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OERStudent Support

Lunch and Learn #4

Instructional Support Services

Fall 2022

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What is OER?

A brief overview

Supporting Students with OER

A discussion of resources


A discussion of current practice

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What is OER

A brief overview of open education resources.

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The Creative Commons defines OER as: "teaching, learning, and research materials that are either (a) in the public domain or (b) licensed in a manner that provides everyone with free and perpetual permission to engage in the 5R activities."

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What is OPEN Content Licensing?

Open content is copyrightable work that is licensed (Creative Commons) in a manner that provides users with free and perpetual permission to engage in related activities with the content.

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What is OPEN Content Licensing?

Right to make, own, and control


Right to combine the original or revised content


Right to use in a wide range of ways


Right to share copies of the content


Right to adapt, adjust, modify, or alter


More Information: Germanna Library OER

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Supporting Students with OER

A discussion of resources available for faculty and students.

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Hurdles for Students

  • Accessibility
  • Multiple Sources
  • How does it “look” in Canvas?
    • Not just a link in a module (PDF or webpage)
    • Embed iFrame
  • Broken Links
  • No publisher support
  • Course materials embedded vs building Course Materials Site
  • Clear directions on what is expected of the materials
  • Mobile vs Desktop view

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  • All PDFs should be searchable and not images
  • Links should be descriptive and not just hyperlinks
  • Text should be formatted using heading levels
  • Provide Alt text and Captions
  • Use accessible Fonts and Colors

Things to keep in mind:

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Multiple Sources


Videos and Audio

OER Texts




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How Does It Look In Canvas?


Not as Good

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Broken Links

If you are using links, you will need to make sure that you use the link validator at the beginning of each semester to make sure that all links are working.

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No support?

With OER materials, there will be no publisher support so have a plan in place for when things might not work for students. A statement in the syllabus would be highly recommended.

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Embedded Materials vs External Site

External site

Embed Materials into the Course

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Clear Directions

If your OER materials require students to “land” on a certain page and locate information that is not naturally where they would look, be specific in the instructions so that students can find what you want them to find easily.

If you are using links only in Canvas, give students the information with the links to what they are doing with the links, videos and any other provided materials.

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Mobile View vs Desktop View

Remember that your materials should be viewable by both Desktop and Mobile view.

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A discussion of current practices from Germanna faculty.

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Who is currently using oer in your course?

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What OER Support do you use?

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How do students respond to OER in your course?

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What pain points have students experienced with OER in your course?

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How have you solved student pain points with OER?

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What support resources would be helpful for us to provide for OER?

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Email iss@germanna.edu if you have any questions!

Want more resources for OER? Check out these links:

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik

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OERStudent Support

Lunch and Learn #4

Instructional Support Services

Fall 2022