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PBL Information

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Our Goal...

Teachers will increase Project Based Learning instruction to at least two PBLs a year.

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Components to PBL:

  • Standards Aligned
  • Challenging Problem or Question
  • Sustained Inquiry
  • Authenticity
  • Student Voice & Choice
  • Student Reflection
  • Critique & Revision
  • Public Product

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Sample Rubric for PBL:

Use the link to help guide your work.

PBL Rubric

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Standards Aligned

  • Learning Targets show key knowledge and understanding - SKILLS
  • Teachers utilize Daily Learning Focus
    • Visible in classroom everyday.
    • Students can articulate the DLF.

3. Success Criteria tied to standards

4. CAO Website

i. Proficiency scales available by subject area.

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Challenging Problem &/or Question

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Problem Statement to Driving Question Example (School)

Problem Statement

Our school bathrooms are regularly littered with toilet paper and have broken paper towel dispensers, toilet paper holders, and soap dispensers.

Driving Question

How can we, as protectors of our school, educate our peers about bathroom etiquette so that we can stop wasting resources on unnecessary repairs?

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Problem Statement to Driving Question Example (Local Community)

Problem Statement

Our local community needs more awareness around the issues of healthy, affordable, and sustainable food, as currently our county rates the highest in obesity for our state.

Driving Question

How can we, as consumers and producers, celebrate and create a movement for healthy, affordable, sustainable food in our local community and state so that people can live healthy lives?

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Problem Statement to Driving Question Example (World)

Problem Statement

There is an island of trash in the Pacific Ocean made of microplastics that is roughly 620 thousand square miles and contains plastics that are believed to be as old as 50 years.

Driving Question

How do we, as environmental advocates, reduce the negative impact of plastics in our freshwater and oceans so that our oceans last for future generations?

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Problem Statement to Driving Question Example

Problem Statement

State the issue, problem, or challenge you are going to tackle with your students.

Typically, this statement is for your knowledge and planning.

Driving Question

How do we as (ROLE)______________

(DO-action verb/WHAT)_________________

so that (WHY/PURPOSE) ?

Your driving question should be navigable by students. Often it is posted in the room to keep the class focused on the goal.

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Sustained Inquiry

  • Need to Know List (N2K)
    • Use the Question Formulation Technique
      • Provide a prompt
      • Students ask as many questions as they can about the prompt
      • Do not stop to discuss, judge, or answer the questions
      • Write down every question as it is stated
      • Change any statements into questions
      • Mark questions as open or closed ended
      • Prioritize questions and discuss next steps
  • Example Video

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  • Guest Speaker real world problem
  • Community Partners
  • Real-world connections
    • Use professional skills
  • Connected to student’s own concerns, interests, and identities
  • Video Explanation

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Student Voice & Choice

  • Raises the engagement level of the students
  • We want choice, so do students when they take ownership on their learning.
  • Start with a few controlled choice opportunities
  • Voice & Choice is NOT a free for all!
  • Video Explanation

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Student Reflection

  • We reflect all the time!
  • Happens throughout the PBL
  • Helps teachers see HOW the students are learning
  • Explanation Video

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Critique and Review

  • Feedback from the teacher
  • Nothing really great is produced without feedback and revision
  • From teachers and peers
  • Explanation Video

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Public Product

  • Culmination to an end product that can be presented to an authentic audience
  • Needs to having meaning to the learners
  • What is the purpose of the end product?
  • Explanation Video

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PBL Resources