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Introduction to word inquiry

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What are you thinking?

What connections are you making?

How could this help with developing understanding?



Vocabulary development?

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Introduction to word inquiry

A basic overview of the process and thinking behind Word Inquiry

Finding meaning in words

Use an online etymology resource

A system for improving spelling


Base + affix

The use of matrixes and word sums

Build your own matrix

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What is word inquiry?

The scientific investigation of the spelling of words:

the study of the structure and content of word forms- morphology,

the study of the history of words - etymology,

the sound systems of particular languages - phonology

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According to Pete Bowers (WordsWorkskingston)

The guiding principles of SWI are

(1) "the primary function of English spelling is to represent meaning"

(2) "conventions by which English spelling represents meaning are so well-ordered and reliable that spelling can be investigated and understood through scientific inquiry."

What benefits might this have for your learners?

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To explore through word inquiry

Meaning - what does the word mean?

Structure - how is the word built?

Relatives - which other words are related to it?

History - what is the history of the word?

Sounds - what sounds are in this word?

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What does the word mean?

human society with its well developed social organizations, or the culture and way of life of a society or country at a particular period in time (Cambridge dictionary online)

How is the word built?

Civil + ise + ate + ion

(for suffixes ending in e when joining we slash the e)

What other words are related to it?

Civil, civilian, civilly, civilised, civilising, uncivilised

What is the history of the word?

from Latin civilis "relating to a society, pertaining to public life, relating to the civic order, befitting a citizen’

What sounds are in the word?

The C is soft as it is followed by an i

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Base + Affixes

The base is what gives the word it’s original meaning

There are bound bases

e.g. loc, quire

And free bases

e.g. pose, civil, term

A few words have double bases

e.g. astronaut

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Base + Affixes

The affixes

change the structure of the word

change the meaning of the word

change the part of speech of the word

Prefix is added before the base

Suffix is added after the base

(an inquiry into the meaning of affixes is interesting, as is an inquiry into which suffixes are noun forming, verb forming etc)

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Let’s start!

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What does the word mean?

the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this (Cambridge online dictionary)

How is the word built?

Educ + ate + ion

E + duc + ate + ion

What other words are related to it?

Educator, educating, educationist, educational, educated, educates, educators, educationalist, educational

What is the history of the word?

From the latin educare from proto indo european - base is probably duc

What sounds are in the word?

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Matrixes and word sums

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Word sums

pose + ed = posed

pose + ing = posing

com + pose = compose

Com + pose + ed = composed

Com + pose + ing = composing

Com + pose + ite + ion = composition

Pose + ite = ion = position

Pose + ite + ion + s = positions

Pose + ite + ion + ing = positioning

De + com + pose + ite + ion = decomposition

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Tap your word sums in the chat

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Make a matrix - neilramsden.org

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Younger children

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Questions and comments?

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Resources to use





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Tailored and Constructed workshops

Inquiry Learning

Assessment Based Practice

Transdisciplinary Learning

Concept Based Learning

Mathematical Inquiry

Developing Writers

Coaching Strategies

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Contact me

Twitter: @learnerfocused

Email: kirstendurwardpd@gmail.com

LinkedIn: Kirsten Durward

Groups: Global Educator Collective (GEC)

Teachers on the Move Internationally (TOMI)

PYP Coordinators