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Heading for Collapse �Whilst Being the Change

XR Being the Change Dr. Gail Bradbrook


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  • History of resistance and current working clas resistance
  • Indigenous people making land more biodiverse

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  • Yup… It’s baaaaad….

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The State of our Climate System 2023 (David Spratt)

  • Atmospheric GHG rising, no sign of declining soon�
  • Warming will reach 1.5°C around 2030, efforts to “stop” at 2°C not credible

  • Permafrost carbon emissions, and dangerous climate feedback loops they will set off, not accounted for in most models - implies no carbon budget left.

  • Will Steffen -big mistake to think we can “park” Earth System at 2°C & expect it to stay there.
  • Projections show 2.7°C - 3.5°C
  • Six in ten climate scientists expect at least 3°C by 2100

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The State of our Climate System 2023 (David Spratt)

  • Schellnhuber “If the tipping elements interact and cascades develop, then the heating could become [self sustaining] at 2°C- it would mean the end of our civilisation.”

  • US security analysts - 3°C could result in a world of “outright chaos”.

  • Chatham House- risks are compounding, impacts will be devastating in the coming decades, especially for food security; 30% drop in crop yields by 2050

  • Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) glaciers are melting 100 times faster than previously calculated. Current global average temperature increase is enough for 5–10 metres of sea-level rise in the longer term

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2. Whilst Extinction Rebellion (+ sister movements) made some change …

…there are barriers to our ability to make the full necessary changes

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  • Tell the truth about the ecological crisis and declare a climate emergency

  • Greenhouse gas net-zero & halting of biodiversity loss by 2025

  • Citizens’ assembly on climate and ecological justice

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Power in movements for change



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Power in movements - they grow from community & vision

Enacting the vision to show what is possible, to help build the new (constructive programme)

Internal movement work - to improve our collective ability to function grow and act

POWER BREAKING moments - collective action with sufficient power to make specific change

Dialogue with opponents - systems and institutions contain humans that can think and care

April “Big One” - idea power- we need a new and functional democracy including Citizens Assemblies

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UK Carbon footprint went down by only 2% since 2017

“We are on a pathway to global warming of more than double the 1.5°C limit agreed in Paris. Some Government and business leaders are saying one thing, but doing another. Simply put, they are lying. And the results will be catastrophic. This is a climate emergency. Climate scientists warn that we are already perilously close to tipping points that could lead to cascading and irreversible climate impacts. But, high-emitting Governments and corporations are not just turning a blind eye, they are adding fuel to the flames. They are choking our planet, based on their vested interests and historic investments in fossil fuels..”�Antonio Guetteres, UN Secretary-General April 2022

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3.One barrier is the self reinforcing corrupted, anti-democratic, financialised, globalised, political economy!

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We are wedded to a political economy that creates crises and cannot solve them

(“green growth” is a myth)

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4. The current system stop us from creating alternatives and from effectively resisting the harm it creates.

We need to understand systems including this one

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Neoliberal capitalism is a system with a purpose and story

  • Purpose: Grow more capital for a few to accumulate

Because humans are selfish and greedy, we live in an inanimate machine world which is ours to exploit, competition within markets will create the best outcomes�

  • Reality:
    • Increasing corruption
    • Destruction
    • Sacrificing peoples and place
    • Crushing of cultures

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And history- 5000 years of Domination Paradigm

  • Emerged over 1000’s of years
  • Associated with resource scarcity (trauma?)
  • Success to success mechanism of domination

  • Colonialism and the transatlantic �trafficking of enslaved people
  • Witch burning
  • Neo-colonialism
  • Neoliberalism

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Its a system with a purpose and logic through simple rules

This systems runs as an adaptive, artificial intelligence based on simple rules

co-opting people into the roles

perpetuates the feelings and mindsets of scarcity, separation, powerlessness and soul-lessness…

eaves us in a place of choice - growth or life.. Which requires us to actively choose a different path….

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The Nature of human beings

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The Nature of human beings

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A malignant force that can take over people and �their systems - the culture becomes a disease…


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Let’s understand complex systems

“When we try to pick out anything by itself we find it hitched to everything else in the universe”

All systems are in some ways a like - they have:

  • Feedback loops, some control change others reinforce it�
  • Emergent properties�
  • Thresholds / tipping points�
  • Comprised of nodes and links

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5. This anti-life system is heading towards collapse

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From a systems theory perspective- this is a WEAK system

  • Finance system- a house of cards built on sand
  • Climate system- 16 tipping points, 5 close to tipping.
  • Food system - relies on above, also weak in itself

  • Wetiko Globalisation - monoculture, strong dependencies between actors
  • Mindset seeking to control and abstract - means less control and less understanding
  • Systems collapse is mathematical

