Example: flash loans

  • On Eth-like platform, would implement flash loan standard like EIP3156
  • In Move, use abilities and generics!

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Leveraging linearity with “hot potato” objects

  • Key idea: give the borrower a Receipt with the amount of the loan
  • Only way to destroy Receipt object is calling repay()
  • Code that doesn’t do this won’t even compile

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Loan and repay are symmetric

  • Call loan(), go off use Coin in arbitrage
  • Use profits + Receipt to call repay()

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loan function in detail

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Putting it all together: example usage