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Differing Levels of Celebration

Process: Displaying work that is not a final product. All students work is displayed. Process work celebrations highlight products completed throughout a PBL project, this work helps students reach their final product or outcome.

Final Outcome: These pieces are typically your exhibition displays, and pieces that are displayed in the community. At times, you would only provide the best work.

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Authentic Audience

  • Audience can be helpful in both the process celebrations and final outcome celebrations
  • Experts can help students achieve their final outcome goals, by assisting during the process, by providing their unique expertise

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Examples of Process Celebrations at BMS

Point of View Poems

a component of the ‘World Without Water Project’

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Drought Research

Visits to Nursing Home, for Senior Star Project

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Authentic Audience- Process

Living Lands and Waters Field Trip

Site Visit to Hotel Blackhawk

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Do not be afraid to make calls and emails, you will be surprised how many people are willing to help!

QC Paranormal Group visit

Local cartoonist, Jason Platt

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Virtual Process Celebrations

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Other Process Celebrations?

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Outcome Celebrations

Spanish Fashion Show

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Outcome Celebrations

A Story I’ve Never Been Told: 7th grade LA students learned about the parts of a short story by writing their own, based on a elementary buddy’s interests. The students presented these stories to the students at the end of the unit.

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Outcome Celebrations

Exhibition Nights

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Authentic Audience- Outcome

Try to find other spaces to share student work, not just at exhibition, or inside the walls of the school!

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QC Comic Con

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Other Outcome Celebrations?

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  • Libraries
  • Museums
  • Local businesses and organizations
  • Radio
  • Podcasts
  • News outlets
  • Other schools
  • Conferences & expos
  • Airports

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So… What Now?

  • Look at past projects or the project you have been planning today, think about authentic audiences and possible celebrations.
  • Make phone calls and emails regarding visitors to your classroom.
  • Reach out to local organizations to find locations to display work.
  • Add these celebrations and audiences to your project planning form.