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Example of UK- a WEAK system (Nafeez Ahmed, Byline)

  • Four stages of neoliberalism have been implemented �
  • Consistent and predictable results elsewhere (scholars call them “IMF Riots”)-: the outbreak of social unrest as citizens experienced massive drops in quality of life, basic living standards and affordability of basic goods and services.�
  • Current policy landscape - 3 levers (tax, spending, interest rates) can’t help- solutions not possible within current system
  • 1,500 excess deaths per week in the UK currently

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This is an ANTI life system

Built within the domination paradigm

Collapse has begun…

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As this system collapses - the KEY questions

  • What can we do to support the “hospicing” to minimise the impacts of the current system and its collapse?�
  • In particular how do we mitigate for collapse into a new state of ecofascism with geo engineering and a chosen few allowed to live? (30% genetic “diffrantists”)
  • Or into chaos?�
  • What can we do to support the emergence of a resilient human system repairing life on earth?

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5. We are a species, in the web of life, as we understand what we are doing and possibly why…

what can life teach us about how to Be the Change?

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Life is an organised complex system

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5.1 Diversity is strength - let’s support pluriversal ways to flourish

�Learn about / from cultures that are beyond / resisting the domination paradigm

Support their protection

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Healthy thriving cultures grow from their land and learn to live harmoniously - the knowledge is already out there

XRISN work to connect us with cultures and communities beyond the domination paradigm

They are inherently in resistance

Education is key- how learning is valued and

Supported within community



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  • Democratic confederalism - Rojava
  • Zapatistas
  • Landless workers movement in Brazil
  • Millions in Farmers and Kudumbashree women’s movements in India
  • Cooperation Jackson

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Working on wetiko whiteness is crucial

On a pathway towards collapse- Together in Transformative Repair�

  • non racism challenges us to root out injustice and appreciate our own colonisation�
  • Understanding root problem to find solutions together�
  • Seeing wetiko is a key step in recovery and creating other systems
  • Recovery of humanity without facing discomfort has bypass, thus partial�
  • Practical work of working as global family goes better

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5.2 Life is an intelligence that operates as a whole. Gaia let’s go of species as evolutionary dead ends, when they aren’t able to serve life well..

So let’s see and name the whole anti-life system in operation - let’s disaggregate from this system

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A malignant force that can take over people and �their systems - the culture becomes a disease…


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5.3 Life works in fractal layers with diverse nodes and many threads of link

links- lets get (G)local!

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  • What Local mutual aid networks, Homes for Humanity?
  • What Land and food sovereignty projects?
  • What Cooperative economics?
  • What media and comms do you have- where do they need strengthening?
  • Learn from and try local versions of deliberative democracy and democratic confederalism

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  • Formation of communities of learning and praxis�
  • Link to communities across the world in solidarity, human relating, for learning and collective resistance

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There will be an is emergent networks for supporting specific areas geographically, thematically, glocally linking

Eg Salmon Nation (California - Alaska)

Eg Via Campesina - supporting agro ecological land workers

Eg XRISN / PRALER, Global Tapestries of Alternatives

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5.4 Collaboration is essential

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Power in movements - they grow from community & vision

Enacting the vision to show what is possible, to help build the new (constructive programme)

Internal movement work - to improve our collective ability to function grow and act

POWER BREAKING moments - collective action with sufficient power to make specific change

Dialogue with opponents - systems and institutions contain humans that can think and care

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Collaborative, somatically supported practices

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  • Homo Sapien - the cooperative one who believes the stories that bind the group - take care of the stories!

  • Mindsets matter! Neuro cognitive development

- through Music, dance, breath, medicine, ceremony�

  • Develop capacity for collaboration and integration, dialogue

Practices for Co Liberation - Cultivating the collective Good Mind

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5.5 Under the right conditions phase transitions happen- rapid changes can occur

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Power in movements - they grow from community & vision

Enacting the vision to show what is possible, to help build the new (constructive programme)

Internal movement work - to improve our collective ability to function grow and act

POWER BREAKING moments - collective action with sufficient power to make specific change

Dialogue with opponents - systems and institutions contain humans that can think and care

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Hunting season- drop in behind the best organiser

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5.6 New properties emerge when collaboration happens overtime

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STOP the HARM An example of a global immune response

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Crucial role of debt repudiation

At a community level in neoliberal captured communities

  • Solidarity networks
  • Access to resources

At a country level in majority world

  • Just
  • Would spur necessary degrowth in global north


  • Sovereign money creation
  • Countries in cooperation to withstand punishments �and shocks

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Power in movements - they grow from community & vision

Enacting the vision to show what is possible, to help build the new (constructive programme)

Internal movement work - to improve our collective ability to function grow and act

POWER BREAKING moments - collective action with sufficient power to make specific change

Dialogue with opponents - systems and institutions contain humans that can think and care

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5.7 The intelligence of life creates more alivenessness, more beauty, especially by learning and collaborating..

