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Credential Management API

WebAuthn API

Slides at https://goo.gl/TszgD2

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Things are more similar than dissimilar, and it's worth our time to reflect that in the API.


The Internets


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Operation "Save Our Developers' Sanity": Option C`


- id

- type


- name

- iconUrl


- idName

- passwordName�- [[password]]

+ PasswordCredential(form)�+ PasswordCredential(pwData)


- provider

- protocol

+ FederatedCredential(fcData)


see IDL on next slide

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Operation "Save Our Developers' Sanity": Option C`

interface AwesomeNewCredential : Credential {

readonly attribute AwesomeNewAssertion assertion;

static Promise<AwesomeNewCredential> register(AwesomeNewCredentialData data);


interface AwesomeNewCredentialAssertion {

readonly attribute ArrayBuffer clientDataJSON;

readonly attribute ArrayBuffer attestationObject;

readonly attribute ArrayBuffer? signature;


(Spelled out in more detail at https://goo.gl/8Cmcrm)

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Option C`: Registration

var c = await AwesomeNewCredential.register({

rpDisplayName: "Acme",

displayName: "John P. Smith",

algorithms: [ "ES256", "RS256" ],

challenge: "Y2xpbWIgYSBtb3VudGFpbg",

options: {


extensions: { ... }



// Send |c.assertion| to server to bind to an account.

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Operation "Save Our Developers' Sanity": Option C`

dictionary AwesomeNewCredentialRequestOptions : CredentialRequestOptions {

BufferSource challenge;

unsigned long timeoutSeconds;

USVString rpId;

sequence <AwesomeNewCredentialDescriptor> allowList;

WebAuthnExtensions extensions;


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Option C`: Authentication

var c = await navigator.credentials.get({

AwesomeNew: {

challenge: "SGFuIFNvbG8gc2hvdCBmaXJzdC4",

timeoutSeconds: 300,


extensions: {

"webauthn.txauth.simple": "Wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care"




// Send |c.assertion| to server for verification.

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Option C`: Whither store()?

var c = await AwesomeNewCredential.register({ ... });

// Send |c.assertion| to server to bind to an account. Then:


// This could give the user agent the ability to choose the appropriate

// authenticator for a given origin, as it would understand the

// relationship between a given ID and a given origin.


// This would pave the way for a browser-driven multi-step `getAll()` in

// future iterations on the API. "Oh, this account on this origin uses this

// key. I'll prompt the user accordingly and return both a

// PasswordCredential and AwesomeNewCredential! Yay, me!"