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How to get letters of recommendation


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Why do I need a letter of recommendation?

Letters of recommendation are necessary for many things: college apps, EOP recommendations, job applications, scholarships, and more!


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Do you have a teacher (NOT an AVID teacher) who will write you a letter of rec?

  • If so, reach out to them ASAP with your materials.
  • If not, begin to think about who can help you!


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Criteria for asking a teacher:

  • Email the teacher in a polite and professional manner
  • Send them a resume/brag sheet with all your accomplishments
  • Provide them with a deadline, and remind them 2 weeks BEFORE the deadline expires
  • Some great tips HERE


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Teachers will ask for a brag sheet so they know what to write about.


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SHS Counseling ALSO has a brag sheet packet that teachers may ask for


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I didn’t ask for a LOR in time OR a teacher did not send one to me in time!


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Some teachers will be happy to sign a LOR that you have written with their name. It saves them time, and helps you get your application in on time.

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash