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Direct Relief for Tribal Citizens: �Getting beyond Per Caps�Navigating the American Rescue Plan Act�A Series for Tribal Nations�Session Seven��September 8, 2021�

This series is brought to you with the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation and Walmart


The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development

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Karen Diver�Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa�Moderator�HKS 2003, MPA�Board of Governors�Honoring Nations, Harvard Project

This series is brought to you with the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation and Walmart

The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development

Chairman Rodney Butler�Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation

Chairwoman Cathy Chavers�Bois Forte Band of Chippewa

Miriam Jorgensen�HKS 1991, MPP, 2000, PhD�Research Director�Harvard Project �Native Nations Institute

President Kevin Killer�Oglala Sioux Tribe

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Direct Relief for Tribal Citizens: Getting beyond Per Caps�Navigating the American Rescue Plan Act�A Series for Tribal Nations���Miriam Jorgensen�Research Director, The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, Harvard University & Research Director, Native Nations Institute, The University of Arizona

This series is brought to you with the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation and Walmart


The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development

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Competing priorities for ARPA funds

I heard the news today

  • Pandemic unemployment benefits ending
  • Eviction moratoriums ending
  • Child Tax Credit supplement expires at year end
  • Treasury slow to deploy Emergency Rental / Homeowner Assistance programs, State Small Business Credit Initiative; other agencies slow too
  • Feds are imposing bureaucratic burdens that make recovery monies difficult to access

I heard the news yesterday

  • Largest transfers of wealth to Indian Country ever seen
  • If invested in infrastructure, and other aspects of community and economic development, this could be a major game changer

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Strategic Dimensions of Revenue Distributions:�Weighing Needs of the Present against the Future, �Needs of Individuals/Families against the Collective






Per capita payments

Income replacement

Rent, housing, utilities assistance

Food assistance�Uncovered healthcare costs�School supplies

Support for tribal government operations (i.e., law enforcement)

Increased funding for social programs (e.g., healthcare)

Infrastructure spending�(e.g., water and sanitation)



College scholarships

Trust funds for young people

Savings accounts for citizens

Down payment grants for citizen home purchases

Economic diversification

Sovereign wealth funds

Infrastructure investment & maintenance

Land purchases

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Direct payments �(per caps, for example)

  • Administrative capacity
  • Audit possibilities
  • Dependence
  • Adverse incentives

Longer term spending

  • Strategic planning needs
  • Project management needs
  • Encumbrance deadlines, completion deadlines

Strategic Dimensions of Revenue Distributions:�Weighing the Requirements of Various Spending Plans

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Its all about finding a balance

Individual Distributions Now:

Tribal citizens have pressing needs.

There are ways to minimize problems with per cap policies.

Investments for the Long Term:

There’s no guarantee that this level of spending by the US federal government will happen again.

This could be Indian Country’s Marshall Plan.

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Further reading

S Cornell, M Jorgensen, S Carroll, I Record, R Seelau & R Starks. 2007. Per capita distributions of American Indian tribal revenues: A preliminary discussion of policy considerations. Native Nations Institute, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. November.

E Henson, M Hill, M Jorgensen & Kalt. 2021. Recommendations for the Allocation and Administration of American Rescue Plan Act Funding for American Indian Tribal Governments. Policy Brief No. 6. COVID-19 Response and Recovery Policy Brief Series. Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, Cambridge, MA & Native Nations Institute, Tucson, AZ. April.

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Thank You

For more information, visit www.hpaied.org

This series is brought to you with the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation and Walmart

The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development