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Unit I – Basic Principles - Syllabus

  • Importance of heat transfer in chemical engineering operations
  • Modes of heat transfer
  • Mean Temperature Difference

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Importance of heat transfer in Chemical Engineering

  • Importance of heat transfer in chemical engineering
    • Almost all processes involve production or absorption of energy in the form of heat
    • Laws governing transfer of heat and types of heat transfer
    • Types of equipment

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Heat Transfer

  • What is heat transfer?
    • Movement of heat from one place to another; also known as heat flow, heat exchange, transfer of thermal energy
  • Nature of heat flow
    • When two objects at different temperatures are brought into thermal contact, heat flows from the object at the higher temperature to that at the lower temperature.
    • The net flow is always in the direction of temperature decrease
  • Modes of heat transfer: Conduction, Convection, Radiation

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Heat Conduction

  • Conduction is the transfer of heat through materials by the direct contact of matter.
  • Dense metals like copper and aluminum are very good thermal conductors.

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Heat Conduction

  • A thermal insulator is a material that conducts heat poorly.
  • Heat flows very slowly through the plastic so that the temperature of your hand does not rise very much.

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Heat Conduction

  • Styrofoam gets its insulating ability by trapping spaces of air in bubbles.
  • Solids usually are better heat conductors than liquids, and liquids are better conductors than gases.

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Heat Conduction

  • The ability to conduct heat often depends more on the structure of a material than on the material itself.
    • Solid glass is a thermal conductor when it is formed into a beaker or cup.
    • When glass is spun into fine fibers, the trapped air makes a thermal insulator.

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Thermal Conductivity

  • The thermal conductivity of a material describes how well the material conducts heat.

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Thermal �Conductivity

  • Heat conduction in solids and liquids works by transferring energy through bonds between atoms or molecules.

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Heat Conduction Equation

PH = κ A (T2 -T1)


Area of cross section (m2)

Length (m)

Thermal conductivity


Heat flow



difference (oC)

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Variables for conduction

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Calculate Heat Transfer

  • A copper bar connects two beakers of water at different temperatures.
  • One beaker is at 100°C and the other is at 0°C.
  • The bar has a cross section area of 0.0004 m2 and is one-half meter (0.5 m) long.
  • How many watts of heat are conducted through the bar from the hot beaker to the cold beaker?
  • The thermal conductivity of copper is 401 W/m°C.

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  • If a temperature gradient exists in a continuous substance, heat can flow unaccompanied by any observable motion of matter. Heat flow of this kind is called conduction.
  • Metallic solids: conduction results from motion of unbound electrons
  • Solids of poor electrical conductivity and Liquids: transport of momentum of individual molecules along the temperature gradient
  • Gases: heat is diffused from hotter regions to colder regions due to random motion of molecules

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  • When a current or macroscopic particle of fluid crosses a specific surface, such as the boundary of a control volume, it carries with it a definite quantity of enthalpy. Such a flow of enthalpy is called a convective flow.
  • Types of convection: Natural and forced convection
  • Natural convection: Convection currents are the result of buoyancy forces generated by differences in density, which in turn caused by temperature gradients in the fluid mass.
  • Forced convection: Convection currents are set in motion by the action of a mechanical device such as a pump or agitator; flow independent of gradients of density

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  • Radiation: Transfer of energy through space by electromagnetic waves.
  • If radiation is passing through empty space, it is not transmitted into heat or any other form of energy nor is it diverted from its path.
  • If however, matter appears in its path, the radiation will be transmitted, reflected or absorbed
  • Fused quartz transmits practically all the radiation that strikes it.
  • A polished opaque surface or mirror will absorb most of the radiation impinging on it
  • A black or matte surface will absorb most of the radiation received by it and will transform such absorbed energy quantitatively into heat.