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EU land and forests in the climate and�energy framework for 2030

Peter Wehrheim

Land Use and Finance for Innovation

DG Climate Action, European Commission

European Parliament

16 February 2016


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COP21 Paris outcome & land issues

  • Objective: limiting global temperature increase to less than 2 °C; parties will "pursue efforts to" limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C
  • To reach these objectives, the need to utilise/enhance natural sinks is very prominent
  • Acknowledgement of the importance of food security
  • Existing accounting rules acknowledged yet also scope for future improvements (future discussions on accounting)

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LULUCF = Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry



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LULUCF accounting

    • 2001/2005: Rules for measuring and reporting emissions and removals in the LULUCF sector during the first commitment period (2008-2012) of the Kyoto Protocol were agreed among international partners.
    • 2012: Current EU LULUCF accounting based on accounting rules agreed for the second KP commitment period at COP17 in Durban
    • 2013: EU LULUCF Decision in 2013, working on improving the capacity of Member states to include grassland & cropland
    • UNFCCC International review teams, Commission including JRC work with Member states to improve the quality and consistency of national GHG inventories over time (including LULUCF)
    • LULUCF accounting evolved over 15 yrs - is continuously improving


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  • October 2014 European Council invites EC
    • Propose policy on how to include LULUCF into the 2030 greenhouse gas mitigation framework;
    • Take into account the multiple objectives:

food security and climate change mitigation

    • "Lower mitigation potential" of agriculture.

  • Principles for the inclusion of LULUCF:
    • Build on rules already agreed with Member States domestic LULUCF Decision adopted in 2013,
    • Making them fit for purpose for 2020 to 2030,
    • No backsliding in terms of environmental integrity; protect existing sinks; develop additional mitigation potential

Policy context

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Next steps

    • Impact Assessment this year (2016):
      • Analyse and compare the policy options;
      • Assess mitigation options for agriculture and forestry in each Member State;
      • Assess environmental integrity, economic and social impacts.
    • Summary report of the stakeholder consultation and workshop will be part of an Impact Assessment.
    • Legislative proposal(s) in 2016.


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