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The Three Horizon way of thinking and vision

Horizon 1 is the nearest: - it is what we see here, the problem, the current way

Horizon 3 is the furthest (THINK EMERGENT): it is our hopes and dreams, our vision of what is possible.

Horizon 2 is in between: this contains the seeds of the horizon 3.

In Horizon 2 we work out what is ours to repair and how to stop the harm together.

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Initial steps

Milestone (horison 2)



Acknowledging and focusing on key areas that need protecting from harm

Genuine areas of deep protection and healing being formed and linked

Nature in deep repair with human beings in active support

Paradigm and cultures

Support the seeing of wetiko in many different communities

Many communities declaring the wetiko damage and taking an Oath in service to life

A global human understanding of our strengths and weaknesses and the need to keep balance. Pluriversal ways of maintaining the good mind

Global finance

Named as a key problem in perpetuating wetiko, greenwashing exposed

Increasing amounts of financial resources aimed at repair and resistance. Nations focussing on decolonialising debt refusal

Decolonised global financial system, sovereign monies for repair and human flourishing, degrowth of global north and related policies eg universal basic services

Democracy & rule of law

Deliberative / grass-roots / participatory democracies seen, enhanced and celebrated

National conversations about failing democracies and how to make changes.

Grass roots governance to decolonised global democracy3.0

Economic & regulatory system

Understanding of political nature of economy and choices we have

Growing localisation of economies and choices to change corruptive regulatory environment

Establishment of genuinely democratic global bodies to oversee and protect. Ecocide law

Enculturation system

Challenges to miseducation systems and captured media systems

Increased sharing of and building of community led education and media

Focussed on learning, critical thinking, curiosity and service, thruptopian stories guiding the way

(non) meeting of needs

Understanding of the stresses caused through non meeting of human needs

Strengthening of communities focussed on meeting of needs, sharing understanding

Universal basic services across the world

Stories, relationships agreements

Groups understanding wetiko in their operations and the need to work together differently, the need for different stories

Making of group agreements regularly to support non patriarchy / nonracism etc

Sharing histories of resistance and thrutopian stories

Pluriversal stories celebrating humanity and supporting understanding and healing

Individuals and groups

Understanding the nervous system states of dysregulation and approaches to coregulation

Regular co-regulations practices, trauma healing

Systematised healing of trauma and cultivation of good minds in culturally relevant ways

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Alternative visions - horizon 2

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Positive solutions - horizon 2

"private sufficiency and public luxury."

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6. So what is it I’m suggesting we do?

Relate Repair Protect Become

  • Support knowing - Name this anti life political economy and there are other possibilities
  • Support Being- collaborative somatic practices that bring the good mind
  • Support learning- COLLSAGS - PRALER

  • Glocal how’s your locality- what are the gaps?

  • Push for intelligent power breaking moments

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Biomimicry more than strategy!

Humanity is the expression of love in many forms, �that creates, nurtures, protects �and dances with the intelligence of the cosmos

Nature is a complex and alive system.�

We are seeking the pathways towards becoming a human family

One that thrives with and as nature in adaptable networks and systems,

within a multipolar world of pluriversality

With the primacy of supporting alloe - mothering

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One Love - The Magic Sauce!

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It’s possible to repair the world, by

  • Deeply overstanding the problem
  • Having a picture of what emergent and global change might look like
  • Making interventions
    • That model an important aspect of change, whilst learning by doing
    • That create the conditions for power together to resist specific harms
    • That scale from communities to global change

This is Co Liberation; to glocally unify people’s power for Planet Repairs.

It involves finding our humanity together and being nature.

If you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together - Afrikan Proverb

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So what’s ours to do?


“This is the hardest time to live, but it is also the greatest honor to be alive now, and to be allowed to see this time. There is no other time like now. We should be thankful, for creation did not make weak spirits to live during this time. The old ones say ‘this is the time when the strongest spirits will live through and those who are empty shells, those who have lost the connection will not survive.’ We have become masters of survival - we will survive - it is our prophecy to do so.”

- Tiokasin Ghosthorse

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“Humanity has low self esteem right now as a species - because we have this idea at this moment that all that we touch, we destroy. Not so, not so, not so. That is not inherent in our nature; it is a learned response to certain beliefs and to a certain paradigm that we have agreed upon.”Pat McCabe (Woman Stands Shining)�Member of the Dine (Navajo) Nation, mother, writer and artist