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Legal Stuff

NOTICE FOR FRANCHISEES AND THEIR EMPLOYEES: Franchisees and their employees may use these materials, or not, at their discretion. These materials are provided for general informational purposes only and do not, and are not intended to, constitute legal advice. Compliance with any and all information provided in these materials is not a guarantee that accidents or losses will not occur or that franchisees will be in compliance with applicable legal requirements. Franchisees should consult their own legal counsel concerning their particular facts and circumstances and any specific legal questions they may have regarding the issues addressed in these materials. As independent business owners, franchisees remain solely responsible for the operation of their stores, including, without limitation, all employment practices and policies, all safety and security issues, and all other workplace issues. The persons who work in stores owned and operated by franchisees are employees of the franchisee, and not employees of Domino’s Pizza LLC or its affiliated entities. By providing these materials, Domino’s Pizza LLC and its affiliated entities do not assume any responsibilities or duties of franchisees or their employees.

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These training materials were prepared for Team USA stores and meet Domino’s temporary COVID-19 training minimum standards

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This training highlights the eight key areas of focus that a Manager in Charge, Delivery Expert and CSR must be competent at performing or reciting to ensure a consistent and safe execution in both the store and at the customer’s door.

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  • Approved hand washing procedures
  • How to properly sanitize Hotbags after Contactless Carryout or Delivery
  • How to prepare a “barrier” for use in Contactless Carryout
  • How to offer the Contactless Delivery or Contactless Carryout option to a customer placing a phone order and the steps to process the order
  • How to perform a callback to a Contactless Delivery customer
  • How to prepare the sanitizer solution used on surfaces and Hotbags
  • What are the 5 most common “high traffic touch points” in the customer area of your store that must be sanitized at the start of each business day and hourly thereafter, throughout the day.
  • What is your store’s process for reporting confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases in the store

Store personnel must be able to understand and demonstrate competency of the following topics related to COVID-19:

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Hand Washing

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Respiratory viruses like coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spread when mucus or droplets containing the virus get into your body through your eyes, nose or throat. Most often, this happens through your hands. Hands are also one of the most common ways that the virus spreads from one person to the next.

During a global pandemic, one of the easiest, and most effective ways to prevent the spread of a virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

Use the Job Aid on the next page to learn the steps of When and How to wash your hands. A copy of this job aid is available for print to be hung in your store.

Hand Washing

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Refer to: Handwashing_8.5x11_2020 (003).pdf

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Sanitizing Hotbags

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The store’s contactless delivery methods create a situation where customers may be touching Domino’s Hotbags. Because of this, Hotbags should be cleaned and sanitized after every delivery.

Follow the steps on the next page to ensure that your Hotbags are always clean and sanitized.

Sanitizing Hotbags

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How To Sanitize Hotbags

Refer to: Sanitizing the store.pdf

Sanitize the exterior of hot bags

Sanitize the exterior and interior of hot bags

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Creating a Delivery Barrier

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When executing a Contactless Delivery, the Hotbag should never touch the ground. To prevent the Hotbag from touching the ground, you should create a barrier between the bag and the ground.

Follow the steps on the next page to learn how to perform this process and make a delivery barrier of your own.

Creating a Contactless Delivery Barrier

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Creating a Barrier for Contactless Delivery

Follow these steps to create a delivery barrier

Fold a Box�Fold an empty medium pizza box Inside Out (Brown Side)


Grab a Plastic Bag�While it is not necessary for the bag to be a logo'd, it must be able to completely cover the pizza box


Place Folded Box Into Bag�Place pizza box in plastic bag to ensure that it is completely covered


Ready to Go!�Use this barrier to protect the Hotbag and product from the ground. A Hotbag should NEVER touch �the ground.


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Creating a Contactless Delivery Barrier

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Setting Yourself Up For Success

  • Prepare 2 delivery barriers at the start of your shift
  • Keep both barriers in your car for when needed
  • Replace delivery barrier when it becomes dirty or damaged

*Note – Weather and other variables could result in the need to change your delivery barrier more often

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Offering Contactless

Delivery or Carryout

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The following 3 phone scripts are available and should be utilized by CSRs and Delivery Experts when answering the phones or when calling a customer to confirm their Contactless Delivery. These scripts will ensure effective communication of the details of Contactless Delivery and Carryout to customers.

Informing Customers of Contactless


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Offering Contactless Delivery/Carryout

Follow the script below when offering Contactless Delivery to customers during a phone order

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Required Contactless Delivery

Follow the script below when calling back customers to inform them that Contactless Delivery is Required

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Required Contactless Carryout

Follow the script below when informing customers that Contactless Carryout is Required

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Sanitizer Solution

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Sanitizers are used to ensure that food contact surfaces are essentially free of potentially hazardous microorganisms. Sanitization, as defined by the 2017 U.S. FDA Food Code, is the reduction of microorganisms by 99.999%. Stores primarily use chemical sanitizers to sanitize food and guest contact surfaces

Preparing Sanitizer Solution

  • Refer to Chemical Safety Data Sheet for information on all chemicals and cleaning agents used in store. Never use unapproved chemicals in your store.

  • Prepare a sanitizing solution of adequate temperature with the correct chemical concentration per the manufacturer’s guidelines.

  • Dip strip into solution, hold still, and remove after time specified by strip manufacturer. (10 seconds for QT strips)

  • Immediately read concentration from color on strip using color reference on strip container.

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Sanitizer Solution Reference Sheet

Chemical Test Paper should be available in every store. If you do not know where to find chemical test paper, please ask your manager in charge.�

*Note: Brand of Chemical Test Paper will vary

Refer to: Sanitizing SOP.pdf

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Best Practice for Preparing Sanitizer Solution

  • Fill Sanitizing compartment of 3-compartment sink with sanitizing solution
  • Test sanitizer concentration in 3-compartment sink
  • Fill spray bottles with fresh sanitizer
  • Empty 3-compartment sink and spray bottles at store close
  • Refill with fresh sanitizing solution daily


Sanitizing solution can lose potency throughout the day. Check sanitizer concentration of 3-compartment sink and wash buckets every 2-4 hours.

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High Traffic Areas

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Front counters including all phones

All restroom surfaces, dispensers and door handles

Beverage cooler door handles

Front and back door handles

Credit card terminals and kiosks

5 High Traffic Areas

To ensure that your store is clean and sanitized, be sure to

sanitize these high traffic areas at least hourly.

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5 High Traffic Areas

Disinfect the following areas at least HOURLY

1. Door Handles (front and back)

2. Beverage Cooler Doors

3. Restroom Surfaces (including paper towel and soap) 

4. Front Counters including Phones

5. Credit Card and Kiosk Terminals

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Reporting COVID-19

Cases In Store

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Reporting COVID-19 Cases

Following the process established by your organization for reporting cases of COVID-19 in your store


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  • All Team Members: Demonstrate the approved hand washing procedure by completing this task.
  • All Team Members: Demonstrate the process of how to properly sanitize a Hotbag after a Contactless Delivery or Carryout. 
  • Delivery Experts: must demonstrate the ability to prepare a “barrier” for when they make a Contactless Delivery.
  • All Team Members: Demonstrate or recite how to offer the Contactless Delivery or contactless carryout option to a customer placing a phone order and the steps to process the order (There is no need to process the order, simply demonstrate in your store’s Pulse system).
  • All Team Members: Recite the script your store is using when calling back a Contactless Delivery customer.
  • All Team Members: Demonstrate or recite store’s procedure for preparing the sanitizer solution used on surfaces and Hotbags.
  • All Team Members: Demonstrate or recite at least 5 most common “high traffic touch points” in the customer area of your store that must be sanitized at the start of each business day and hourly thereafter, throughout the day. 
  • Manager in Charge: Demonstrate awareness of your store’s process for reporting confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases in the store.

Complete the Following On The Job Assessment

Along with your Manager, test your knowledge by demonstrating your ability to perform the tasks learned in this training.